Month: October 2022

7 Reasons To Install a Touchless Faucet

Little girl washing her hands

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Touchless faucets are a new technology that helps conserve water, free your hands, and help keep your faucet handles free from dirt and germs.

What Is a Touchless Faucet?

A touchless faucet eliminates the need to activate water by manually turning a handle. Touchless faucets rely on motion sensors to activate the stream of water and shut it off.

Benefits of Touchless Faucets

Here are seven reasons touchless faucets are a good choice for your home:

  1. Touchless faucets conserve water: According to the Environmental Protection Agency, faucets account for 15% of household water usage. A touchless faucet can help reduce that usage because it automatically turns on and off.
  2. Touchless faucets help with hygiene: Germs can live on traditional faucet handles. A touchless version means there is no risk of spreading or contracting germs or dirt that can remain on a faucet handle. That means once you clean your hands, you don’t reintroduce germs by touching a dirty faucet handle to turn off the water.
  3. Touchless faucets are convenient: Hands full of dishes? No problem. The sensors make it convenient when your hands are too full to turn a knob.
  4. Touchless faucets require less cleaning: Because grubby hands aren’t constantly grabbing onto knobs and levers, touchless faucets stay cleaner longer than traditional faucets.
  5. Touchless faucets prevent scalding: Touchless faucets typically have a fixed temperature, so you can feel confident that the water won’t scald your hands.
  6. Touchless faucets help with independence: The motion-activated features mean anyone with mobility issues or someone who struggles with grip or hand issues can easily use the faucet unassisted.
  7. Touchless faucets have pre-fixed flow: There’s no wasteful blast of water when someone opens up a faucet to its capacity. This automated feature helps to conserve water.

What Do I Need To Install a Touchless Faucet?

Some touchless faucets are battery-powered, and some are plug-in versions. If you choose a plug-in version, you will need an outlet for a power source.

In the event of a power outage, your touchless faucet without a battery backup would be inoperable.

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Why Professional Drain Cleaning Is Important

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There’s a big difference between “professional drain cleaning” and just “drain cleaning.” Professional plumbers have access to a number of special tools that are different sizes, training, and experience in order to handle even the most clogged up drains. Homeowners, on the other hand, can sometimes spend hours upon hours trying to relieve even a moderate drain clog with no success. This is why we need to call attention to the difference.

We know that professional drain cleaning is more expensive than addressing a problem yourself. But when you spend ten hours and miss a day of work trying to relieve a stubborn clog, instead of calling a trained pro to get the job done in two, are you really saving that much money in the long run?

The answer is no, but we’ll get into the specifics below.

Better Tools for the Job

Professional plumbers just have better tools for the job at hand. A lot of equipment that a plumber uses isn’t available cheaply for homeowners to buy—and why would they? If you only ever use a hydro jetting system once or twice in your life, then you’re not getting your money’s worth if you decided to buy it yourself.

Professionals have these tools and they’re in great shape and used often. They’re also specifically trained to use this equipment, so it takes minimal time for them to address your stuck drain.

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Experience Goes a Long Way

Not every home looks or operates the same. Your home might be a unique one, and you won’t find that out by searching for a guide online. Professional plumbers have seen everything, and their experience can be invaluable when running into a particularly stubborn or stuck drain. Or, if you’re nervous about your drain leaking and running into problems, then a professional plumber can be the right person to evaluate the drain and give you their opinion.

Calculate the Cost Yourself!

For homeowners who really want to save every penny, here’s a good tip. Try calculating the cost in time and money when you try to fix something yourself. If it takes you twenty hours and a lot of stress to clear a drain clog, then we want you to think of those hours as work hours. Imagine you were being paid during that time, how much would you charge? Plumbing problems can be frustrating, time-consuming, and take a lot longer for people who don’t have training. This means that you’ll be spending more time and essentially more money trying to clear a drain clog yourself.

And that doesn’t even get to the cost of parts and equipment you have to buy if you want to do this on your own. What we’re trying to say is: professional drain cleaning services get things done quickly, efficiently, and at as little cost to you as possible. When doing this work on your own, all bets are off.

Call Us at (877) 959-3534 for Plumbing Service

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Why You Need to Have Water Heater Maintenance Done


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Have you ever had a water heater fail in the past? Or perhaps you’ve experienced power outages that have prevented your water heater from working? Maybe you’ve tried to shower without realizing that everyone else in your family had just showered, leaving your water cold? If you’ve ever been without hot water, you know exactly how miserable it is.

Most of the time, we don’t think about our water heaters until there is a problem. Unfortunately, failing to plan ahead could leave you in cold water.

Just like any other major home system, a water heater is meant to be maintained annually in order to function optimally and last as long as possible. Here are some of the rewards that come with a well-maintained water heater.

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Fewer Repairs

When a professional comes to provide water heater services in Orlando, FL, they will address any existing issues or concerns. When a problem is caught early, the solution is simpler, faster, and less expensive than it might otherwise become. But without maintenance, the wear and tear of running the water heater can gradually worsen a small problem until it requires a much more extensive repair, potentially leaving you without hot water until you can have it fixed.

Energy Efficiency

The regular strain of being in constant use can slowly lessen the efficiency of a water heater. With a tune-up, the efficiency can be improved. Since your water heater may account for more than 15% of the energy use in your home, that improvement could mean a significant decrease in energy usage. This can decrease your utility bills while maintaining the same level of reliable comfort. It can also give you the satisfaction of knowing that your reduced fuel use is better for the environment.

Postponing Replacement

The cost and inconvenience of researching and purchasing a new water heater and having it installed is not something you want to deal with sooner than necessary. When a water heater is maintained annually, it lasts much longer than one that is not. In fact, a regularly-maintained water heater can easily last more than fifteen years. It would be better to have several more years of hot water, worry-free, rather than let your water heater deteriorate.


Although water heaters are generally safe, you can’t be sure about one that’s been quietly deteriorating for years. A qualified technician can ensure that your water heater doesn’t pose any safety risk. When any appliance combusts fuel, there is a risk that the fuel could leak or that the appliance could emit carbon monoxide. With regular maintenance, you can put your mind at ease, knowing that your safety is in good hands.

Safety is also the most important reason for choosing a qualified, experienced plumber rather than attempting any repairs on your water heater yourself. A mistake is all too easy to make when you don’t have extensive training, and that could result in damage to the system or water leaks, or worse, gas leaks or injury. You can rely on our team to keep you, your home, and your water heater safe.

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