Month: February 2020

Factors That Can Affect the Cost of Bathroom Plumbing

Plumber under sinkDiscovering a plumbing problem usually creates two stress points. The first is worrying about whether the issue will result in water damage or a messy cleanup. The second stress point is cost. It’s nearly impossible for a homeowner to estimate how much a plumbing repair will cost before calling the plumber. All you can do is take a deep breath and trust that you’re putting the repair in the hands of a qualified professional. While you’re waiting for the plumber to clear up the problem, consider the following factors about bathroom plumbing repair in Pittsburgh, PA, and how they impact your cost.

Type of Plumbing Problem

If you look at a schematic of the plumbing system in your home, you’ll see a system made up of pipes and water lines. The pipes appear to meet in a central location, the main sewer line. You’ll also see water lines. Don’t forget the vents designed to prevent sewer gases from entering your home. Schematics sometimes make things look so simple, don’t they? What drawings can’t do is identify ordinary vs. complex plumbing repairs. Repairs for dripping faucets, running toilets, and clogged sinks won’t usually cost as much as a sewer line break or a septic tank leak. Replacing a worn faucet washer costs less than replacing a leaky U-joint under the sink.

Location of the Job

Another factor that impacts the cost of home plumbing repair is the location of the problem. For example, if you have a stubborn clog in the bathroom sink, your plumber has easy access to the trap. If the plumber discovers the reason for your toilet backing up lies in the sewer line, things can get complicated. If all the plumber needs to do is deal with a major clog at the cleanout, it’s a relatively simple job. Cost increases if you have a leak in your sewer line. Plumbers use specialized equipment and need more time to determine the location of the sewer leak or break. The repair usually requires digging up part of Burst pipeyour yard or driveway.

Is the Repair an Emergency?

Most plumbers have a 24-hour phone line for customers to call when they have a plumbing emergency. That clogged sink or the toilet leaking from around the base isn’t an emergency. When a pipe bursts, a water heater springs a major leak, or sewage backs up into your home, you have a real plumbing crisis. If you need emergency plumbing service at night or on the weekend when it’s after regular working hours, most plumbers charge more than for a routine visit. It’s a little like going to the emergency room. You’ll pay more than what you would pay if you wait to make an appointment with your doctor. Few things impact the cost of plumbing repair in Pittsburgh, PA, more than time. Most plumbers have a standard charge, an hourly charge, and an emergency visit charge. If you need help with a plumbing problem, contact the team at Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We’re available 24/7 when you call 412-273-1000!

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The Benefits of Installing a Water Filtration System

The Benefits of Installing a Water Filtration System

Photo credit: Safeway Water

It is important for you to make sure that your home has an exceptional water filtration system. Even though many people take their water and plumbing systems for granted, they play an important role in the home’s plumbing system. There are a few major benefits of water filtration systems that everyone should keep in mind.

Provide Safer Drinking Water

One of the most important benefits of water filtration systems is that they provide safer drinking water. When water is taken from the external environment, it might be contaminated with dangerous particles. Water that comes from the tap might contain dangerous amounts of toxins, such as lead. Lead poisoning has the potential to lead to serious neurological symptoms. Furthermore, many water treatment facilities add chlorine to their water to kill bacteria and viruses; however, chlorine itself can be dangerous. Rely on water filtration systems to remove these impurities. Go with filtered water.

Protect the Environment

In addition to protecting people, water filtration systems also protect the environment. There are countless people who drink bottled water every day. Sadly, the majority of these water bottles simply end up in landfills instead of being recycled. When people add water filtration systems to their homes, they are more likely to drink water out of the filtration system instead of buying bottled water. This means that people will not be contributing to the excess number of plastic bottles that are currently sitting around in landfills across the world.

Water Filtration Systems Save Money

Finally, water filtration systems can also save homeowners a tremendous amount of money. When people lack these filtration systems, they end up buying bottled water instead. Bottled water is expensive. Instead of buying bottled water, you can drink from the filter instead.

Furthermore, water filtration systems can also protect the plumbing system from the dangers of heavy metals and minerals. This means that you will save money on repair bills as well. If you take the time to install a water filtration system, you can save money in more ways than one.

Invest in a Water Filtration System Today with Safeway Filters

These are only a few of the many benefits of installing a water filtration system in your home. Of course, there are lots of water filtration systems to choose from. If you would like to learn more about water filtration systems, including Safeway Water contact us today at 954-981-2133 to talk with our professionals. Find out which filters are right for you.

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What Should You Do if Your Shower Drain is Clogged?

Homes are getting smarter by the day, but we are still a long way off to a shower drain that politely warns you it’s becoming clogged. Until then, a clogged shower drain will continue to be an unpleasant surprise that suddenly turns your bathtub or walk-in shower into a wading pool. As our colleagues at Art Plumbing AC & Electric point out:

“A clogged shower drain could be caused by anything from a small blockage to a major obstruction in your main sewer line. It’s vital that you investigate the source of the blockage as soon as possible, so that you can determine whether it’s a repair you can carry out yourself, or a job best left to the professionals.”

What causes clogged shower drains?

Unlike kitchen and bathroom sink drain clogs, a couple of different factors contribute to shower drain plug-ups. A combination of hair, soap scum and dirt cling to the inside of the drain pipe, building up over time. Soap contains fats, which – as we’ve previously covered – are not conducive to the free flow of water through pipes. Hair readily sticks to the soap scum, restricting the water flow even more. Some municipal water supplies have a high concentration of minerals, which also build up. If you work outdoors frequently, doing lawn work or gardening, soil gets added to the mix. You do shower after mowing the lawn, right?

You may first notice the problem when water takes longer than usual to drain – especially while you’re showering, and water backs up around your feet. When the clog is at this stage, the water eventually drains, but very slowly. To prevent the total blockage that will occur if left unaddressed, try first to unclog the drain yourself. Should the following methods work and water no longer backs up, congratulations! It was a simple clog. However, if you notice clogs in other drains at the same time, or if the shower drain backs up repeatedly, there may be a blockage in the main sewer line.

A couple of methods to try for unclogging the drain

Unclogging a shower drain is not all that difficult a task. You can try to clear the blockage yourself, especially if it’s a minor clog. A liquid drain cleaner is the most popular method, and is readily available at supermarkets, superstores and home improvement centers. However, the last two types of retailers are more likely to stock a wider choice of brands and product formulas. Be sure to carefully read and follow all label instructions and cautions before using. Don’t assume that all liquid drain cleaners are basically the same!

Should you want to forego this method due to concern for the environment, old pipes or an aged septic system – professional handyman Paul Goodman offers the following in his column for Dengarden:

Baking soda and vinegar – These two natural ingredients form a chemical reaction together, foaming up to remove soap scum and debris from your plumbing system. Pour one cup of baking soda down the drain. Wait a few minutes; follow with a cup of white distilled vinegar. Wait for a couple of hours, then pour boiling water down the drain. The clog should dissolve. If it doesn’t (or seems to dissolve somewhat), repeat the process. If it still doesn’t budge, try the next alternative.

Plunger or plumber’s snake – This method can clear superficial clogs. But if the clog is deep inside the drain and mainly composed of hair, it may not do the job.

Add petroleum jelly on the edge of the plunger’s suction pad to improve suction. Make sure you add water to the shower drain so that the bottom part of the plunger is submerged. Use the plunger as vigorously as you can.

If plunging doesn’t work, try using a plumber’s snake. Push the plumber’s snake in the drain until you reach the clog, then turn the handle of the snake and bring it up. Let the water run through the drain to see if the clog has cleared completely.

However, if you are unable to clear the clog yourself, it’s time to call a pro. A plumber will assess the situation, and can determine if it’s just a stubborn clog, or a more serious issue – such as the afore-mentioned root intruding into a sewer pipe. A septic tank that’s reached its capacity and needs to be pumped out could be another possible cause. In such a case, you’ll also notice a distinct sewer odor.

How to avoid getting the drain clogged

It is not a secret that prevention is better than cure. That is why you should make sure that you take the necessary precautions to avoid clogging in the first place.

Use mesh drain screens on all of your drains. Available at hardware or bath stores, they fit over drain openings to help prevent food, hair, soap scum and other gunk from entering your drain.

Use a liquid drain cleaner especially formulated to prevent clogs. Such formulas use enzymes; look for products that are safe for septic systems (even if you’re on a municipal sewer, this indicates they’re not as harsh).

Use the baking soda and vinegar method. Because you’re trying to prevent a clog instead of dissolve one, pour one-half cup of baking soda down the drain. Follow with one-half cup of white distilled vinegar, and seal the drain. Let the mixture sit for about half an hour, then flush with hot or boiling water. Perform every couple of months.

The take-home message

Our master plumbers at Adams and Son Plumbing believe the more you know about basic plumbing care and maintenance, the better you’ll be able to recognize when it’s time to call a professional to prevent even more serious damage and major expense. We’ve proudly served Central Florida homes and businesses with the highest level of quality and experience for over 60 years. We are family-owned and operated, and all of our plumbers are state-certified master plumbers. Contact us to get – and keep – your home’s plumbing in top repair.


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Efficiency Tips to Avoid Furnace Repair

When we say “avoid furnace repair” we’re not saying that because you hate seeing our team. There will be plenty of excuses for you to call our expert technicians. However, furnace repair, in general, is not a fun experience.

No matter how great your HVAC technician is, it doesn’t feel good having to pay money for a problem with your furnace that’s putting your life on hold. Especially when temperatures are cold, furnace repair in Verona, NJ is just not an experience that any homeowner wants to go through.

So, why not take a journey with us as we explore different ways to help you avoid having to call for repairs in the first place? After all, the best remedy for a problematic furnace is preventive measures. Before you pick up the phone to call us, try these few tips and remember that we’re always available when you’re having furnace troubles.

Things Aren’t Working Properly

So there you are on a chilly night, enjoying the heat of your furnace when suddenly you get the chills. Is your furnace breaking down? Perhaps there’s something wrong with your duct system? Stay calm and read on to pinpoint exactly what could be going on.

  • Check your air vents. If you feel a chill, you should immediately locate the nearest air vent and make sure it is clean and cleared of furniture or anything blocking it. Often times panicking homeowners call us only because their living room air vents are being covered by their couch and coffee table. If your air vents aren’t blowing out hot or warm air then you’ve got a worse problem.
  • Change the air filter. A struggling furnace with a dirty air filter will have trouble providing your home with warmed air. If you’re starting to feel chilly and it seems like your furnace isn’t doing the job, check the air filter and replace it. This can give your system fresh air and allow it to work more efficiently.
  • Check your thermostat. Did the battery die on your thermostat? Or perhaps the temperature is set incorrectly? We often get called to repair a furnace when really the thermostat just ran out of batteries or was miscalibrated. If your thermostat still seems to look normal and is set accordingly but temperatures are cold, give our team a call.
  • Call for professional service. Don’t panic, there could still be something minor that’s keeping your furnace from functioning effectively. The truth of the matter is, nothing will address a problematic furnace that’s not working correctly as thoroughly as a professional HVAC technician.

When you call us, we can come in and extensively check your furnace to make sure it still is in working condition. If there’s an issue, we’ll make a repair as quickly and effectively as possible, ensuring that you and your family have quality heat for the rest of the winter. After cleaning your vents, changing your air filter, and checking your thermostat, if you still feel a discrepancy in temperature within your home, then please give our team a call!

Having a malfunctioning furnace is no laughing matter. The team here at MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. can give you a hand. Call us today!

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Could Your Drains Use a Good Cleaning?

drain-with-chain-plugThere is so much waste that makes it into our drain pipes, and after a while, things can start to build up. Fortunately, though, there is something you can do for your dirty drains! We are talking about scheduling drain cleaning services!

There are plenty of signs that suggest your drains could use a thorough cleaning, and below, we have listed some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call our team when you need an Orlando, FL plumber. 

Do You Need Drain Cleaning?

Here are the most common signs of a drain system in need of a good cleaning:

#1. Slow Drainage

Drain clogs are the single biggest issue that you are likely to face when it comes to your drain and sewer system. Clogs often form slowly as waste builds-up on the walls of a drainpipe. As the clog builds towards the center of the pipe, it will restrict the flow of water more and more, leaving you with slow drains. If you notice that one of your drains is draining more slowly than it normally does, it is likely that you’ve got a clog that needs clearing.

#2. Not-So-Pleasant Odors

This is a symptom most common in kitchen drains, which have to deal with quite a bit of food waste. If you notice that any of your drains are particularly stinky, it’s likely that there is a build-up of waste in the pipe. Fortunately, a professional plumber should be able to rid your drain of the odor by properly cleaning it out.

(Note: If more than one drain is smelly, you’ve likely got a problem deep within your sewer system, in which case, different services are needed.)

#3. Gurgling Sounds

If you hear gurgling when using our bathtub or sink, it’s likely that your drain has collected too much dirt and grease. This type of obstruction can create air bubbles, thus leading the gurgling noise that you are hearing. Once the drain has been cleared, water and air can move freely down it without creating any extra noises.

#4. Multiple Clogs

If multiple drains around your home seem prone to clogs, it is possible that your entire system is in need of a good cleaning. However, it is more likely that the answer is that you’ve got a clog in your main sewer line. If this is the case, the best thing you can do is call in a professional plumber!

#5. Standing Water or Standing in Water

If your bathtub looks more like a swamp than it does a bathtub long after you’ve finished bathing, it is likely that you are in need of drain cleaning services. Standing water in your tub is often the result of hair that has tangled and combined with soap residue and dirt to form a clog.

Ready to schedule your drain cleaning services! All you have to do is contact the team at Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. today to get started. Quality, Performance and Value Are Our Commitment to You!

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How Does Horizontal Drilling and Boring Work – The Guide

In recent years, Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) has disrupted how the underground utility installation industry operates. It’s a marvel of engineering innovation!

Today, HDD has gained popularity and is often the preferred method when it comes to installing underground utilities ranging from water, gas, sewer, telephone, electric, etc.

Horizontal Directional Drilling is equally important for installing environmental remediation wells, regardless of the type as shown below.

Horizontal Directional Drilling

If you’ve been looking for the practical idea of HDD, what it’s about, how it works, and the equipment used, we wrote this article with you in mind.

HDD differs from the conventional drilling approach, which goes down in a straight line. The drill bit, pipe, and even the drillstring all go vertically — and it’s popular when drilling for oil and gas.

The moment the driller drifts away from the 180-degrees direction, that’s technically directional drilling. Although directional drilling techniques have been in existence for almost 100 years, it only started going mainstream and it’s now used by small and very large engineering firms.

With the advancements in technology, angles, underground distances, and turns covered are great milestones of engineering.

More so, engineering techniques such as multilateral, extended reach drilling (ERD) and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) are enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methodologies that can significantly increase the yield of downhole drills.

It’s become possible for ERD experts to cover more than 10 kilometers/6.2 miles down the earth.

Truly, the directional possibilities of HDD are endless. You may have seen diagrams and illustrations with tree roots depicting the rig. We can compare the branches of roots to multilateral-type of drilling. But let’s focus on HDD.

What is Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)?

What is Horizontal Directional Drilling?


HDD is an engineering practice that makes it possible to install utilities underground to the ground surface without drilling through the heart of the earth downwards.

A pilot will bore into the ground and when it reaches an angle (specified based on the nature of the ground), it levels out at a specified depth.

When the specified depth is reached, the pilot will then be able to bore horizontally to a destination point — and the drill will be redirected to an angle where it exiss the ground.

Directional drilling covers any engineering and boring activity that doesn’t extend vertically down the ground.

Although in a vertical well, there are cases where it’s necessary to change course — to bypass a geological formation or deviate from a previous stuck pipe.

The driller can return to the original route later, using sidetracking techniques — which is another flexible form of directional drilling.


Why is Horizontal Drilling and Boring Valuable?


The same rig can be used to drill multiple down holes, to minimize every form of surface disturbance and its impact on the environment.

Given that these boreholes can go as deep as a mile down, and even more than five miles down the ground at shallower angles.

When it’s an oil field that’s made up of dispersed deposits, engineers can use a large radius to better maximize the expensive asset (i.e., the rig). Rigs and crews can cost quite a lot — with day rates running into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

One rig can cover between five and ten square miles. This can be cost-effective when compared to drilling several vertical rigs, which may not be utilizing the same accessible reservoir deposits.

That being summarized, it’s time for us to examine the benefits of Horizontal Drilling and Boring. If you’re ready as I am, let’s dive right in.


Here are the Benefits of Horizontal Drilling and Boring


HDD offers tremendous benefits than vertical drilling. Although both methods apply to different scenarios. So, let’s look at some of the main benefits why HDD is gaining popularity already:

  1. Drain a Large Area from a Single Drilling Pad

Horizontal drilling and boring have been used over the years to minimize the surface footprints and complexities of a drilling operation.

A few years ago, the University of Texas at Arlington was celebrated and featured in the national news for successfully drilling 22 wells using a single drill pad that will drain the best natural gas from 1,100 acres beneath the campus.

It’s projected that in a 25-year lifetime, the wells are estimated to yield about 110 billion cubic feet of gas.

This is a very vital drilling and boring technique that has dramatically minimized every trace of footprints associated with natural gas development within the administrative and campus areas.

  1. Wells Yield More in a Fractured Reservoir

To ensure that wells yield more in a fractured reservoir, the engineers have to drill in a direction that intersects the fractures at its peak. In this case, the right angles will be the drilling direction, concerning the dominant fracture direction.

Geothermal fields in granite bedrock will likely generate all of their water exchange via the fractures, which are classified differently.

Wells Yield More in a Fractured Reservoir

That’s why it’s important to drill at right angles to the dominant fracture direction — to prepare and drive the well through the highest number of fractures.

  1. Relieve Pressure in a Well

This is mostly done in an out-of-control well, by drilling a relief well to intersect it. In turn, this intersecting well can play a vital role in sealing the original well or to help relieve pressure in the out-of-control well.

  1. Hit Optimal Targets With Horizontal Drilling

Vertical drilling has its downsides. For one, there are targets it can’t hit in the ground. That’s why engineers prefer directional drilling because it’s more flexible and oftentimes, it’s quicker.

There are times when a reservoir needs to be constructed under a city or a park where any form of drilling is forbidden. But the good news is that horizontal drilling can help to fix the issue.

This reservoir might still become a reality if the drilling pad is located on the edge of the city or park. This can be achieved by drilling at an angle that will intersect the reservoir

  1. Expand the Length of the “Pay Zone” Around the Target Rock Unit

Another benefit of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) is that it increases the length of the “pay zone”, especially within the target rock unit.

Suppose a rock unit is about 50ft thick when a vertical well is drilled through it, there will be a corresponding pay zone of 5oft in length.

On the other hand, if HDD is employed to break through the rock unit for 5,000 feet, then we can expect a pay zone that’s 5,000 ft long for that single well.

So longer horizontal drain hole enhances the exposure of the pay-zone, as illustrated below:

horizontal drain hole enhances the exposure of the pay-zone

This will dramatically increase the productivity of the well. More so, when hydraulic fracturing is introduced, horizontal directional drilling can transform unproductive shales into fantastic reservoir rocks.

Horizontal Drilling and Boring Equipment

Let’s examine some of the modern HDD equipment that makes the work a lot easier for engineers. Just like vertical drilling, HDD has its set of specialized tools — which are manned by the specialists.

1). Specialized drillbits: These are mostly used to enhance performance and minimize failure. Schlumberger is a global engineering brand that supplies directional PDC drill bits that are used for both push- and point-the-bit rotary steerable systems.

Horizontal Drilling and Boring Equipment

Horizontal Technology, Inc. equally provides ‘Varel High Energy Series bits.’ These are designed to be unique, due to the rigorous conditions of horizontal directional drilling.


2). Mud Motors: The Mud Motors are important horizontal drilling equipment. Since they’re downhole steerable — they’re usually positioned close to the drill bit.

The drillstring will stop rotating when the appropriate depth is reached — then drilling fluid is injected or pumped through the mud motor. This drilling fluid will cause the drill bit to start turning as a result of the applied force.

But there’s more to this. Due to the mud pressure, the drill bit is pushed into a different angle, which then begins to chop into the formation at an angle to the central well trajectory.

The sensors will then authenticate that the drill bit is pointing in the right direction — thereby allowing the drillstring to start turning.


3). Rotary Steerable Systems (RSS). When it comes to directional drilling using the mud motor, it’s often recommended that the drill pipe is slid forward while it’s not moving.

A rotary steerable system performs a multitask of drilling and steering at the same time. This makes it possible to access previously inaccessible.

4). Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA): To initiate turns by utilizing physical manipulations, configurations are often bent in shape.

5). Multi-Shot cameras: These powerful cameras are carefully fastened inside the drillstring. They take regular photos in a time-lapse setting.

The engineers at surface control can ascertain exactly what’s going on in the ground by looking at these photos, which by the way, must make it to the surface control the moment they’re taken.


6). Custom whipstocks: This equipment that functions with downhole motors don’t need removing and remounting in between drilling. These are an improvement on the outdated equipment.

Since the traditional method requires removing the drill bit at regular intervals, Custom whipstocks ensure that the bulk of the time is spent drilling.

7). Networked or wired pipe: To easily transmit data from underground sensors back to the surface control, The Intelliserve system from National Oilwell Varco seems to be one of the trusted broadband networked drilling string systems.

There you have it, a list of the specialist Horizontal Directional drilling equipment. There’s also the three-dimensional measuring equipment such as the MWD, LWD, etc.

Final thoughts

Truly, the majority of horizontal drilling tasks are done to achieve a good goal — not to cross borders of ownership or sovereignty. For this to be possible, sometimes, HDD is the only drilling method for tapping a reservoir.

For example, drilling under a nature reserve or town. It can be cost-effective to drill under a salt dome or mountain.

All in all, horizontal drilling can provide a better way of maximizing extraction by hitting optimal targets of a reservoir.

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The Dangers Associated with Drips and Leaks

WWater is dripping from taphenever you hear that “drip drip” noise coming from one of your faucets, you might think it’s annoying, but how long will you let the drips continue before doing something about it? If you’re like a lot of homeowners, you might learn to just live with the small drips and leaks. After all, if they’re small leaks, how bad can they be? The reality is that even seemingly insignificant leaks can be very damaging to your home. Here are a few reasons you should call experts in full-service plumbing in Pittsburgh, PA, to fix leaks the moment you notice them.

Structural Damage

Leaking faucets are bad enough, but practically all of your home’s plumbing is hidden beneath the floor or above the ceiling. When these pipes leak, they can cause wood to warp, resulting in bumps in floorboards and even rotting the wood if the leaking goes unaddressed. Leaks in pipes within the walls and ceiling could damage drywall and have the potential to weaken your home’s framing. Leaks can cause aesthetic problems as well when paint and drywall chips and flakes.

Mold Growth

A serious health problem that many homeowners aren’t even aware of is the potential for mold and mildew to grow due to leaks. Even small leaks in cramped spaces provide an excellent breeding ground for mold to take hold and expand. While the cosmetic problems are bad enough, mold in the home can result in a variety of health problems. Mold in the air can cause respiratory problems, sneezing, throat irritation, nasal congestion, and even asthma attacks, so it’s important that you seek the help of a plumbing service company at the first sign of mold in your home.

Water leaking from pipeLeaks Can Impact Resale Value

Dealing with the expense and inconvenience of repairs might not be something you want to deal with, but you might wind up paying for those leaks whether you like it or not. Home inspectors can spot water damage, so if you don’t have leaks fixed and your home repaired, it’s likely that the resale value of your home will suffer the consequences.

Higher Monthly Water Bills

A slightly leaky faucet can make a significant impact on your monthly water bill. It may not seem like much, but those small drops can add up surprisingly fast, resulting in dozens or hundreds of gallons lost within a few weeks. Even if you don’t notice all that water going down the drain, you’ll see its effect when your next water bill arrives.

The first time you notice a leaking faucet or pipe, don’t hesitate to call the experts at Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. We’ve been providers of affordable plumbing service in Pittsburgh, PA, for more than 60 years. If you have an issue that needs looking into, call us at (412) 273-1000.

The post The Dangers Associated with Drips and Leaks appeared first on Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning.

What Size Tankless Water Heater Do I Need?

When it comes to tankless water heaters, size matters. If you install a unit that’s too small, you won’t have enough hot water to meet demand. On the other hand, an oversized unit will cost more to purchase and operate than necessary, negating one of the biggest benefits of tankless water heaters—energy efficiency!

In short, the tankless water heater size must be just right to meet your expectations. Consider the two factors that go into sizing a tankless unit so you know what to install in your home.

Flow Rate

The flow rate is how much hot water the tankless unit can produce, expressed in gallons per minute (gpm). You want the unit you install to provide a high enough flow rate to meet your needs. Keep in mind that tankless water heaters will typically restrict your family to one or two hot water activities at a time, depending on the size you install.

Examples of efficient, low-flow hot water plumbing fixtures include:

  • Bathroom sink faucet – 1.0 gpm
  • Showerhead – 2.5 gpm
  • Tub faucet – 4.0 gpm
  • Kitchen faucet – 1.5 gpm
  • Dishwasher – 1.5 gpm
  • Washing machine – 2.0 gpm

Now, determine how many of these hot water fixtures you expect to use during peak times. For example, if you have two bathrooms and want two people to be able to shower at the same time every morning, you’ll need a flow rate of around 5 gpm, depending on the precise flow of your showerheads.

Temperature Rise

Knowing the flow rate you want is a good place to start, but it’s not enough. You must also consider the temperature of the water when it goes in and how hot it should be when it comes out. This is known as the temperature rise. Seasonal shifts change the incoming water temperature, but for the purposes of sizing a tankless water heater, you just need to know the average groundwater temperature in your region.

In the Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia, Delaware, and Philadelphia regions, the groundwater averages 52 degrees. The temperature you want at the tap ranges from 102 degrees for the bathtub and shower to 120 degrees for the dishwasher and washing machine. Starting with 52-degree water, this means you need a tankless unit capable of delivering a temperature rise of 50 to 68 degrees.

Putting It Together

As you shop for tankless water heaters, you’ll see that their sizes are listed as a combination of flow rate and temperature rise. A particular unit may provide a flow rate of 8.0 gpm in Florida where the temperature rise is only 30 degrees. That same unit may drop to a flow rate of 5.3 gpm in Washington, D.C. where the temperature rise is 65 degrees.

Clearly, both of these factors are critical considerations when sizing a tankless water heater.

Schedule Tankless Water Heater Installation

The water heater experts at Len The Plumber can help you determine the proper tankless water heater size for your family’s needs. We perform careful calculations to help you achieve a balance between purchase price, performance, and energy efficiency.

If you move forward with the tankless water heater installation, rest assured that Len The Plumber is highly qualified for the job. We are fully trained, licensed, certified, and bonded, and our plumbers are background-checked and drug-tested for your peace of mind. We have 24 years of experience providing excellent plumbing service to our residential and commercial customers.

Call Len The Plumber at 800-950-4619 or contact us online to schedule a tankless water heater consultation in MD, DC, VA, PA, or DE.

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The Top 10 Dirtiest Things Hiding in Your Kitchen and Some Cleaning Tips

Most people think the bathroom is the dirtiest place in the home. Yet, no matter how clean you think your kitchen is, you just might be surprised by some of the dirtiest things that could be lurking and hiding in your kitchen.

According to a study conducted by the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) in 2011 to find out what areas of the home had the most germs, the kitchen came out on top. Study participants were asked to swap different areas of the home that were tested for coliform bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella), yeast, and mold.1

From germs and bacteria to dust and dirt, your kitchen can look clean and still be dirty. While it is possible to clean some of these things, for others it is often best to just replace them. Ready to find out what is hiding in your kitchen? Here is our kitchen plumbers’ top 10 list.

1. Kitchen Sinks

Kitchen sink with germs and bacterias under magnifying glass

Your sink might look spotless, but there could be bacteria and germs in the cracks and crevices and in your garbage disposal. The NSF study discovered that 45% of kitchen sinks they tested contained some type of coliform bacteria, which could also indicate fecal contamination.1

You should take the time to disinfect the sink at least once a day like after dinner but before doing dishes by hand. There are plenty of anti-bacterial kitchen cleaners that are great to use. Make sure to spray around the sides of the sink and don’t forget to spray the faucet handle and spray nozzle too.

2. Dish Towels

If you use dish towels to dry dishes or wipe down your counters, they can be full of bacteria and germs even if they do not smell. Plus, mold and mildew can start to grow on the dish towels from all that moisture you are wiping up.

It is best to change towels frequently. Use new ones each time you dry off dishes or wipe off your counters. Take care to not wipe the counters off and then dry your dishes, as you will only be spreading whatever bacteria and germs that were on the counters onto your clean dishes.

After using dish towels, hang them up to fully dry, and then toss them into the dirty laundry. Wash them once a week using bleach and hot water to kill bacteria and germs.

3. Sponges

Sponges are the dirtiest thing you will find in your kitchen. Just like dish towels, they can be full of bacteria and germs. Mold and mildew can also be a problem because sponges take longer to dry than towels.

You should have one sponge for washing dishes and another sponge for cleaning counters. Keep the sponges separate to avoid bacteria and germs from the counters getting onto your dishes. For instance, you might use two different colors of sponges to help remember which is which, like a yellow one for cleaning and a blue one for dishes.

Sponges should be replaced weekly, even if they are still in great shape. You can toss them into your washer with your dish towel and wash them in hot water with some bleach.

  • Fun Fact: The NSF study discovered that more than 75% of dish towels and sponges contained some type of coliform bacteria.1

4. Kitchen Counters

Think about all the things that get put onto kitchen counters like purses, backpacks, grocery bags, mail, and so on. Do you take the time to clean the counters after putting away those things and before you start using the counter to prepare food?

Most people do not. Any bacteria and germs on those other items are transferred right onto the counters. If you place food onto the surface without cleaning it, it is transferred to your food. The NSF study discovered that 32% of counters had coliform bacteria on them.1

Before preparing food, use an anti-bacterial and food-safe cleaning product to spray and wipe off counters. Get into the habit of doing this daily, even if you are not cooking, to help keep bacteria and germs in check.

man cleaning marble counter in kitchen

5. Coffee/Tea Maker Reservoirs

Your coffee or tea maker reservoir can be an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, germs, mold, and mildew. The water rarely fully dries out, and the heat from the appliance helps keep the reservoir humid.

After every use, wash out the coffee or teapot with anti-bacterial soap. Open the lid to the reservoir to allow air inside so it can dry out. Get into the habit of cleaning your coffee or tea maker once a week, following the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions.

6. Wooden Cutting Boards

Wooden cutting boards can look more appealing than plastic ones. Yet, they are difficult to keep clean. You cannot sanitize wooden cutting boards in your dishwasher. If you just used it to cut up a chicken and even if you washed it off, there could still be bacteria that causes Salmonella left on the cutting board.

Use your wooden cutting board for fruits and vegetables since these things won’t leave harmful bacteria on the surface that can make you sick or even kill you. Get a set of plastic cutting boards to use for beef, poultry, pork, and fish that you can toss in the dishwasher and sanitize.

  • Fun Fact: The NSF study found that 18% of cutting boards contained coliform bacteria.1

7. Can Openers

How many different cans of food do you open with your can opener? Not to mention, if your hands were dirty when you used it, any germs or bacteria are transferred onto the handles. If you keep your can opener in a drawer with other utensils, you can easily spread bacteria and germs around to your clean utensils.

Whenever you use your can opener, get into the habit of washing it. Many types can go into the dishwasher and are top-rack safe. You can also wash it in hot, soapy dishwater in the sink. For electric can openers, use anti-bacterial wipes to clean them; just make sure to unplug it first.

8. Salt and Pepper Grinders/Shakers

When was the last time you washed these commonly used items? Most people just fill them back up when they need refilling. The next time your grinders or shakers need to be refilled, take the time to wash them first. They are frequently touched while cooking and eating, so it is easy to spread germs and bacteria around.

8. Refrigerators

There can be all sorts of forgotten science experiments found in refrigerators. Mold, mildew, and other “fuzzy” growth on spoiled food can be discovered. If the food was stored in a plastic container or reusable plastic bag, it is best to just toss the container or bag out. For glass containers, make sure to wash these in your dishwasher and choose the sanitation cycle to kill any germs and bacteria.

Make it a weekly habit to clean your refrigerator. Go through and get rid of leftovers, expired bottles of condiments, and other food before it turns into a science experiment. When buying groceries, only buy what fresh fruit and vegetables you will eat during the week. With packaged items, check their expiration dates and, once they expire, toss them.

Use anti-bacterial wipes and wipe down drawers, doors, and handles to help keep the refrigerator clean. Many drawers are removable, so you could also take them out and wash them with hot, soapy anti-bacterial dish soap.

9. Touchpads, Handles, and Knobs

All these things found on your appliances, kitchen cabinets, and kitchen drawers can get dirty with food, bacteria, germs, dirt, etc. You would be surprised by how many people are preparing food and then they open a drawer to grab a knife or touch the microwave door and end up transferring bacteria from one surface to the next.

After preparing food, use anti-bacterial wipes to wipe off touchpads, handles, and knobs. This should be done after every meal every day.

Female janitor cleaning cabinet with rag in kitchen

10. Reusable Plastic Bags, Shopping Bags, Lunch Boxes, Water Bottles

Anything that is reusable can have bacteria and germs if the item is not washed and sanitized frequently. Lunch boxes and water bottles should be washed and sanitized daily. Reusable plastic bags and shopping bags should be washed and sanitized after every use.

Were you surprised by our top 10 dirtiest things hiding in your kitchen? We hope you use our cleaning tips to help keep your kitchen cleaner and germs and bacteria in check.

If you experience kitchen sink plumbing problems, need kitchen faucet repair, or have a clogged kitchen sink, contact the experienced kitchen plumbers at MET Plumbing & Air Conditioning at 281-994-6698 today! We service the greater Houston, Katy, Cypress, Sugar Land, Spring, and The Woodlands areas.



The post The Top 10 Dirtiest Things Hiding in Your Kitchen and Some Cleaning Tips appeared first on Met Plumbing.
