Month: June 2021

Why Is My Toilet Gurgling?

The flush of your toilet is a familiar sound, so when it starts to gurgle or bubble, it’s obvious that something isn’t right. Gurgling noises are not as uncommon as they might sound. Still, that doesn’t mean you should ignore the signs that something is wrong with your toilet. If you’ve noticed that your toilet has started to gurgle or bubble after flushing, it’s only a matter of time before more strange symptoms start to affect your plumbing system, such as a water backup.

Avoid the cost of expensive water backup services by ensuring your toilet health the moment it begins to make unusual noises. This guide will help you identify the root cause of your toilet troubles and some easy fixes you can try before calling in the professionals at Len The Plumber.

What Causes a Toilet to Gurgle or Bubble?

When a toilet gurgles or bubbles, it generally means one thing: There’s a blockage in your system. For water and waste to flow through your plumbing system, the air pressure must be at a specific level. Negative air pressure or suction caused by blockages can cause air to escape and the toilet to back up, causing gurgling noises or bubbling water. The following are just some of the most common places that a blockage could exist in your system:

  • The toilet: Toilet blockages can be easily spotted by identifying floating objects in the toilet water.
  • The toilet drain: When things are flushed down the toilet that shouldn’t be flushed, the toilet drain can become clogged.
  • The main sewer drain: All of the drains in your home lead to the main sewer drain, so a blockage there will impact nearly all of the plumbing fixtures in your home.
  • The vent stack: Malfunctioning plumbing appliances might be caused by a clogged vent stack on your roof, leading to negative air pressure and a gurgling toilet.

Whatever the main cause of your gurgling toilet may be, there are steps that you can take as a homeowner to attempt to remedy the issue before calling in the professionals.

3 Easy Fixes for a Faulty Toilet

If your toilet is gurgling, there are some DIY plumbing tricks you can try that may provide the relief your system needs:

  • Plunging: Before you begin plunging away on your toilet, be sure to seal off nearby drains so the air in your pipes can’t escape there. This will force the air to escape through your toilet, so you can easily bring up whatever is clogging the system.
  • Using a plumbing snake: If plunging fails, you can try to snake your drain through the toilet bowl. Standard drain snakes (augers) reach 5 to 15 feet; however, you can rent a motorized auger to reach up to 100 feet or more for difficult-to-reach clogs.
  • Calling your neighbors: It might seem strange, but making a quick call to your neighbors can actually be beneficial. If one or more of your neighbors also have gurgling toilets, there might be a problem with the sewer main, which is the responsibility of the city sewer authority.

When you’ve exhausted your avenues for relief to no avail, all hope isn’t lost yet: You just need to contact knowledgeable professionals to get the job done right. Len The Plumber has a team of top-quality plumbing experts available to quickly and efficiently fix your gurgling toilet in no time.

When to Contact the Plumbing Pros for a Gurgling Toilet

Don’t let a gurgling toilet lead to further plumbing problems in your home. At Len The Plumber, our plumbers are expertly trained in the most advanced industry tools and techniques to deliver the long-lasting toilet repairs you need to restore your system to working condition.

Allow our team to bring reliability back to your plumbing system by scheduling toilet repair today!

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Upgrade Your Home With Automatic Shut Off Valves

Plumbing systems aren’t rudimentary anymore. It used to be that a home’s plumbing system was just a hodgepodge of pipes, water, and connectors, and plumbers had to do some seriously heavy lifting to protect a home from leaks or damage. Now, there are tools that exist for homeowners to keep things running securely without the help of a plumber.

Well, to be specific, you’ll still need a plumber in West Orange, NJ to help install some of these tools. But the good news is that they can protect your home even when you’re not there. An automatic shut off valve is one such way your home’s plumbing system can be protected from leaks and other issues. It uses pressure and some pretty nifty technology to monitor the flow of your water so that your plumbing system always runs the way it should. If it doesn’t, it shuts the whole thing down and waits for you to address it with a professional plumber.

How Do Automatic Shut Off Valves Work?

Automatic shut off valves do exactly what their name implies. They detect when water is running in the wrong direction, when the pressure is wrong, or when something is starting to leak. They’ll immediately signal to the rest of your plumbing system that something isn’t right, and the water will be shut off. Everything beyond this point in your plumbing system won’t have access to water until the issue is fixed and the shut off valve is restored, so you never have to worry about a leak getting worse.

These units are great because they’re meant to keep you safe in the event of an emergency. You won’t really notice you have one until the time comes when a huge, gushing leaks occurs or when one of your pipes bursts. Then, the water to your home will immediately shut off and you’ll be in good shape to clean up and get it fixed!

Why Would You Invest in This Kind of Technology?

Imagine you’ve decided to take a vacation now that the pandemic is ending. You’re excited, you’ve already booked the location, and you and your family are already in the car on the way there. Then, you get the call from a neighbor that your home has started flooding because a large pipe leak has opened up. What an absolute nightmare!

Unfortunately, someone is going to have to shut the water off to your home and deal with the damage. If you wait for your whole vacation, you’ll end up dealing with mold, water damage, and a whole other host of issues from stagnant water that’s leaked into your house.

An automatic shut off valve would help you avoid this mess entirely. The valve would detect that your plumbing system is starting to leak and your water would have been shut off automatically. This would mean that minimal water would leak, the system would stop itself, and you could enjoy the rest of your vacation before returning home to deal with the problem with the help of a professional.

Call the team at MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. to invest in an automatic shut off valve.

The post Upgrade Your Home With Automatic Shut Off Valves first appeared on MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc..

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5 Things You’re Doing That Hurts Your Plumbing

dripping-faucetYou know that it’s important to keep your home’s plumbing in proper shape. It’s great to think of all the things that you should do for your home’s plumbing. Today though, we’d like to focus on the things you shouldn’t do. There are many things that you shouldn’t do to keep your plumbing in great shape.

We’re going to give you the best tips you can find today. If you’re looking for plumbing services in Orlando, FL, then we’re the team that you should schedule an appointment with. Let’s figure out what you’re doing that might actually hurt your plumbing.

Stop Doing This

If you recognize that you’re making any of the following mistakes on this list, make sure that you make a change for the better today:

1.      Choosing To Use a Liquid Drainer

We know that liquid drain cleaners are a dime a dozen. When you’re dealing with that gurgling or slow-moving drain they can be quite tempting. Choosing a liquid drain cleaner isn’t a good long-term decision. It’s something that might seem good at the moment or might even seem to work, but it’s something that’s going to eat away at your drain long-term. Chemical drain cleaners are far too harsh for your plumbing. Although your plumbing seems sturdy, it’s a delicate system.

2.      Pouring Grease Down the Drain

The last thing you want to do is pour grease down your home’s drain. This is such a problem because the grease might go down as a liquid when it’s hot, but it will congeal and become somewhat solid when it’s not. Pouring grease down the drain is one of the fastest ways to create a plumbing problem for yourself.

3.      Trying to DIY

It’s not smart to try to perform plumbing services on your own. We’re not trying to underestimate your capabilities. Your plumbing system is just a system that requires a high level of expertise. If you’re trying to DIY, it’s highly likely that you’re going to land yourself in some trouble with your plumbing system. We pick up the pieces of lots of DIY attempts. Homeowners often end up spending more money when they go down this route. We’ll make sure that you have a flawless plumbing job the first time.

4.      Not Paying Attention to Your Plumbing

Do you brush off problems that your plumbing system makes apparent? Don’t ignore those sounds of your pipes moving around or that slow drip coming from your faucet. These are the signs that your plumbing system is struggling and you don’t want to ignore these issues. Turning a blind eye will only make things worse over time.

5.      Letting Hair Go Down Your Drains

When you wash your hair in the shower, it’s important that it doesn’t actually flow down your drain. Make sure that you’re protecting your drain with a drain strainer. It’s the easiest way to make sure that things aren’t flowing down your drain. Hair is one of the easiest things to clog up your drains but, luckily, it’s something that’s easy to keep out.

Contact Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

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How to Stop an Overflowing Toilet

What To Do If Your Toilet Overflows

Stopping an overflowing toilet requires quick thinking and fast action. Fortunately, if you know how to take care of it, it’s not hard to do!

The first thing to do is quickly and carefully remove the lid from the toilet tank and set it aside. Make sure you put it somewhere secure but don’t worry about laying it on towels or anything like that – remember, you don’t have much time to lose!

Next, reach inside the toilet tank and press down on the flapper valve (don’t worry, the water in the tank is sanitary). The flapper is the rubber piece in the bottom center of the tank. Doing this will stop more water from getting into the bowl and should prevent it from overflowing over the sides.

Once you’ve got the flapper valve secured, stop the tank from filling by lifting up on the float that operates the tank fill valve. With the main water supply cut off, the water level in the bowl should start to drop slowly. If the water level drops back to normal after about a minute, you should be able to let go of the float and let the bowl refill without worrying about it overflowing. Make sure you keep an eye on it so you can stop it if the level starts to get too high.

If the water level doesn’t start to drop after about a minute, continue to hold the float while you shut off the water at the toilet supply valve, located near the floor or in the wall behind the toilet – turn it clockwise (to the right) to close it. If you can’t reach the valve while holding the float, let go of the ball and close the valve as fast as you can.

Once the Toilet Has Stopped Overflowing

  • Stop using all toilets, sinks, and other plumbing fixtures.
  • Try to use a plunger to see if you can remove any blockages from the drain.
  • Try to find the source of the problem, starting from the fixtures in the bathroom and working your way up. While checking fixtures on the upper floors, it helps to have a partner watching the lower floors – otherwise, it’s hard to know whether upstairs drains are actually working or are just backing up into lower drains.
  • If only one toilet is blocked, the problem is most likely just with that toilet. However, if multiple toilets are affected, you might have a blocked system drain or a failing septic field.
  • If you can’t get the clog out on your own, call Len The Plumber! We’ll send a plumbing professional to your home to take care of the issue quickly and cleanly. Same-day service, seven days a week!

Once you’ve stopped your toilet from overflowing, call Len The Plumber at 800-950-4619! We provide toilet repair throughout the Mid-Atlantic region seven days a week. Click here to contact us today!

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The Low Down on Water Heaters

tankless water heaterAre you thinking about upgrading your water heater? You should take the time to brush up on everything water heater-related. Buying a new water heater is something you do about once a decade. There are many changes that happen in the industry during this downtime. If you want to do it right, then we’re prepared to help you with the process.

We know what it takes to get an excellent water heater in Buckeye, AZ. If you want to have a great option for your home, we’re here to make sure that you get it. We’re here to give you the low down on water heaters today.

What to Consider

Here are a few things you should consider before you buy yourself a new water heater.

The Type of System

There are a few different types of systems you can choose from when you work with our team. Here’s the low down on a few:

  • Tank Water Heaters: The standard water heaters you’re used to. They’re reliable and more efficient than ever now thanks to advancements in the industry.
  • Tankless Water Heaters: These are the systems you should choose if you’re concerned with home energy efficiency.
  • Hybrid Water Heaters: Hybrid water heaters give you the best of both worlds. You can marry the efficiency of a heat pump water heater with the power of a standard water heater.
  • Heat Pump Water Heaters: Heat pump water heaters use the same technology that heat pumps do. Heat pump water heaters move warmth where you need it rather than generating it. These systems save you energy and money in the process.

The Fuel Source

You can choose either electric or gas water heaters. While we typically recommend gas-powered water heaters, electric-powered ones can do the job as well. Discuss your specific needs with our team members.

Your Efficiency Needs

What are your efficiency needs? If you’ve wanted to save yourself some money on your water or energy bill, then this might be the time to upgrade to a more energy-efficient system. We’re here to consult with you about this.

The Space Available

Do you have the proper space available for the water heater that you want? If you don’t, this should be something that you factor into your purchase. Not every home has the room to house a large, standard water heater, and that’s okay. This might be the push you need to go tankless. We’re prepared to discuss your options and work with you.

Your Home Needs

The size of your house and the amount of people in it affect how your home performs. If you live in a large home that houses five people, you’re going to need more hot water than someone who lives in a small home that only houses two.

We make sure to factor this in and run the right calculations. Our professionals have the experience necessary to factor in your home sizing needs. Make sure you get in touch with our professionals for the proper service.

Contact the Trusted Plumber—the team you can trust for your plumbing services.

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Smart Home Automation for Your Home’s Plumbing System

You’ve got a home automation app for everything from turning on your oven to closing your garage door. But how about using this same smart home technology to save you thousands by preventing a major plumbing issue or saving you money on your water bill?

Smart home automation is helping to make our lives easier so it’s no surprise that smart plumbing technology is becoming part of the high-tech highway.  Check out these ways smart home automation is working with your home’s plumbing system today.

Smart Leak Detectors

Perhaps the most important home automation system you can install for your home’s plumbing is a smart leak detector. This device alerts you when it detects water from appliances where it shouldn’t be and can send a notification to your phone while you are away!

Whole-Home Leak Detection System

New to the market is a whole-home water monitoring system that can not only detect if your home has a leak in its plumbing system, but it can identify its location and alert you via your smartphone. The technology also enables it to shut off a water supply line if it detects an issue. That’s a gamechanger when it comes to preventing costly water damage.

Smart Appliances

From faucets that automatically fill to the desired level, to washing machines that can be activated remotely, smart appliances are helping homeowners conserve water and energy.

LED Temperature Monitors

If you have small children or love your bath at a specific temperature an LED temperature monitor is for you.  Smart fixtures and appliances offer an LED screen that enables you to read when the water has reached your desired temperature.

Smart Irrigation System

Have you ever been annoyed that your sprinkler system set on a manual timer activates no matter what the weather? Save energy with a smart home irrigation system that adapts to weather changes and tracks soil status to prevent your landscaping from getting over or under-watered.

Smart Sump Pump System

Prevent basement flooding with a smart sump pump system that gives you real time data, smart diagnostics, and early warnings about your sump pump activity. Sump pumps work in your basement or crawl space to ensure groundwater does not rise to the level of your basement floor and cause a flood. You likely don’t realize it’s working but you will definitely know if it is not! Sump pumps pump the water up and away from your home. If your sump pump fails, is inefficient, or is in need of maintenance, the smart pump system can send an alert to your mobile device so you can avoid major basement flooding.

Choose Len The Plumber for Smart Home Automation Plumbing Technology

Smart technology is flooding into our daily lives. Why not let this technology help you conserve water and save you money by preventing costly repairs? Smart home technology is easier than you think to integrate into your home’s plumbing system. Our experts at Len The Plumber can help you navigate the smart home technology field and make it work for you.

Contact Len The Plumber online or call our team at 800-950-4619 to learn more about our smart home automation plumbing technology.

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6 Things To Do When You Have a Plumbing Emergency

“Don’t panic!” That’s most likely what you’re going to hear when you have a plumbing emergency, but we know it’s not easy. When the pipes are gushing water, or the toilet is overflowing, you start thinking about all the things that could be ruined if this catastrophe continues. So, it’s okay to be upset and confused—but you need to act fast. The moment a plumbing emergency occurs, there are a few things you can do to limit the damages and make it easier for the plumber to do their job. 


When You Need an Emergency Plumber


Relevant: Plumbing Company Near Me? 8 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Ottawa Plumber

You never know when a plumbing emergency is going to strike. To give you some peace of mind, here are the times when you need a plumber as soon as possible:


  • Clogs that you can’t remove
  • Uncontrollable leaks that you can’t find or can’t repair on your own
  • Leaking and noisy water heater
  • Sudden water stains on the floor, ceiling, and walls
  • Sound of running water when no fixtures are being used
  • Water pooling under sinks 
  • Overflowing toilet
  • Failing sump pumps


As soon as you notice these issues, get help quickly. Each one can cause expensive and extensive water damage within your home. 


Here’s 6 Steps to Dealing With a Plumbing Emergency 

Now that you know what qualifies as a plumbing emergency, let’s talk about what to do when one occurs. 


1. Shut off your water

The moment you find a plumbing emergency in your home, act defensively. How do you do that? You cut off the source of the problem—the water. By shutting off the water supply in your home, you can limit the damages. Even the smallest of leaks can cause thousands of dollars worth of damages if they go unattended. Not to mention the money you’ll be wasting with every drip! 


So, shut off that leak at the source. Turn off any water running to fixtures that have broken or are unable to shut off. If that doesn’t stop the water, go to the main water supply, which is typically located near the water meter. 


Is the flooding from weather? There is nothing you can do but evacuate as soon as you can. Try to shut off the main water valve and the electricity before you leave your home. In this case, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 


2. Check for damages

Before picking up the phone to talk with a plumber, assess the damage. See if you can determine the issue or where the problem has occurred. The information you give the plumber is going to be essential to solving the emergency. 


Should you detect a gas leak in a broken or noisy water heater, make sure you open up windows and doors. Shut off the gas main. Never block windows or doors with towels, as this could result in a dangerous build-up of gas. 


Another thing to check: the electrical. Any water on the walls or near outlets and other electrical appliances could be hazardous. Shut off energy to that area of the house by using the circuit breaker. Don’t do this if the electrical box has also been affected by the leak. 


3. Take Photos

Though it might seem like a waste of time in the midst of the event, you want to snap a few pictures or take video of the problem while it’s happening. Your home insurance provider and the plumber could use the pictures and video. After the mess has been dealt with, snap a few more photos. 


4. Call your local water company

Did you know that the water company may be able to help? If you find that the leak or issue started with a sewer main or a blocked main water line or sewer pipe, the company could see a plumber to try fixing the problem straight away. They may also be able to provide you with useful tips for dealing with the emergency in the meantime. 


5. Contact an emergency plumber

Now that you have the situation somewhat under control, it’s time to find an emergency plumber, provided the water company couldn’t help. Contact at least three plumbing companies near you. Be sure to tell them the root of the issue and the steps you have already taken.


Also, ask every plumber you contact about the cost of their emergency plumbing service. Not all plumbers can offer a quote before seeing the problem, but they should be able to provide you with a general estimate about the pricing of repairs. From there, you can decide which plumber you wish to use. 


6. Work While You Wait

Once you’re off the phone, it’s time to do some preventative work. Doing something is better than nothing, especially when it comes to leaking or pooling water. If you experience an overflow or a devastating leak, gather some towels and start mopping up the water. If the issue has anything to do with waste water (gray or black water), make sure you are wearing protective equipment, such as shoes and goggles. Move valuable possessions out of the way


Water damage doesn’t take long to wreak havoc on your home, so work as quickly and safely as possible to mitigate it. You can also speed up the drying process by plugging in a fan or dehumidifier—but only if the outlet in the area is safe to use. A fan will let air circulate in, preventing mold growth. 


Meanwhile, keep children and pets away from the plumbing emergency. Not only does this keep them out of harm’s way, but it gives you and the plumber plenty of space to work. You also don’t want children and pets spreading any water around the house. 


Final Thoughts

Plumbing emergencies in your home are never expected and never welcome, but they’re going to happen. Now that you know how to handle a plumbing emergency, you should be able to stop any severe water damage before it occurs. Keep an eye out for any of the emergency triggers, and keep a list of emergency plumbers in your area for when you need them.

The post 6 Things To Do When You Have a Plumbing Emergency appeared first on The Irish Plumber.

Why Your Restaurant Needs to Keep Its Grease Trap Clean

Your restaurant attracts customers because of its great food, not because of its great grease trap. Truth be told, you’d probably rather patrons not think about this decidedly unappetizing aspect of your establishment. However, if you don’t think about it, your grease trap could create conditions that wind up costing your restaurant its valuable reputation and customers!

Sometimes referred to as a grease interceptor, a grease trap is a plumbing device designed to capture fats, oils and greases (FOG) before they enter the wastewater system. There are two main types of grease traps. Interior traps are located in the kitchen near the sink or dishwasher, and hold smaller amounts of FOG. Exterior traps are located outside the building, underground. Exterior traps are much larger, holding thousands of gallons.

Grease traps work by blocking grease and oils from passing all the way through the plumbing system. The grease floats to the top of the container, where it can be removed. The grease-free water is then able to continue to the sewer system without causing harm.

Many cities require grease traps to be used in commercial kitchens, as they play a critical role in preventing such sewer problems as “fatbergs” – a massive blob of solidified FOG that incorporates other substances and items that don’t break down – such as baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, cotton swabs, etc. Our blog post – “Still Pouring Grease Down the Drain? Don’t Do It!” – discusses two infamous fatbergs in London and Detroit.

Why the Grease Trap is an Important Part of Your Restaurant’s Kitchen

Fatberg prevention is only one reason why your restaurant’s interior and exterior grease traps need to be clean and fully functional. The management of FOG is an important part of running a commercial or industrial kitchen. A properly installed, well-maintained grease trap is one of the essential features of this aspect of the business.

Modern Restaurant Management cites a fact sheet by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that reports the annual production of collected grease trap waste and uncollected grease entering sewage treatment plants can be significant and range from 800 to 17,000 pounds per year, per restaurant. Routinely cleaning and maintaining your grease traps helps preserve local waterways, as well as reduces the likelihood of sewer overflows. In addition, if it’s proven that your restaurant or commercial kitchen is improperly handling FOG, you could face steep fines from local, state and federal agencies.

What Happens When FOG Rolls In

Restaurants that don’t clean their grease trap set their business up for an epic sanitation fail that will soon drive customers away. Here are the main consequences of uncleaned, poorly maintained grease traps:

Foul odors – The grease in grease traps that aren’t cleaned on a regular basis will build up. As this organic material breaks down, it gives off a foul odor that makes your kitchen smell terrible. If the situation has advanced to this point, be assured that the odor will also waft out into the dining area itself, disgusting your customers – who will quickly become your former customers.

Seepage into other areas and risk of food contamination – As Mahoney Environmental explains the situation, “When your grease trap backs up into the kitchen, the materials end up on your floor, and leave a bacterial residue which can be transferred by employees simply placing a box on the floor and then picking it up to set on a prep area. This could ultimately be used as a surface for food prep – thus cross contamination occurs.”

Increased difficulty in cleaning – The longer you neglect your grease trap, the more difficult it will be to clean once you do get around to it. The grease and other solidified gunk at the bottom of the trap will harden and stick to its walls, making it very difficult to scrape off. When it reaches that point, the job becomes too hard for your employees to perform – at which time you’ll need to call a grease trap cleaning service. In addition, cooking fats, oils and grease coat the inside of your pipes and can lead to drainage issues or overflows, indicating that the incoming or outgoing line is likely clogged.

Damage to pipes and the trap itself Grease buildup can damage your tank and connected pipes. Rotting food releases many gases, and these gases can turn into sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is a toxic substance, and it can damage your pipes as well as the concrete. Plastic grease traps can last longer, but they also eventually break down in the presence of sulfuric acid.

Grease Trap Maintenance – Why You Need to Call a Pro

Working grease trap maintenance into the duties of your kitchen staff is challenging, and could result in the ball being dropped. Also, some restaurant owners and managers make the mistake of scheduling cleanings by a professional on an infrequent basis in the interest of saving money. However, this is false economy, as vendors tend to charge overage fees if your cleaning takes significantly longer than expected due to a frequency lapse. 

To keep your grease trap clean, you need to call a pro, and do so on a regular schedule. Our blog post – “Own a Restaurant? Why You Need to Build a Relationship With a Plumber!” – covers the numerous areas in which a good plumber can help your restaurant save money while raising the real – and perceived – quality of your customer experience.

Seeing your plumber as an essential, trusted vendor – rather than just someone you call when the toilets back up – will help your restaurant avoid expensive emergency repairs and stay up-to-date with plumbing fixtures, piping, etc. As with every component of a restaurant, the grease trap is but one aspect. If your grease trap is neglected, the chances are high that other aspects of your operation are being overlooked, as well. And that is not good for your customers, or your profitability – not to mention the future of your business.

Our master plumbers at Adams and Son Plumbing have proudly served Central Florida homes and businesses with the highest level of quality and experience for over 60 years. We are family-owned and operated, and all of our plumbers are state-certified master plumbers. Orlando is one of America’s most competitive restaurant markets, so you need every advantage you can get! Contact us today.

The post Why Your Restaurant Needs to Keep Its Grease Trap Clean appeared first on Adams and Son Plumbing Services.

What are Ground Disturbance Hazards?

Did you know that in Canada, 1 in 4 damages to underground piping occurs as a result of the excavation party failing to submit a find request?

Hazards associated with ground disturbance are everywhere, from your small garden to a big building site. Any action that disturbs the earth (such as digging) can uncover an underground danger.

If you dig without first inspecting what’s underneath, you risk injuring yourself and others. You could also cause damage to critical infrastructure.

Ground disturbance training is crucial and necessary. This ensures that everyone working in a ground disturbance operation has the necessary training to ensure their safety.

You’ve probably heard the word before, but are you familiar with ground disturbance hazards? Read on to learn all about them.

What Is Ground Disturbance?

Ground disturbance is any activity that affects the ground. The following are actions that alter the ground:

  • Drilling process including horizontal drilling
  • Excavating
  • Flattening
  • Trenching
  • Digging
  • Plowing

Essentially, anything that involves moving the ground by 30cm or more is a ground disturbance. That is the most likely time to come upon an underground facility.

You need to know what is under the ground when you intend to dig below the 30cm threshold. That requires contacting your local council center or making an online request for infrastructure location well before beginning your project.

What Is the Cause of Disturbance Hazards?

Any subsurface obstacle constitutes a ground disturbance danger. These include utility infrastructures such as gas or oil pipelines. If you disturb or expose these, they can result in the following:

  • severe injuries
  • financial loss
  • other traumatic events.

Underground infrastructure is present throughout our environment and it requires constant maintenance. From urban to rural areas, the following are some of the most common subsurface hazards.

Underground Electrical Powerlines

Underground electrical cables or powerlines are widespread, particularly near residential or business locations. Underground power lines on your property are hazardous due to the incredibly high voltage they carry.

To be safe, contact your utility board to determine the location of underground power lines before digging or excavating.

Underground Gas Pipelines 

Gas lines are one of the most often discovered risks when excavating. When you hit them, they may have disastrous consequences. Sometimes, you can have gas pipes located nearer to the surface than you believe.

Water and Sewerage Pipelines

When you hit a water pipeline, you could, in effect, waste an awful lot of water in the community. That’s apart from the fact of the inconvenience caused by having pipes shut down while being replaced or fixed.

Hitting a sewerage pipeline, on the other hand, can cause a far worse scenario. The substances carried by this type of pipeline can be toxic and may encourage the spread of disease.

Hitting Unknown Obstructions

Even though you may do your due diligence in requesting an infrastructure plan from your council, hitting an ‘unknown’ is possible. These could be old pipes, cables, or boulders.

Additionally, you should be prepared for unexpected obstacles or undiscovered dangers. These could be huge stones or different kinds of ground dirt other than what’s visible on the surface.

It is critical to dig carefully, to ask questions, and to be aware that unforeseen risks may manifest themselves at any step of the work.

Escaping Natural Gas

You may encounter pockets of hydrogen sulfide gas when digging. That gas is produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the ground. You can identify these pockets by the rotten egg smell.

Early diagnosis is critical since inhalation of these gasses prevents your cells from breathing, which could lead to a fatal outcome.

Cave-Ins and Ground Collapse

Any dig or ditch is potentially hazardous to operate in and around because there is the possibility of collapses and cave-ins. During cave-ins, you can be exposed to flooding, hazardous gas, vapor, and dust.

There are many safety measures you should take before your digging begins. These safety procedures begin with determining the kind of soil across the area’s depth and detecting underground infrastructure and utilities.

Additionally, it is a smart option to have a person above ground. This person communicates with the excavation team and is accessible to call for help if necessary.

Recognizing Utility Color Codes

Underground services infrastructure is the most often encountered ground disturbance hazard. This includes the following:

  • Electrical cables
  • Gas lines
  • Water lines
  • Sewage lines

An excavation team member has certain tasks to comply with. These tasks take place after you apply with your local council for the location of underground infrastructure.

That team member is responsible for marking the locations of underground pipe services. They will use specific colors to show what is present in that location.

  • White – proposed dig
  • Pink – temporary survey markings
  • Red – electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables
  • Yellow – gas, oil, petroleum, gaseous vapor, and steam
  • Orange – telecoms, signal, or alarm lines
  • Blue – potable water
  • Purple – reclaimed water or irrigation
  • Green – sewer and drain pipes

These uniform colors make it easy to identify underground infrastructure in any locale. This way, you can take the applicable precautions.

Don’t Hit It, Dig It!

Prior to and throughout any digging or excavation job, it is critical to be aware of ground disturbance hazards. From rural to urban locations, underground infrastructure is critical to the functioning of our community.

Pipeline protection is a joint responsibility. Pipeline businesses and anybody who lives or works near pipelines have a critical responsibility to play in ensuring that pipeline-related activities are handled safely.

Careless digging may cause considerable damage to infrastructure and major injury to employees. But it also can cause severe financial loss to the project’s stakeholders.

It is imperative you know and understand ground disturbance hazards and the tools necessary to help. This is critical for minimizing damage and contributing to a safer community and environment for everyone.

If you do, however, hit a water pipe, our prompt, efficient, and locally-operated Toronto plumbing services are committed to helping you with your plumbing needs. Contact us today!

The post What are Ground Disturbance Hazards? first appeared on Anta Plumbing Blog. This post first appeared on

How to Detect Hard Water In Your Home

closeup-hands-under-waterToday, we’d like to discuss hard water in your home.

We get a lot of questions surrounding hard water. We know it’s a topic that is a little confusing from the vantage point of homeowners. It’s not always something you’re going to notice right away. If you’re wondering if you’re struggling with hard water at home, we’re going to help you determine this today.

If you read through this blog and realize that you are, in fact, struggling with hard water, then you should schedule an appointment with one of our plumbers in Buckeye, AZ. We’re here to make sure that hard water never becomes a detriment to your home.

Do You Have Hard Water?

If you’re struggling with hard water, you might notice these symptoms:

1. Scummy Appliances

Have you noticed that your shower, tub, or even sink fixtures have become increasingly hard for you to fix? This is a problem that stems from hard water.

Hard water leaves residue around your home that presents itself in this way. Spot the signs and make sure that you’re noting them. Don’t think this is just an aesthetic issue. This is something that’s building up within your pipes as well.

2. Dry Skin, Hair, and Nails

Your skin feels like it’s about to peel off, your hair feels like hay, and your nails are brittle. If nothing has changed about the way that you’re taking care of yourself, then you probably have an issue with hard water.

3. Spots on Your Dishes

You take your plates out of the dishwasher and notice these annoying little spots. You’re always scraping them off or having to follow behind your dishwasher to make sure things are actually clean. These spots on your dishes are a symptom of a hard water issue.

4. Your Clothes Are Scratchy

Your clothes are always scratchy after you take them out of the dryer. Did you know that this could actually be due to hard water? Hard water affects your laundry too. Don’t try to drown your clothes in fabric softener. Address the issue at its core.

5. Your Location

Some areas are more prone to hard water than others. Hard water is common in most homes across the country, and Buckeye is no different. If you think you’re struggling with hard water in this area, then you’re probably on the right track.

What Are Your Solutions?

If you think you’re struggling with hard water in your home, start off with water testing services.

Water testing is the best place to begin because it’s a chance for our experts to pinpoint exactly what’s going on with your home. You might think you have hard water and actually have it, but only address that need and bypass another quality issue with the water. Water testing makes sure that you address everything that needs proper care.

The next step is choosing the right water softener system for your home. Water softeners remove the minerals that make your water “hard.” If you’re looking for a system that’s going to get rid of your hard water for the long term, then this is the system to choose for your home.

Contact The Trusted Plumber today to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

This post first appeared on
