Month: July 2021

3 Benefits of Drain Clog Prevention

Drain clogs are inconvenient, we don’t need to convince anyone of that. But did you know that they’re also very bad for the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system? Materials that solidify in your drain to cause clogs will keep growing over time, becoming more of an ordeal. Depending on the materials that make up these clogs, you could see the corrosion of your pipes, infiltrating tree roots, critter problems, and more.

You’re always better off calling for a professional plumber in Wayne. We’d like to take our blog post today to discuss why drain clog prevention should be a necessary goal in every home. The more time and money you spend now trying to prevent clogs from occurring in the future, the less likely you are to be inconvenienced by an obnoxious clog on a holiday while paying for a plumber’s overtime fee.

Well, let’s get to it!

Clog Prevention Prevents Disasters

Clogs form slowly over time. They’re not the same as a leak, since they only start becoming a problem when things have been bad for a while. That’s why the best way to fight against drain clogs is to prevent them from forming in the first place. So, here are just a few great reasons why you should start protecting your home from drain clogs.

1. Convenience

We mentioned at the start of this blog that drain clogs are inconvenient. This isn’t just an opinion, it’s what we see when homeowners don’t think about their slowing drains until it’s too late. It could be Christmas Day or the Fourth of July when you’ve got a party scheduled, and all of a sudden that clog has finally plugged your entire kitchen drain. Not only are you short on time when this happens, but you need to use this appliance! Why not avoid this nightmare scenario with routine drain cleaning?

By investing in our drain cleaning service every 1-3 years, you’ll make sure that your drains don’t clog when you need to use them.

2. Hygiene and Safety

Drain clogs happen in the dark parts of your plumbing system so they might not seem like that much of a problem while they’re forming. But the truth of the matter is that they’re an issue for the hygiene and safety of your home.

Just because you can’t see it forming doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The materials like food waste, grease, hair, and hygiene products need to be deposited away from your home. The longer they stay in your drain, the more likely they are to release foul odors or cause a backup in your sewer system.

3. Saving Money

Emergency drain cleaning services can cost a lot. Especially when your drain clogs at inconvenient times, or often, you’re just losing out on money that you should be saving.

With routine drain cleaning appointments and plumbing maintenance performed by our team, you can actually spend less by scheduling preventative services that cost less. Think of drain cleaning like you would think of brushing your teeth, it’s cheap and goes a long way towards the health of your plumbing system!

Call MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. for plumbing services that help your home remain safe and comfortable.

The post 3 Benefits of Drain Clog Prevention first appeared on MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc..

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How Long Can I Expect My Water Heater To Last?

showerhead-waterQuestions that we get from our homeowners are things like “How long can I expect my water heater to last?” or “How long should my water heater last?” These are two great questions, and we want to give them the time and attention they deserve. Your water heater can’t last forever, but it can last you a considerable amount of time. There are certain factors that directly affect your water heater’s lifespan.

We’re the experts when it comes to water heaters in Orlando, FL. We’re available to help you when it comes to any lingering questions you might have, capacity issues, repair needs, and more. Just get in touch with us when you’re looking for quality work.

A Water Heater’s Expected Lifespan

Your water heater should be able to last you around 10-15 years. Most manufacturers on the market agree with this standard. We also know that when you buy a water heater that you’re expecting it to last you about this long. It really wouldn’t be financially responsible to expect a water heater to last you any less than this.

What we want you to know is that the quality of your water heater over these 10-15 years can greatly differ. There are some external factors you should consider when it comes to keeping your water heater in pristine condition over the course of those 10 to 15 years.

Other Factors To Think About

Here are a few other factors that contribute to the potential lifespan of your water heater:

How You Use It

The thing about water heaters is that they’re heavily used in every single home. Your water heater is typically responsible for about 17% of your home’s overall energy usage. We know that you’re using it, but it depends on how you’re using your water heater.

Make sure that the temperature of your water heater is within a reasonable range. Don’t think that you can overwork your system and not pay for this eventually. Even if you’re comfortable with the price of your monthly water bill, you’re going to notice your system break down before its time.

The Frequency of Your Maintenance

You want to maintain your water heater on regular basis. When we speak about water heater maintenance, we find that people think we’re only speaking about tank water heater systems. While these systems require a higher level of maintenance because they need to be completely flushed, they’re not the only ones who require maintenance.

Your tankless water heater needs to be checked on every now and then as well. The frequency depends on your home. We’ll help you determine what’s right for your space.

Your Water Quality

What’s your home’s water quality like? Most homeowners in Orlando struggle with a considerable amount of mineral content and contaminants in their homes. Yours might be so bad that it’s negatively impacting the performance of your water heater though. We can help you determine if this is the case and fix your system as soon as possible. We can also pair you with a water treatment system that helps to address this issue so it has a smaller impact on your water heater.

Contact Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. to schedule an appointment for your water heater services.

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Is a Plumbing Inspection Necessary When Buying a New Home?

After your offer on a home is accepted, every home buyer has a limited window of time where they can bring in experts to perform inspections and make sure the home isn’t hiding any serious issues that would lead to increased costs for the buyer.

In some cases, homeowners might pay for an overall home inspection from a licensed inspector that reviews everything in a home, including structures, insulation, electric, plumbing, and other aspects of the building. But some homeowners may choose to specifically seek out a plumbing and pipework inspection to make sure this infrastructure isn’t a potential hot-bed of costly plumbing issues that could lead to further damage throughout the home.

If you’re a house-hunter interested in a plumbing inspection, here’s what you need to know about this process.

What is Involved in a Plumbing Inspection?

For some homeowners worried about potential plumbing issues, a home inspection is sufficient to allay any fears that would stop them from buying a house. But a plumbing inspection can offer a higher degree of assurances because it is conducted by a plumbing expert, rather than a home inspector with a general background.

plumber working under kitchen sink

In a plumbing inspection, a licensed plumber will walk through the home and check the water heater for signs of leaking or other wear and tear. The plumber will also inspect sinks, faucets and piping for not only visible leaks, but also hidden leaks that are harder to detect, as well as signs of wear and tear that could cause leaks in the near future.

While individual home-buyers can spot clearly visible leaks on their own, hidden leaks are potentially risky because they can cause significant damage to your home before outwardly visible signs develop. A plumbing expert knows how to examine a home for these leaks, and can give you a stamp of approval if everything looks okay.

The Benefits of Getting a House Inspected Before Buying

Whether you opt for a plumbing-specific inspection or an overall house inspection—or even both—you’re able to take advantage of several benefits as a home-buyer. These include:

  • Better information about the property you’re buying. A house is a major purchase, and unidentified plumbing issues can increase the cost of ownership significantly.
  • The opportunity to lower your purchase price. Known plumbing issues—or other issues that turn up in a home inspection—can be a negotiating tool as you finalize the purchase agreement with the selling party. As a buyer, you do have some leverage in this negotiation, and it can lead to a more favorable purchase price.
  • The ability to address emerging plumbing issues before your house suffers damage. Corroded pipes, small leaks and other minor plumbing issues can spiral into major problems if left unaddressed. An inspection gives you the opportunity to identify and itemize these points of concern—and take preventative action, rather than paying for repairs.
  • Protection from buying a home you might later regret. In some cases, an inspection can turn up issues so serious and costly that you change your mind about purchasing a home. While this decision is often painful and discouraging, it may be your best financial option.

Tips for Buying a House With Plumbing Problems

While a plumbing inspection will often turn up underlying issues that need to be addressed, these issues don’t necessarily mean you can’t go forward with the home purchase. It all depends on the cost of addressing these plumbing repairs, as well as the urgency with which repairs need to be made.

After you’ve identified all of the plumbing issues with a potential home, you can improve your personal outlook by taking the following steps:

  • Get estimates for repairs you consider essential. Whether you plan to negotiate with the sellers or pay for certain repairs on your own, get estimates to make sure you know what kind of costs need to be accounted for.
  • Re-negotiate the sale price with the sellers. A failed plumbing inspection may be disappointing for buyers, but the costs represented by those newly discovered issues could be offset through negotiations with the selling party. You could ask the seller to lower the purchase price based on the estimated costs of identified plumbing issues, or ask the seller to pay to fix those problems for you. While compensation is never guaranteed, you might be able to improve your financial position as you finalize your new home purchase.
  • Consider taking out a home warranty to cover potential problems. Most home warranties cover certain appliances and structures in your home for the first year of ownership. This could offer great financial coverage if your warranty covers plumbing issues that develop, such as a burst pipe or a plumbing appliance breakdown. Check the coverage of any home warranty to see how you’re protected before you buy. You can even try asking the seller to purchase this policy for you.

What if I Experience Plumbing Problems After Buying a House?

Every home buyer fears a scenario where they buy a home and immediately experience a major breakdown or repair need that costs them a small fortune. Unfortunately, these costs are almost always the responsibility of the homeowner at that time. While a home warranty may offer coverage for some of these costs, any remaining bills will be yours to pay—which is another reason to invest in a plumbing inspection and protect yourself from expensive surprises as a new homeowner.

While plumbing inspections aren’t always necessary, they’re a simple and valuable way to reduce your risk as a buyer, and to invest in a more structurally sound home. Contact a local plumbing specialist to schedule an inspection as you shop for a new home.

The post Is a Plumbing Inspection Necessary When Buying a New Home? appeared first on Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning.

“What’s Up With My Water Heater?”

tankless water heaterThe water heater is typically the unsung hero of every single home. Your water heater accounts for almost 17% of your home’s energy usage. Let that statistic sink in—it works harder than every other appliance in your home combined. If you want to have an efficient home and you’re trying to find one point to improve, then you should start with your water heater.

We’re experts when it comes to everything related to water heaters in Avondale, AZ. Make sure that you come to our professionals for the services you need. We’re going to help you figure out what’s up with your water heater today.

What’s Going On?

Let’s get to the bottom of your issue. Here’s what might be going on with your home’s water heater:

Rust-Colored Water

Have you noticed that the color of your water is just … a little off? Your water should always be completely clear. If you notice that it’s tinged red, orange, yellow, or any other color, then you should get in touch with a professional as soon as possible.

What’s likely happening is that your water heater is rusting and flaking off on the inside. If this is the case, then you’ll notice that your water is tinged.

Lukewarm Water

If your water heater is struggling to perform, then you might notice that you’re getting lukewarm water from the taps. The hot water that you receive from your freshwater system should always be consistent. If it isn’t, then you’re going to need to take a closer look at your home’s water heater. We’ll help you get to the bottom of any issues that you’re experiencing.

Scalding Water

You might be having the opposite problem with your home’s water—it could be too hot. To anyone not experiencing this problem, they might be asking themselves how you can have too much of a good thing. If you’re experiencing this, though, then you know that extremely hot water can be both dangerous and painful. We’re prepared to help you get it under control in no time.

Foul Odors

Your water just smells … a little funky. What you might notice is a rotten egg smell. This smell occurs because your home’s water heater is full of sediment with bacteria. As the bacteria sits around and decomposes, you’ll start to notice the smell.

Odd Sounds

The two odd sounds that you might hear coming from your water heater are rattling and rumbling. You’re going to hear this when a layer of sediment forms on the bottom of your tank. This happens because there’s a natural amount of sediment in your water. Some of it settles and then hardens over time and the sounds you hear are the water attempting to break through this layer.


Have you noticed leaks coming from your water heater? You might hear a sizzling sound coming from your water heater cabinet if this is the case. These leaks are a problem because they greatly reduce your water heater’s capacity.

Contact The Trusted Plumber for your water heater services in Avondale, AZ.

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Things That Are Terrible to Flush Down the Toilet

We’re our plumbing’s worst nightmare. Really. Bad habits that you often don’t think about, like flushing a wipe down the toilet, are actually doing damage to the drains and pipes in your home. Not only are you worsening the condition of the pipes, but you could end up having to pay thousands of dollars in repairs. So, if you want to avoid the mess and keep your plumbing working optimally, it’s time to stop flushing things that are terrible for plumbing.


Relevant: Emergency Toilet Options For When Plumbing Fails


8 Things you really shouldn’t flush down your toilet:


1. Flushable Wipes

Are flushable” wipes actually septic safe? Can you flush them down the toilet without a care? No. Most plumbers will tell you horror stories of massive clogs caused by flushable body wipes and baby wipes. They do not disintegrate. All they do is cluster together (along with other things in the drainage and septic) and make a mess. And if the flushable wipe does make it through the pipeline to the sewer pipes and to a municipal sewage treatment center, guess what happens? Those industrial-sized treatment plants also get clogged. 


But there are a few more reasons why you should avoid flushable wipes. Aside from items like wipes that don’t dissolve in water, it doesn’t help that many residential plumbing systems are now low-flow for water conservation. In the old days, one flush would use around 3.5 gallons (13.2 L) of water. Now, toilets need half that. 


Now, imagine a low-flow plumbing system trying to push a wad of flushable wipes through the drainage system. It doesn’t happen. 


2. Paper Towels

Think about a decent paper towel. You will notice that when you have it soak up water, the material doesn’t fall apart like toilet paper would. Manufacturers want paper towels to be used like a towel—for cleaning up messes or doing cleaning. Paper towels aren’t designed like toilet paper and, therefore, should never go into the toilet. The only thing you will get is a monstrous clog. 


3. Foreign Objects

Here is something that will definitely cause a clog: trinkets and toys. If you have children, there is always a risk that a little one is going to attempt flushing their action figure or a box of crayons. Teach them that the toilet is for solid waste and toilet paper only. And if you accidentally drop something in the toilet bowl that shouldn’t be there, fish it out before you flush. 


4. Feminine Hygiene Products 

You might think tossing a tampon or pad into the toilet is one of the best ways to dispose of it, but these items will clog your sewage system. Why are feminine hygienic products so terrible to flush? Most of the time, things like pads are made of multiple layers of absorbent materials that are meant to hold up against moisture. Feminine hygienic products are so absorbent that they can swell to twice their size. 


5. Cat Litter

Sure, what you’re scooping out of the litter box is technically waste, much like human waste, but that doesn’t mean you can pour kitty litter into the toilet and flush it. Most commercial litter is made of sand and clay, two things that absorb water. Even litter marketed as flushable is going to mess up your plumbing, because the litter will build up in the pipes. 


6. Hair and Floss

Although hair and floss are two entirely different things, they have one thing in common—they are long, thin, and stringy. Both will get tangled up when flushed and stick to other things within the drain line or pipes. The next time you dredge up a clog of hair and soap scum, don’t toss it in the toilet to flush it away, no matter how gross it is. Put it in the trash. 


7. Gum

You can chew gum for hours and hours, and while it may become a tasteless rock in your mouth, it won’t break down. This means gum doesn’t break down in the toilet bowl either. What actually happens is this—the gum hardens and clings to the wall of the pipe. Anything else flushed down the drain is going to get blocked, creating a problem that builds over time. 


In fact, anything like gum should never go down the toilet (or any drain). This includes putty, sticky residue from cooking, and oil or grease. 


8. Plastic and Latex Items

It’s undeniably difficult to avoid plastic these days. However, that doesn’t mean plastic is flushable, nor is it biodegradable in most cases. When you flush something that is latex or plastic down the toilet, such as a pair of latex gloves or a plastic wrapper, you are sending something down a narrow pipe that won’t break down or dissolve. In other words, that plastic piece could get wedged somewhere, start collecting other debris, and form a horrendous clog in the future. And remember the low-flow plumbing system? 


Plastic will only make that flow weaker. 


This “do not flush plastic rule” applies to even the most inconsequential plastic items, as well. Avoid flushing bandages, tape, straws, Q-tips, balloons, toothpaste caps, and other plastic or latex items. Keep those things far from the toilet bowl, and put them in the trash when you are done using them.


Final Thoughts

If you or someone you know has been flushing these kinds of things down the toilet, tell them to stop. Flushing non-flushable items down the toilet spells trouble. There are just some things that are not meant to go down the toilet. If it’s not human waste or toilet paper, keep it out of the toilet bowl, and let others know that the bathroom isn’t for garbage. 


What To Do If a Bird Nests in Your A/C Unit

Birds build their nests in locations that offer shelter and safety. But sometimes those locations can be a huge inconvenience for the humans living at those properties. Unfortunately, the cavernous space of an air conditioner unit can be attractive to birds looking to nest and lay eggs—and for homeowners and renters alike, the problem is difficult to ignore.

Birds typically make a home in air conditioning units during times of the year when these units aren’t being actively used. But once the A/C unit turns on for the first time, it puts both the birds and your major appliance at risk. Avoid this mess by taking steps to get rid of the birds in your air conditioner—and to prevent them from coming back in the future.

Birds are Living in My Air Conditioner: What Do I Do?

If birds are living in your A/C unit, your first step should be to cut off power to the appliance itself. If birds get caught in the blades of the appliance, it can damage the mechanical components and lead to serious repair costs—or even force you to buy a new unit altogether.

birds nesting in an ac unit

Once power is removed, you may be able to clear out the birds simply by removing the grate covering the blades of the fan. Scaring the birds may be enough to get them to leave. You can also remove the nest by hand, although keep in mind that if eggs are laying in the nest, moving the nest may cause the parents to abandon the eggs—and/or increase the risk of the eggs being taken by a predator.

If there are baby birds in the nest, or if you’re unsure how to handle a nest with eggs, contact your local animal rescue organization for guidance on how to properly move the nest—or to have a professional assist in the relocation.

Before turning it back on, you’ll also want to give the unit a thorough cleaning to remove debris and buildup from the birds. Bird poop in your air conditioner can cause buildup on components that increase the risk of overheating or improper functioning, and feathers in the air conditioning can jam up fans and other mechanical parts. Restore power to the A/C unit only when this debris is cleared out of the appliance.

How to Remove a Window A/C Nest

If a bird has built a nest on your window A/C unit, the best time to remove the nest is as soon as you notice the nest being built. The farther along the bird gets in building its nest, the more stubborn they may be in rebuilding after you’ve removed the nest from your air conditioner. You could even run into problems with birds returning every summer to build their nest in that same place.

If the nest is already fully built and isn’t causing the A/C unit any harm, you may consider leaving the nest in place until it’s time to remove your A/C unit when temperatures start to cool. By cleaning off the nest and then removing the A/C unit where the nest was perched, you will encourage the bird to build a new nest somewhere else.

How to Free a Bird Stuck in Your Air Conditioner

If a bird is stuck in your air conditioner and you don’t know how to get them out, it’s probably time to contact an HVAC specialist for assistance. An air conditioner technician can safely dismantle the air conditioner to free the bird without compromising your unit’s performance.

While it can be tempting to attempt this on your own, taking apart your air conditioner and messing with its mechanical components can increase the risk of malfunctions and repairs if these parts aren’t properly disassembled. Depending on the bird’s location, this process can be tricky to handle on your own.

If you believe the bird in the air conditioner is injured, contact a local animal rescue for advice on how to free the bird, and whether you should deliver it to a local organization to have it rehabilitated.

Tips to Keep Birds Away From Your Air Conditioner

Preventing birds from nesting or entering your A/C unit is always easier than trying to clear them out. Here are some tips to deter birds from taking interest in this appliance:

  • Install bird spikes. Bird spikes are a simple and highly effective tool to keep birds from roosting on your air conditioner. Bird spikes are particularly effective if you’re looking for tips on how to keep birds away from window air conditioners, but these spikes can be effective on free-standing A/C units as well.
  • Cover the unit when not in use. A tarp or custom air conditioner cover will stop birds from accessing the unit and trying to make it their home. For window A/C units, remove the unit when you’ve stopped using it for the season.
  • Remove nearby bird baths and bird feeders. While these features may beautify your living space by drawing birds into your line of sight, they can also attract birds looking for a place to nest.
  • Seal holes or gaps in your A/C unit. Birds shouldn’t be able to get inside your unit. If they do, find their entry point and have an HVAC specialist properly close it up.

Birds can be a nuisance once they decide your A/C unit is a habitable space, but a little creative thinking and preventative work can clear out these creatures and keep both birds and your air conditioner safe. If you’re struggling to manage your bird problem on your own, seek out the help of a heating and cooling specialist.

The post What To Do If a Bird Nests in Your A/C Unit appeared first on Stahl Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning.

Common Sewer Line Problems and Their Causes

Your home’s sewer line is out of sight and all too often out of mind – until trouble occurs, that is! Our state-certified master plumbers at Adams and Son Plumbing know that homeowners especially dread any issue involving sewer pipes. That’s why we’re providing this guide to help you recognize the signs of problems before they become full-blown emergencies, as well as to educate you on the common causes of problems – some of which can be avoided!

What Exactly is a Sewer Line?

New (or relatively new) homeowners may not be clear on what a sewer line exactly is. Considering the name, many people mistakenly believe that since the sewer is a municipal service, the city or appropriate utility agency is responsible for any problems with the sewer line.

Just to be clear, what this refers to is the portion of the sewer line that leads from your house to the main sewer lateral under the street. The homeowner is responsible for repairs when this line becomes clogged, cracks or breaks. It is not to be confused with the municipal sewer line, which is the municipal government’s responsibility to maintain and repair. For homes with a septic system, the sewer line leads to the septic tank.

Common Warning Signs of a Sewer Line Problem

Because of the sewer line’s underground location, problems often can’t be observed directly. Look out for the following warning signs, provided by our colleagues at 3 Mountains Plumbing of Portland, OR:

  • Sewage backup and blockages – Sewage backups can happen every now and then, but if sewage backs up every time you flush the toilet, the problem could be your main sewer line. All of your home’s drains rely on the main line in order to drain properly.
  • Foul odors – Your plumbing should never be stinky. If it’s emitting an unpleasant odor, you should have your system examined.
  • Mold and mildew – These conditions are health hazards and should be addressed immediately, as they can spread rapidly. A crack in your sewer line can leak water and promote their growth, so you should call a professional as soon as possible.
  • Slow drainage Slow drains are a common plumbing problem, and most issues can be easily fixed. When these methods don’t work, however, it could mean that you have a severe clog deeper in your sewer line.
  • Random lush spots in your yard – Have you noticed spots in your yard that are extra green and lush? If so, it could be from a crack in your main line. Sewage is a great fertilizer, so it’s likely a leak directly below.
  • Pests – Rodents and other critters can fit through cracks in your sewer line with ease. From there, they can make it into the rest of your plumbing system and other areas in your home.
  • Foundation damage – Did you know that a problem with your line can cause structural damage in your home? If the source of the leak isn’t addressed, leaking water can cause cracks and even sinkholes in your foundation.

Changes in the function of your plumbing fixtures can also indicate a sewer line problem. Pay attention if the following occur:


  • Flushing the toilet causes water to back up from your tub or shower.
  • Toilet water starts to bubble. Should this happen, run water in the sink closest to the toilet for a minute or so. If the water continues to bubble (or rises), there’s a problem.
  • Hearing a gurgling noise as the toilet flushes or the water in your bathtub or shower is draining. If you hear this, call a plumber immediately.

Washing machine

When the draining water from your washing machine causes the toilet to overflow or backs up into the tub or shower, it could mean your sewer drain has a problem. However, if the toilets are flushing as usual, the problem could be local and not in your sewer drain.

Common Causes of Sewer Line Problems

So what can go wrong with a sewer line? Some issues can’t be prevented, but others can! Here are the most common causes, provided by Len the Plumber:

Severe pipe damage – When sewer pipes are broken or ruptured, the sewage won’t be able to properly drain through the system, leading to immediate and frequent backups. Common causes of sewer pipe damage include:

  • Sewer pipe rupture due to shifting soil, settling, increased traffic on the ground above or use of heavy construction equipment above ground.
  • Corrosion of an older pipe, causing the pipe to break or collapse.
  • Leaking joints where the seals between sections of pipe have broken, allowing water and sewage to escape.

A sagging sewer line – While this is out of a homeowner’s control, sagging sewer lines happen over time. This “bellied” pipe occurs when a section of the pipe has sunk due to ground or soil conditions. The low spot in the line will begin to collect paper and waste, resulting in repeat blockages.

Tree root infiltration – Older sewer lines were sometimes constructed out of clay or other porous materials. In addition, the connections between the pipe sections weren’t as tight as today’s PVC pipes.

As tree and shrub roots grow, they search for sources of water. If they latch onto a sewer pipe, they will grow into the pipe in order to reach the water and nutrients inside. As the roots expand over time, it can cause the line to break. Our blog post – “Are Tree Roots in Your Sewer Line?” – covers this issue in detail.

Flushing debris down the toilet – For the sake of your plumbing system’s health, it’s important to know what you can and can’t flush down your toilet. Treating your toilet as a trash can will cause sewer drain issues. In addition, never flush baby wipes! Even brands that claim to be flushable really aren’t. Click here to see what baby wipes can do to a municipal sewer pipe. As we always say, only three things should be flushed down the toilet – one of which is toilet paper. The other two come from you!

Pouring grease down the drain – Grease, fats and oil are all some of the biggest culprits when it comes to clogging lines. Never pour grease, oil, or other fats down a drain. Instead, pour hot grease into a coffee can or jar. Once it solidifies, you can throw it away. People mistakenly think that running hot water when pouring grease down a drain helps wash it away. This is not the case. Once grease cools off, it will harden and stick to your pipes, leading to sewer line clogs.

The grease that continues on its way eventually congeals further down the line with grease from numerous other households and commercial sources, causing formation of fatbergs in municipal sewers. Our blog post – “Still Pouring Grease Down the Sink? Don’t Do It!” – covers this topic in greater detail, and provides more information (and a photo) about fatbergs. 

The Take-Home Message

Proper overall care and maintenance of your plumbing can prevent many sewer line problems. Our blog post – “The Importance of Maintaining a Clean Sewer” – provides practical advice on steps to take and tips on troubleshooting.

Should you notice any of the trouble signs covered here, contact Adams and Son Plumbing. Our family-owned business has been serving Central Florida’s homes and businesses for over 60 years with reliable, dedicated service. Contact us to get – and keep – your home’s plumbing in top repair.

The post Common Sewer Line Problems and Their Causes appeared first on Adams and Son Plumbing Services.

Getting the Cold Shoulder From Your Shower: Here’s a Few Reasons Why

July’s temperatures may be hot, but that doesn’t mean you want a cold shower! Let’s break down why your shower isn’t heating up.

Check Your Water Heater

Is your chilly shower more of a wake-up call for bigger issues? Check to see if your hot water problem is only with your shower or if you are having issues with hot water at all your fixtures. A whole-house hot water malfunction points to an issue with your hot water heater.

That problem could be as simple as a temperature gauge issue or a blown fuse. Defective parts, sediment build-up, or other breakdowns might be causing the issue. Regular maintenance of your home’s water heater can help to make sure it is working effectively and efficiently.

In the case of electric water heaters, a failed heating element or tripped circuit could also be to blame. Electric water heater servicing is best left to the professionals to diagnose and fix your hot water issue.

Evaluate Your Valve

Your hot water problem might be right inside your shower. A shower valve helps to create the perfect blend of hot and cold water. A worn or broken shower valve can disrupt that perfect shower water cocktail. Pieces of the valve can also dislodge and create a blockage. If you’re handy you can remove the shower valve and replace the broken components but because of its positioning it may be difficult to access and it may be best to call in a professional.

Your Anti-Scald Device is Keeping You Cold

Hot water is flowing from your sinks but not your shower? The issue could be your safety feature that makes sure your hot water isn’t scalding hot is set at too high a limit. The anti-scald device is in place to limit how far your shower handle can rotate in the hot water direction. The fix is to remove your handle and find the anti-scald device sitting directly under the faucet head. Adjust the device and test the result before reassembling.

Shower Capacity

If your hot shower is cut short, you might discover your hot water heater can’t keep up with demand. Consider timing the use of your large appliances to allow your hot water heater to catch up with demand or consider increasing the size of the tank or switching to a tankless water heater.

If you want to keep cool this summer, hit the pool or run through the sprinklers. If you want a hot, relaxing shower and your home’s shower is giving you the cold shoulder, call the experts at Len The Plumber. Our professionals deliver prompt, same day service, so you can get right back into your shower routine.

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Three Plumbing Appliances That Are Worth the Investment

It’s time to talk about plumbing investments and the technology created to make our lives easier. It might be simple to get stuck thinking of your plumbing system like just the pipes and waterways underneath your home, but it’s just not that basic. Sometimes there are plumbing appliances that do an incredible job at making our lives easier and more convenient. Take the garbage disposal as an example: a simple solution to a complicated plumbing problem that has plagued us for decades.

The important thing to take away from this blog post is that only a licensed professional can provide quality plumbing in Montclair when it comes to these upgrades. If any of these plumbing solutions sound like an important addition to your home, be sure to call us so we can discuss your options.

Our prices are fair and we always get the job done right!

Upgrades Based on Data and Convenience

These upgrades aren’t just nifty devices that we like to sell homeowners during the holidays. In fact, these are long-term solutions to problems that can plague your home’s plumbing system. Think of them as investments, ways that you can use scientific data and technology to make improvements that you didn’t even know your plumbing system needed.

Sometimes a home might even be legally required to be upgraded with one of these systems, like certain zoning requirements involve backflow preventers to keep homes safe and secure. Check with our professionals so you only make upgrades that you really need.

Garbage Disposals

Food waste can be one of the biggest contributors to drain clogs in the plumbing industry. Every time you cook dinner and wash off your cutting board, you’re potentially adding to a developing clog that’s going to eventually cause you problems. While you could invest in yearly drain cleaning (which every homeowner should invest in quite honestly), you can also add a layer of protection and convenience to your home with a garbage disposal.

These systems grind up your food waste so it can be easily digested by your plumbing system and sent to a waste treatment plant for more environmentally friendly processing. It’s a simple, easy, and convenient solution.

Backflow Preventers

Backflow preventers are legally mandated in some plumbing zones, and in other situations, they’re a great safeguard. They basically make sure that wastewater only flows in one direction, sensing when any backflow is headed in the opposite direction and stopping the flow of water entirely.

This can be great because it essentially blocks your home from experiencing contamination in the water system and keeps your plumbing system in great shape. Check with your local municipality to see if you need a backflow preventer installed for legal reasons.

Water Softeners

If you’re suffering from hard water, the signs can be obvious. Itchy, dry skin, soap stains on your dishes, laundry detergent that won’t dissolve, mineral buildup in your appliances … these are the symptoms of hard water problems.

Luckily, a water softener is a perfect solution for a home with these issues. It can remove the minerals from the water safely and effectively while leaving your appliances and plumbing system to function as intended.

Call MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. for comprehensive plumbing care, as well as convenient upgrades.

The post Three Plumbing Appliances That Are Worth the Investment first appeared on MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc..

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What’s Wrong With My Water Pressure?

Homeowners in Orlando, FL, are all too familiar with plumbing issues. No matter how good the plumbing system is, it can develop problems over time. We are sure that you have dealt with your fair share of clogged drains and pipes and called professionals for plumbing in Orlando, FL, to fix the issue. But what if the problem is that there is barely any water coming out of the fixtures?

If you are dealing with low water pressure, you might suspect that too many people using water simultaneously in your house is causing be the problem. However, low water pressure could be a sign of a major plumbing issue that needs professional attention.

This post will discuss some of the most common reasons that could be causing the low water pressure in your house and what you should do about it.

Reasons You Might Have Low Water Pressure

Let’s discuss the possible reasons your house has low water pressure to help you understand what you should do to deal with the problem.

1. The main shutoff valve isn’t completely open

Checking the main shutoff valve for your house is the first thing you should do when you are getting low water pressure. If the main shutoff valve isn’t completely open, it can cause low water pressure inside the house.

2. Your pipes are leaking

Leaks inside your plumbing lead the water supply away from the fixtures and cause low water pressure. If you can access your pipes, you should look around to see if there are any pools of water or wet spots. You might find the leak source, and you should get in touch with a professional to fix the problem.

3. The pipes are corroded

Depending on the material used in your home’s plumbing, it is possible that your pipes are corroded and causing the water pressure to drop. Old pipes made with galvanized steel do not last as long as copper or brass pipes. If the corrosion is indeed the problem, the pipes might have corroded to a point where your plumbing is leaking water.

4. The pipes are clogged

Clogged pipes are a common reason your home’s plumbing is plagued by low water pressure. Clogs can build up anywhere from the drains to deep into your plumbing. Enough clogging can result in lower water pressure throughout the house, depending on where the clog is. You should have a professional take a closer look and clear the pipes to get rid of the clog.

Do You Have Low Water Pressure?

Low water pressure can be mildly annoying at best, but it can completely ruin your daily routine if the problem becomes worse. If you are dealing with low water pressure in your house and the main shutoff valve is completely open, it could be a sign that there are major plumbing issues in your house. You should not wait around until the water pressure drops to the point that nothing comes out of the pipes. Call a professional plumbing company immediately to deal with it before it gets worse, and that’s where we come in at Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc.

Contact Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. for your plumbing services.

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