Early Warning Signs of a Clogged Dishwasher

Early Warning Signs of a Clogged Dishwasher

Nothing is more concerning than when a household appliance is not working properly, especially when you have a heap of other responsibilities to tackle. One example is a malfunctioning dishwasher. Since dishwashers are connected to the kitchen sink, and therefore, the plumbing system, it can be affected by problems both within the water line and drainage, as well as be the cause of many problems.

If your dishwasher is misbehaving, you need to figure out the cause sooner than later. Any plumbing issues underlying the problems could wind up causing a lot of damage if disregarded for too long.

Here are some early warning signs that a dishwasher is clogged and in need of repairs:


Dishwashers make noise, but if you hear an unusual gurgling, bubbling, rumbling, or squealing, it should cause concern. Usually, these noises are caused when there is a clog in the waterline, pressure is building, and the water is attempting to escape past the roadblock. Since clogs occur in both main sewer lines and secondary water lines, you will need a plumber to diagnose the problem and help provide a solution.

Slow Draining

Whenever your dishwasher or kitchen sink drains slowly, it is a sign that there is a clog in the sewer line connected to the kitchen. You will want to seek assistance as soon as you can, because this can lead to clogs in the dishwasher itself, which is far more costly to repair.

Leftover Water

Has water pooled in the bottom of the dishwasher? Water resting on the bottom is a sign that the dishwasher is not draining correctly. If you have a troubleshooting guide with the dishwasher, you may be able to get an answer. Otherwise, it is best to contact a plumber, since they can figure out what is wrong.

Backed Up Water

When you run the dishwasher, do you notice any water leaking out into the kitchen sink, such as coming up through the drain? Water backup is dangerous, since it can lead to flooding. Act immediately. Shut off the dishwasher and, if you have one, run the garbage disposal. Make sure there is no food or other debris trapped within the kitchen’s drain line. If the backup continues, you will need to contact a plumber immediately.

Uncleaned Dishes and Cups

Similar to gurgling, if you run the dishwasher but the dishes are not cleaned by the end of the cycle, it proves that not enough water was coming through the lines. This indicates a potential clog in either the main or secondary lines leading to the appliance.

Your dishwasher needs to be functioning properly in order to not only drain correctly but to also do its job. If you find that your dishwasher is lagging, making weird sounds, or is draining incorrectly, you should hire a professional plumber to help repair the issues.

The post Early Warning Signs of a Clogged Dishwasher appeared first on The Irish Plumber.

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