Month: March 2020

Are There Are Benefits of Water Heater Insulation?

When you are looking to make home energy-efficiency improvements to your home, one common improvement you encounter is water heater insulation. What exactly does insulating a water heater mean? Isn’t the tank already insulated?

To insulate your water heater means to make improvements by adding more insulation to the exterior of the water heater. This can include installing a water heater blanket over the water heater and having all hot water pipes wrapped in insulation.

To answer the second question, not all tank-type water heaters are insulated, depending on their age. Newer models will have a layer of foam insulation to help reduce heat loss transfer. However, even with this insulation, it is not enough to stop all heat loss, so the water still ends up running periodically to maintain the desired hot water temperature.


The primary benefit of water heater insulation is, of course, reducing heat loss transfer. By reducing how much heat is lost from the water heater, it will not use as much energy to maintain the preset water temperature.

Is Installing Water Heater Insulation a DIY Project?

Installing water heater insulation can be a DIY project. You will need to have access to the following:

  • Gloves
  • Box Cutter/Scissors
  • Water Heater Blanket Kit
  • Tape Measure
  • Pencil

Water heater blanket kits are available at your local home improvement store. They include the insulated blanket, as well as the tape to secure the blanket to the water heater. However, you may want to also pick up some extra tape in case you need it.

The water heater blanket kit also includes detailed instructions on how to measure, cut, and install the blanket on electric and gas water heaters. With electric heaters, you need to make sure to not cover the thermostat, heating element controls, emergency pressure relief drain valve, and the overflow drain tube. With gas water heaters, make sure to not cover the same parts, plus the flue diverter and air vents at the bottom of the tank.

What Type of Water Heater Insulation Kit Do I Need?

Most kits are one-size-fits-all. You do want to measure the height of your water heater as well as its circumference—the circular exterior. Just make sure the kit you select has enough insulation for the measurements you took.

Look for a kit that has an R-value rating of R-10 or higher. The R-value is how well the insulation can prevent heat loss. The higher the R-value, the better the resistance.

Water Heater Insulation Pipes

How Hard Is It to Insulate Hot Water Pipes?

If you have exposed hot water pipes, it is not that difficult to wrap them using the appropriate water pipe insulation kit. However, since most hot water supply lines can be more difficult to reach, like those that run under the crawl space, in the attic, or the basement, you may want to call your plumber for help insulating hot water pipes.

Water Heater Insulation Preparation Tips

Before installing water heater insulation, it is a good idea to do the following:

  • If your water heater is leaking, schedule water heater repair to fix all leaks.
  • If your water heater is not leaking, still have your water heater serviced to ensure everything is working correctly.

Once repairs and maintenance are complete, you are all set to install your insulation.

  • Bonus Tip: If your water heater is in the garage, consider installing a second insulating blanket for improved efficiency.

For all your water heater repairs and maintenance and help installing water heater insulation and hot water pipe insulation, please feel free to contact MET Plumbing & Air Conditioning at 281-994-6698 today! We service the greater Houston area, including Katy, Cypress, Sugar Land, The Woodlands, and Spring communities.

The post Are There Are Benefits of Water Heater Insulation? appeared first on Met Plumbing.

Top Things to Look for When Hiring a Commercial Plumber

Commercial plumber working on sinkAnyone who manages or owns a commercial building knows that plumbing problems can happen anytime. Commercial plumbing systems often require repair sooner than residential plumbing because these systems are exposed to more wear and tear. Building managers and commercial property owners need to know who they’ll call before an emergency happens. Here are some tips for finding quality commercial plumbing repair in Pittsburgh, PA.


Commercial properties have plumbing configurations and fixtures that are bigger and more complex than the average residential plumbing system. For this reason, you need to hire a plumbing service company that has the knowledge and experience to handle large-scale, complex commercial plumbing problems.

Replacement and Installation

When simple repairs turn into major plumbing replacements, you need to know the plumbing company is capable of handling these jobs. The last thing you want to do is have to call in another plumbing company to take care of the rest of the job. Not all plumbing companies have the licensing to handle all commercial repairs. Make sure the company you choose has the credentials to make all commercial repairs.

24-Hour Emergency Plumbing Service

Commercial plumbing systems break down at all hours. You need a plumber who is available when you need them. Even if it’s not an emergency repair, it’s still beneficial to find a plumbing service that offers flexible hours for all plumbing jobs. Many businesses need to schedule maintenance or minor repairs after business hours to avoid interfering with daily operations.

Large Plumbing Companies

A big plumbing job, such as replacing sewer pipes or installing new water lines, isn’t a job for a single plumber. Commercial plumbing jobs require a crew of experts. When hiring a commercial plumbing company for big jobs, make sure you know who’s working on your project. Are the plumbers employed by the company or have they been subcontracted? If they’re subcontractors do all the plumbers have the credentials to work on your job?

Local Plumbing Companies

Public bathroom in commercial buildingYou need a plumbing service that can get to your property quickly. The best way to ensure timely arrivals is to hire local plumbing companies. These companies know the area and they know the fastest route to your building.

Local plumbers also have the authority to work on projects in your city. Hiring plumbers from other cities or counties can sometimes be problematic. Out-of-town plumbers may not be familiar with local building codes. They may also not have the proper licensing or insurance to work on your job.

Sticking with a local company means you always know who to call if something doesn’t work right after the repair. You’re also putting money back into your city’s economy when you hire local plumbers.

When you need exceptional local service to handle your emergency plumbing and drain in Pittsburgh, PA, call Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning at (412) 273-1000.


The post Top Things to Look for When Hiring a Commercial Plumber appeared first on Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning.

Why are Septic Tank Services Important?

Why are Septic Tank Services Important?

A to Z Statewide Plumbing is licensed septic tank service provider

There are situations where people might not have access to public sewer treatment. In this case, a septic tank is a necessary part of taking waste out of the building and disposing of it properly. In this scenario, it is important to rely on professional septic tank services. There are a handful of reasons why septic tank maintenance services are a critical part of every plumbing system.

Septic Tank Services are Crucial for Routine Maintenance

First, these services are important for making sure the tank is working properly. Like other parts of the plumbing system, it is critical to keep this tank up to date on its maintenance. Human waste is corrosive and can damage the inside of the tank. Furthermore, as the various parts age, they might not be as durable as they used to be. If the maintenance of the tank is ignored, it might start to break down. This can lead to serious problems if it develops a leak.

Septic Tanks Can Prevent Soil Contamination

Septic tank services also make sure this sewage does not end up in the soil. It is important to keep this waste out of the Earth. There are bacteria in human sewage and it can contaminate the soil. In order to prevent this from happening, the tank needs to be pumped before it overflows or ruptures. This is another critical role fulfilled by septic tank services. These professionals can come and remove sewage from the tank, preventing soil damage.

Professionals Can Prevent the Buildup of Sludge

Septic tank services can also prevent the buildup of sludge. There are two ways this can happen. First, the sludge can build up and block the drainage of sewage from the home. This will cause a backup in the sewer lines. As a result, sinks and drains will be clogged, sending terrible odors throughout the building. In addition, sludge can also enter the septic field. This will damage the ground and hurt the environment. Again, horrible smells are going to spread throughout the property. Rely on professional septic tanks services to prevent this from happening.

Call A to Z Statewide Plumbing for Septic Tank Services

These are a few examples of why septic tank services are so important. If you are looking for help with your septic tank, call A to Z Statewide Plumbing. We are always standing by to help you with your septic tank needs. Call 954-981-2133.

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Aaron Atkins

Delivering exceptional customer service is first and foremost, but, when he is not focused on supplying your home or business with the highest level of customer support, Aaron prefers to lace up the running shoes and pound pavement for hours on end. Originally hailing from the snowbelt of Pennsylvania, Aaron currently resides in sunny South Florida with his wife and three children.

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5 Tips for Commercial Floor Drain Maintenance


Floor drains can go mostly unnoticed. You may only see them in public restrooms or showers, but floor drains can also be found in garages, laundry rooms, and commercial kitchens. They’re an integral feature of public sanitation that is often overlooked. Commercial floor drains catch overflow from sinks, tubs, showers, toilets, rain, and the like, and safely direct it to a sewer or municipal storm drain. Doing so keeps the floor dry and sanitary and ensures that rooms don’t flood.

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We Recommend Upgrading Your Plumbing to the Modern Day

pipe-decay“Wait, what’s wrong with my plumbing?”

The answer might be that your household plumbing in Peoria, AZ is old and outdated. People tend to think of plumbing as made up of invulnerable metals, but of course, there is no such thing as invulnerable metal. Plumbing wears down over time, and if you live in a house that’s more than two decades old, you probably need to make some upgrades to the pipes and fixtures so your home has the most modern plumbing available.

A professional plumber is your best friend when it comes to plumbing modernization. You can’t do these jobs on your own, and a licensed plumber can locate all the places where your household plumbing will benefit from upgrades.

The Piping

This is the part of your plumbing that is usually in most need of an upgrade. The materials used in plumbing today are much different than those used in the previous century. When you call a plumber to modernize your home’s plumbing, the pipes are the first thing the plumber will examine.

For a home built before 1970, whole house repiping may be necessary. If your house relies mostly on cast-iron and galvanized steel pipes, those need to come out and be replaced with CPVC piping and copper piping. For homes built later, partial repiping is helpful—the plumber will locate pipes that are deteriorating or are made from outdated material (such as polybutylene) so they can be replaced.

Whole-house repiping is a big job, but the difference it will make in your home is tremendous. You can trust our plumbers to have this work done as fast and unobtrusively as possible.

The Water Heater

The water heater is an essential part of the plumbing that people often forget until it gets so old it creates major trouble. We recommend looking into a replacement water heater if your current unit is more than 20 years old. A new water heater will boost energy efficiency, provide a larger supply of hot water, and work reliably. If you want to upgrade your water heater to the finest in modern technology, you can choose a tankless water heater, heat pump water heater, or hybrid water heater. Ask our technicians about the different possibilities.

Low-Flow Fixtures

So many plumbing fixtures of yesteryear used more water than necessary, draining money and hurting the environment. Replacing these antiquated fixtures with the best in low-flow modern technology will create an immediate reduction in water usage and help your house go green. There are many different low-flow fixtures to consider. We recommend low-flow toilets, which can drop an old toilet’s water usage of 6 gallons per flush to less than 2 gallons per flush. There are also low-flow showerheads and low-flow sink faucets, and a number of energy-efficient appliances such as dishwashers and laundry machines.

Trust the Trusted Plumber

You can count on our plumbers to do all the modernizing work necessary. We’ll see that your home is up to code and your family enjoys trouble-free performance from the plumbing.

The Trusted Plumber can help bring your plumbing into 2020! Schedule service with us today.

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The Reasons Behind a Clogged Kitchen Sink

Water in a Clogged SinkEven if you’re not a professional plumber, there’s nothing like a clogged kitchen sink to motivate you to find the tool to get that clog to move. Before you dump anything down the drain or poke around in it with a sharp object, you’ll want to first get to the bottom of the problem. Check out what the experts in kitchen plumbing repair in Pittsburgh, PA, say about the most common causes of kitchen sink clogs.

It’s a Trap

Every plumbing fixture in a house has a trap. Traps prevent sewer gas from getting inside your home. Traps pull double duty. They keep sewer gas out and let water flow from the sink to the main sewer line. Blocked traps are a primary cause of kitchen sink clogs. If you dump grease down the drain, and it combines with soap scum and other things like food particles, over time, a gunky clump builds up in the trap. The trap won’t open enough to let water through, and you end up with a clog.

Food in the Sink

You’d be surprised at the number of food items people try to wash down the drain. We’re not talking about what they put in the garbage disposal. We’ll get to that issue next! It’s the scraps we clean from plates after meals. It’s not meat and potatoes. Most of us know better than shoving big chunks of food down the drain. It’s the tiniest bits of food, but also eggshells, carrot peels, and even the stickers on produce that can cling to the pipes. Eventually, you’ll get enough foreign objects hanging on that they join forces and cause a clog.

About That Cooking Grease

Using Plunger to Unclog Sink DrainLet’s go back for a minute and talk about grease. If you dump cooking fat like grease from bacon or sausage, you’re asking for a clog. Plumbers call it FOG, short for fats, oils, and grease, and it’s a leading cause of clogs in kitchen sinks. FOG comes in many forms, including liquid oils, butter and margarine, and the solid grease you get after frying up meat. Many people think it’s okay to dump grease down the drain as long as they run hot water and detergent at the same time. Your plumber prefers you to place FOG in a disposable container and throw it in the garbage. It may mean they visit you less, but it will save the cost of emergency plumbing service.

The Garbage Disposal

Clogs in the disposal catch most people off guard. After all, most of us assume it’s like a mini-garbage dump designed to pulverize anything we put in it. That’s not true! Garbage disposals are yet another reason people need home plumbing repair in Pittsburgh, PA. Grease, eggshells, coffee grounds, banana peels, celery strings, and, yes, bones, all contribute to clog creation! If you make a mistake and drop something you shouldn’t in the disposal, don’t panic. Call Stahl Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning at 412-273-1000. We’re on call 24/7 to help you deal with kitchen sink clogs.

The post The Reasons Behind a Clogged Kitchen Sink appeared first on Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning.
