Month: December 2020

Why You Should Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Shower-HeadIf you’ve ever found yourself on any plumbing blog, then we’re sure that you’ve come across professionals advising you to avoid chemical drain cleaners. In fact, we’re sure that if you’ve spoken to a plumbing professional in person in the past that they’ve also advised you to steer clear of these types of products too. Have you ever wondered all the reasons why?

We are happy to answer all your questions about this. Our professionals are the experts in everything plumbing in Orlando, FL. What’s more, we’re here to help you out when you have plumbing issues so you don’t have to settle for chemical drain cleaners.

Why You Should Never Use Chemical Drain Cleaners

Here are a few reasons why you should never use chemical drain cleaners:

They’re Bad for Your Plumbing

This the biggest reason that you should never use chemical drain cleaners. The thing about chemical drain cleaners is that they’re a quick fix.

We often find that homeowners are a little perplexed when we advise them not to resort to chemical drain cleaners in the past because they’ve had past experiences with them. They might have used a chemical drain cleaner in the past and come out on the other side just fine. The clog they had is gone and their plumbing system seems to be faring nicely. We want you to know that it only seems to be faring nicely.

If you’ve poured a caustic chemical down your drain, the chances are high that it’s done some substantial damage. You don’t want to risk this with your plumbing system. That’s why it’s always best to invest in your plumbing the first time with quality service.

They’re A Strain on the Environment

We know that most of you out there are considering the impact you leave on the earth now more than ever. We support this and that’s why we want to give you the right information to give you eco-friendly choices.

The caustic chemicals that comprise a chemical drain cleaner linger in the environment much longer than anything else you’d typically pour down your drain. The effect of this is endangering the local wildlife and ecosystem around you. A chemical drain cleaner might be the simple solution for now, but it has long term effects that affect more than just your home. Don’t put a strain on the environment by choosing this solution.

They May Create Negative Home Effects

We don’t want you to put a negative effect on your home either. If you’ve used one of these drain cleaners before, then we’re sure that you can remember what it’s like to open up the bottle. The scent is so strong that you might even make a face when you twist off the lid. The fumes that this type of chemical gives off is irritating. If it’s irritating to your eyes, nose, skin, or any other of your senses, then you can just imagine what it’s doing to your home. You don’t want to let this type of drain cleaner to hurt you or your home.

Contact Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. for your plumbing needs.

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If Your Plumber Says This, It Might Be Time for a New Plumber!

We don’t mean to butt heads with “your guy.” Perhaps your previous plumber was a friend of yours, or maybe a family friend that has lived in the neighborhood for a long time. That’s great, and as members of this community too, we’re always happy when homeowners make those kinds of connections. However, when it comes to addressing your plumbing problems, any errors translate to money that goes streaming from your wallet.

We’re plumbing professionals, which means our main interest is in keeping your home plumbing in good shape. We want to save you money, provide alternative solutions when you need them, and overall help you when we can. This is just what professional plumbers in Clifton, NJ do. So, let’s talk about why some amateur plumbers out there could be telling you the wrong things to make an extra buck.

“You Should Be Fine for a Little While”

Plumbers often say this when it comes to slow drains, or problems with backflow. They could come and unclog a specific drain, or maybe help you deal with a sewer issue, but you don’t want temporary relief. Permanent solutions are what we specialize in. Sometimes, we’ll notice that many drains in your home are clogged, or we’ll use video pipe inspection to get a better look at your plumbing system. This is so that we can tell you point-blank that there’s something sinister going on in your plumbing and get to the bottom of it. We don’t like taking half-measures and we promise we’ll deal with all of the plumbing issues you need.

“We’ll have to Take Apart Your Pipes to Get a Better Look”

This is unacceptable in the 21st century. Plumbers don’t need to rip apart your plumbing system in order to look at how bad a drain clog might be. With video pipe inspection, we can get an up-close and personal look at your plumbing woes without taking anything apart! We’ll even be able to show you what the problem looks like so you know exactly what’s wrong inside your pipes. Then, we can work on getting you set up with a solution.

“It’s Going to Take a While”

Listen, we know that certain extensive plumbing jobs are going to take some time. If you’re replacing all the pipes in your home, or your bathroom furnishings are being replaced, it’s not going to get done in thirty minutes. However, you should be able to tell pretty clearly when a job is only supposed to take an hour, and when it’s taking longer than it should. If your plumber takes a whole day to clear out your drains, and even after the work is done you’re still left with slow drains or some other plumbing problem, then you’re working with the wrong plumber. Our team is quick on the draw, and we get to the bottom of whatever work needs to be done.

If you’ve been dealing with a plumber that’s been giving you unacceptable answers to your questions, then we think it’s time for a change.

Contact the team at MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. for comprehensive plumbing care. We’ve got your back!

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6 Steps to Fix a Toilet Leaking at the Base (+ Prevention Tips)


Toilet leaks aren’t anything to panic over, but no one likes walking into the bathroom with dry socks and coming out with wet socks. Toilets that leak at the base are usually an easy fix with some DIY how-to steps. 

You can make the repairs you need quickly using this guide that provides you with the reasons behind your toilet leak, the tools you’ll need, what to do about the leak, and tips to prevent future toilet leaks.

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How Drain Cleaning Can Help Start Out the New Year Right!

drain-cleaning-diagramNo doubt, 2020 has been a different and difficult year. We’re certain that you’re looking forward to a much better 2021 and are already planning on ways to make that happen.

We’d like to help! We have a suggestion for a way to get your household plumbing in better shape than it’s been in years for 2021. It’s as simple as calling the Trusted Plumber and arranging with us for drain cleaning in Sun City, AZ.

“But I don’t have a clogged drain!”

It’s true that drain cleaning is a service people call us to do when they’ve got an obstinately plugged up drain in their house and no amount of plungin’ and elbow grease will get it out. Our professionals can always open up a clogged sink drain, shower drain, or toilet using our tools. We’re thorough and make sure that the clogs we remove won’t come right back a week later, which is often what happens when homeowners try to unclog drains with store-bought chemical cleaners. (Don’t use these cleaners! More on this in a minute…)

But drain cleaning is also a preventive service, not only a reactive one. You can arrange for drain cleaning throughout your house that will help keep your plumbing system in excellent shape. You can’t see the insides of your drains, so you won’t realize how much, well, “gunk” can build up inside them over the years. For example:

  • Shower drains often become congested with hair, one of the most obstinate of objects to remove. Soap scum is also common, which will not only obstruct a drain, it can cause chemical reactions that lead to corrosion.
  • Bathroom sink drains have soap scum problems, as well as residue from toothpaste.
  • Kitchen drains are usually filled with organic buildup from fats, oils, and grease. No matter how careful you are about what goes into the kitchen sink drain, you can’t stop all organic materials from getting down it.

Professional drain cleaning is designed to remove all this buildup from drain pipes. Our plumbers don’t just do a quick plunge or rooter on the drains—we scour the interiors to get the pipes into “like new” condition.

Not only will your plumbing system run into fewer clogs during the coming year (in fact, you’ll probably experience zero clogs once we’re done), it will also be at lower risk for corrosion, leaks, high water pressure, and general aging. It’s a big all-around win for your plumbing.

“But can’t I just pour chemical drain cleaners down—”

Nope! Please don’t do this. As we mentioned above, not only are these chemical drain cleaners not thorough, often allowing clogs to come right back, but they can cause damage to the pipes because of their acidic contents. It’s the exact opposite effect from what you get with professional drain cleaning. Plus, these chemicals are highly toxic and can harm your skin and eyes and create dangerous fumes.

Have your drain cleaning done right: call our team! We’ll see you have a plumbing system that’s ready for a better year ahead.

Trust The Trusted Plumber for your plumbing needs in Glendale and the surrounding area.

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Holiday Plumbing Checklist – Before the Guests Arrive, Check These Common Items

Holiday plumbing checklist

If you are planning on welcoming guests into your home for the holidays, then you need to make sure that your plumbing system is ready to handle the added wear and tear. Make sure that your home is ready to handle the added capacity by taking a look at this holiday plumbing checklist.

Cover the Drains in the House

When more people using your bathtubs and shower, this means that you are going to have more hair going down the drains as well. Make sure that you prevent your drains from getting clogged by covering your drains with strainers. This will block hair and debris from blocking your plumbing system.

Think About Trash Cans

Even though trash cans are not a part of your plumbing system, they can still protect it from harm. By adding trash cans in the toilets and guest rooms, this will prevent your guests from flushing unnecessary trash and debris down the toilets. This would otherwise lead to some incredibly inconvenient plumbing issues.

Check the Plumbing System for Leaks

Always take the time to check around the bottoms of your toilets and under your sinks for wet spots. If these toilets and sinks are not used on a regular basis, it is easy to overlook a leak. If you do spot a leak, then you need to reach out to trained professionals to take a look at the leak and fix it before your guests arrive.

Add Some Extra Hot Water Capacity

Having a lot of extra guests can cause your hot water heater to dry up relatively quickly. A 50-gallon tank is going to provide about 20 minutes of continuous hot water at the hottest setting. Considering the extra people you are going to have in your home, this is likely not enough. Reach out to your plumbing professionals to learn more about upgrading your hot water heater.

Inspect Your Plumbing System

Finally, make sure that your plumbing system is ready to go with a comprehensive inspection. If you would like to make sure that your plumbing system can handle your guests, contact the team at A to Z Statewide Plumbing today at 954-981-2133!

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Aaron Atkins

Delivering exceptional customer service is first and foremost, but, when he is not focused on supplying your home or business with the highest level of customer support, Aaron prefers to lace up the running shoes and pound pavement for hours on end. Originally hailing from the snowbelt of Pennsylvania, Aaron currently resides in sunny South Florida with his wife and three children.

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Easy DIY Bathroom Renovations Anyone Can Do

Renovating a bathroom is an adventure, because even the simplest changes can completely transform the look and feel of the space. You can go from having a plain and boring bathroom to something that feels luxurious with just a few smart changes. The best part? You won’t have to try too hard to make the bathroom renovations. They can all be done by beginners and require very little to no plumbing. 


Here are some easy DIY bathroom renovations that anyone can do:


1. Swap Out The Shower Head

If you don’t have the budget to completely redo the shower, don’t fret. A fantastic way to upgrade your bathroom is to get yourself a brand new shower head. You can free up some space if you switch to a shower head that integrates both a hand shower and a regular sprayer. Or, if you prefer, you can get a combination unit with a rain shower head and hand sprayer. Either way, having the open to detach a shower head to rinse off is convenient. 


Upgrading to a combination unit is easy, too. All you have to do is connect a diverter to the shower’s water line. 


Depending on your budget, you can seek out high-end options, including Moen’s magnetic handheld shower head that docks quickly and easily. But there are thousands of options out there, so look around at what is within your price range and go from there. 


2. Jazz Up The Countertops

One of the simplest changes you can make is getting yourself a new bathroom countertop. Granite is always going to be welcome, because it looks incredible but is also durable beyond belief. It won’t stain, and if the granite has a seal, you won’t have to worry about scratches either. 


Don’t want to put out the money for granite? No worries. There are plenty of materials available these days that allow you to get a lookalike without spending too much. For example, you can purchase laminate or quartz countertops instead of granite or marble. 


Consider adding a tiled backdrop that matches the colors of your natural stone (or manufactured stone) countertop. A tiled backdrop looks clean and can be made unique to your style. Plus, it will add some value to your bathroom if you are considering selling in the future. 


3. Get an Illuminated Mirror

LED-lit mirrors look amazing. They add a soft back-lit glow around the mirror that brightens your face, so you can see yourself more clearly. This is great for people who prefer to do their makeup or skincare routine in the bathroom, because back-lit mirrors will not cause shadows on your face. 


Furthermore, the aura around the mirror has a futuristic look that adds a pleasant ambiance to the bathroom. You will feel like you are walking into an expensive hotel bathroom every single time you enter. Speaking of futuristic, an illuminated mirror that uses LED lights will cost far less to operate than mirrors with incandescent bulbs. LEDs last much, much longer than conventional light bulbs and do not burn hot. 


While we are talking about mirrors, it would be wise to mention anti-fogging mirrors. Some illuminated mirrors come with this technology, but others come with just anti-fog properties. In other words, you won’t have to worry about that steamy shower rendering the mirror useless. That will make getting ready for work so much easier. 


4. Invest in Lighting 

There is something to be said about a bathroom with plenty of lighting. It feels cleaner and larger. Not only that, but lighting is one of the best ways to give the bathroom more value. If your bathroom does not get enough natural light, you might want to consider adding a skylight (if your budget allows). If that sounds too crazy, you can partner a fresh coat of neutral-colored paint with well-placed wall sconces, a crystal chandelier, or spot lights above the shower and/or bathtub. 


There are modern options for vanity lighting, pendant lighting, recessed lighting, and so on. You can get floor lamps or even string lights to add some flair. 


5. Update Bathroom Fixtures and Accessories 

Since purchasing and installing a new vanity or cabinets can be challenging and time-consuming, you should look to Option B: replacing old hardware with new fixtures. You can repaint the cabinets and get new fixtures, such as knobs and cabinet handles, to add some sparkle to your bathroom. 


Another fixture to replace is the sink faucet. This is one trick many designers use, since you can alter the entire aesthetic of the vanity or sink without needing to replace the entire unit. 


6. Storage Solutions

Whether you plan on selling your home in the future or want to remain where you are forever, adding more storage is a smart move. Most will agree that the more storage you have in the bathroom, the better. Purchase some open storage, such as wooden shelving or organization boxes, baskets, and so one. Make sure of the corners of the bathroom, or get an over-the-toilet unit. 


If you consider yourself crafty, you can be a bit more adventurous with these renovations. For example, you could make your own wall organizer by attaching tin cans or mason jars to a wooden plank then hang it from the wall. 


There are plenty of ways you can incorporate storage into the design of your bathroom, so let your creativity free!



Bathrooms are no longer just functional places for bathing and brushing your teeth. These days, the bathroom is an oasis, an at-home spa where you can retreat for a few minutes (or hours). Why not make the bathroom look amazing? Fortunately, you don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands to make some quick upgrades for luxury. 

The post Easy DIY Bathroom Renovations Anyone Can Do appeared first on The Irish Plumber.

Plumbing Do’s and Don’ts for the Holiday Season

Aside from stocking up on plumbing supplies and crossing your fingers, what more can you do to prepare for the holidays? Every year, people just like you run into unfortunate events with their plumbing, because they forgot some key things about plumbing. No one wants to feel like they have landed themselves in a pot of coal during the festivities, so make sure you—and everyone visiting—knows the plumbing do’s and don’ts of the holiday season. 

What are the Do’s and Don’ts for your plumbing during this  Holiday Season?


The Gift of a Functional Toilet

Even though 2020 has brought about new regulations for celebrating the jolliest time of the year, you may still have some people gathering at your home throughout the holidays. If you plan on keeping your plumbing functional, be sure to let your guests in on a little secret: no flushing of anything but toilet paper


Provide an additional receptacle for feminine products or wipes and other sanitary items, if it makes things easier. 


Prior to having family and friends over to the holidays, you should also get your toilet’s plumbing inspected. Any build up along the pipes leading to the septic system should be taken care of before the increased strain on the system. 


Disconnect Any Outdoor Lines

Now the temperature has dropped, it is time to make sure that any outdoor hoses and spigots have been winterized. This includes discharge lines from the sump pump. Double check to make sure any water lines that connect with outside are functioning properly and are not backing up. This includes any lines from the sinks and showers or bathtubs. 


Garbage Disposal Tips

No surprise, but your garbage disposal—or garburator—is connected to the plumbing. And that puts it at risk of clogging everything up. Since guests may not know, it is best to remind them to run water when the disposal is in use. Also, be mindful of the kinds of stuff going down the drain. Avoid things like coffee grounds, eggshells, bones, pasta, potato skins, and fibrous items. 


When Things Go as South as the South Pole

The holidays are the worst time to have something terrible happen with your plumbing. Not only is the weather frigid and the ground frozen, but you have to deal with potential damages to your home. Plumbing emergencies require immediate action, too. Whether the pipes have frozen and burst or you have a rapidly worsening leak or clog, don’t panic. 


The first step to resolving any plumbing emergency is to shut off the main water valve. That will prevent water from flowing into the affected pipes. Try to mop up as much water as you can to keep it from stagnating or damaging your home. 

Call in The Pros

Don’t be afraid of calling the local plumbing company when a plumbing emergency strikes. Even if it is the holidays, you cannot let a plumbing problem go unresolved. Describe what is happening with as much detail as possible and be sure to tell the professional what steps you have taken. This will help with repairs and replacements that may be needed. 


Ready for the holiday season? Why not schedule a maintenance service as an early holiday present to yourself? Peace of mind is a wonderful gift, after all. 


The post Plumbing Do’s and Don’ts for the Holiday Season appeared first on The Irish Plumber.

Top 10 Ways You’re Wasting Water

Although most of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, only about 1% of it is freshwater that is suitable for drinking and domestic consumption. Most of the remaining water is either saltwater or it is frozen into the polar ice caps and glaciers. That means that conserving freshwater is essential, and with most households in the United States using an average of 300 gallons per day according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, there is much room for improvement. Even minor changes like replacing dripping faucets, taking shorter showers, or shutting off the faucet while brushing your teeth can make a huge difference in your water usage, and with water bills increasing at a dramatic rate, especially around Baltimore and the DC area, conserving water can also help you save money.

Do you have pipe leaks or plumbing problems that are increasing your water bill? Contact Len The Plumber today at (800) 950-4619 or visit us online to schedule plumbing services in MD, VA, or the DC area today!

How You May Be Wasting Water

Between old fixtures, inefficient appliances, faulty plumbing, and old habits, it is easy to waste a considerable amount of water each day in a typical household. A toilet that has a faulty flapper valve, for example, can waste gallons of water per hour as it constantly runs and refills the tank. Here are 10 ways that you may be wasting water without being aware of it:

1) Using your toilet as a trash can. Representing almost a third of a household’s total indoor consumption, toilets are the biggest source of water use in your home.  Every time you flush a facial tissue or feminine product, you waste five to seven gallons of water.  Not to mention flushing something other than human waste and toilet paper is bad for your pipes and drains!

2) Taking baths and long showers. Think of it this way: The average American shower uses 17.2 gallons of water and lasts up to 8 minutes – that’s a lot of water.

3) Conventional showerheads. You should consider switching to a low-flow showerhead, which uses about 2 gallons of water per minute.

4) Leaky pipes. The US News reports that an average household can leak more than 10,000 gallons of water per year.  It’s important to keep an eye out for leaks around your toilet, faucets, hose bibbs, and any other plumbing fixture that you use often. Repair or replace leaking water lines as soon as possible, and keep an eye on your water bill month to month to spot hidden leaks.

5) Laundry loads that are only half full. Ensure that each load of laundry you do is pretty full.  This will be more cost-effective in the long run.

6) Running a dishwasher that’s not completely full. Make sure your dishwasher is completely full before you run it. In fact, you should consider running it on a “light” cycle if a “normal cycle” isn’t necessary.

7) Washing dishes with running water. Instead, fill up your sink with soap and water and let the dishes soak. After a few minutes, go ahead and wash them off!

8) Conventional toilets. If you have an older toilet, it could be using up to 2 gallons more water than a newer low-flush or high-efficiency toilet.

9) Overwatering your lawn. During the summertime, it’s best to water your lawn in the morning (5-10am) because the air is cooler and water evaporates more slowly. Additionally, it’s really only necessary to water twice a week … MAX!

10) Running the water while brushing your teeth. If you have the habit of running the water when you’re brushing your teeth, simply remind yourself to turn it off.  If you think about it, there is no reason the water needs to be running.

Home Plumbing Services in Baltimore, Washington, DC & Northern Virginia

Start saving water today—contact our plumbing professionals at Len The Plumber to help with plumbing repairs, fixture replacements, water conservation, and more! We serve homes throughout the Baltimore area, Washington, DC, Northern Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Our company offers respectful service, quality workmanship, and experienced, professional plumbers who are here to help with all your plumbing problems, seven days a week.

Call (800) 950-4619 or contact us online to learn how we can help you save water in Baltimore or the DC area! Be sure to check out our coupons page for valuable special offers!

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5 Kitchen Plumbing Tips

kitchen-faucet-runningYour kitchen is where your home’s heart is. Image the holidays, celebrations, or even your daily life without the influence of your kitchen. Although the kitchen is definitely the backbone of the home, your kitchen plumbing is possibly just as vital. You need to keep each part of your kitchen plumbing in great shape—everything from the garbage disposal to your faucet. We have some great tips to keep your home in amazing shape.

We’re going to help you with your plumbing in Orlando, FL today. There are many simple things you can do. Plumbing is more about daily upkeep than anything. As long as you’re putting in the effort on a regular basis, you’re sure to see a great outcome and avoid disasters in the end.

Tips To Help Your Plumbing

Here are five things you can do to help your kitchen plumbing:

1.      Avoid F.O.G. at All Costs

F.O.G. is fat, oil, and grease. F.O.G. is a problem because these substances quickly settle into soft solids from their oil state. This means that it’s going to trickle down into your drain and settle there. As other substances travel down your drain, they’re going to get caught and develop clogs. The more time goes on, the more the clog will develop and become a major issue.

2.      Never Ignore a Leak

Even if the leak you’re experiencing is a small, tiny leak, you should schedule an appointment for plumbing work. Leaks are something that can build up in intensity faster than you’d realize. If you let it go unchecked, you’re risking extreme water damage. A leak doesn’t just impact your home’s plumbing. It can potentially lead to you replacing flooring, appliances, or other parts of your kitchen and the surrounding area.

3.      Call for a Clog

You’ve got a clog in your home but it’s something that you think you can handle on your own. Although we understand that clogs don’t seem like the worst problem in the world, a clog is a real problem. It has the potential to bubble over into a bigger plumbing issue if you’re consistently trying to just lessen the problem rather than solve it at its source.

4.      Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaner

We just talked about clogs above and the common solution to a mild clog is a chemical drain cleaner. We want you to give it a second thought before you go for this though. Chemical drain cleaners are way too harsh for your home’s plumbing. It’s going to lead to your pipes wearing down over time and it could potentially lead to leaks.

5.      Pay Mind to Your Dishwasher Too

Sometimes people don’t directly consider their home’s dishwasher when it comes to their home plumbing. This is a big factor in your kitchen though. Make sure you’re taking an extra second to scrape off grease and scraps from your dishes, so they aren’t causing problems in your dishwasher. This is something that’s going to help you in the long run.

Contact Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc for the plumbing services you’d like today.

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