Month: October 2022

Freaky Sounds You Should Never Hear Coming From Your Furnace

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It’s spooky season, which means you may already be on edge. When you hear a strange noise in your home, it can easily send you into a panic. Before you start swinging your bat around, though, pay close attention to the sound you’re hearing and where it’s coming from. If you hear any of these freaky furnace sounds, it’s important you know what’s causing it and how to solve the issue.

1. Rattling

No, there aren’t ghosts or monsters in your furnace. However, it can still be a pretty scary situation. Rattling noises may indicate you have a cracked heat exchanger, which is the biggest cause of carbon monoxide leaks and shouldn’t be ignored. On a less scary note, rattling doesn’t automatically mean a carbon monoxide problem. It could also mean you have a loose panel or a loose screw that needs to be tightened. All that being said, never ignore a rattling sound. Contact an HVAC professional right away to inspect the cause of the noise and offer solutions to fix it.

2. High-Pitched Squealing or Screeching

Yikes! A squealing or screeching furnace? Talk about freaky. If you hear this sound coming from your furnace, it’s usually due to an issue with the blower or motor in your equipment. It’s possible that your blower or motor has overheated, or it’s older and worn out from years of use. If your blower has overheated, it’s likely due to dirt buildup or a bad capacitor. It’s best to contact your local HVAC contractor to come take a look and determine whether it’s something that can be repaired, or if it needs to be replaced.

3. Scraping

Is your furnace making a scaping sound, like metal against metal? This might mean you have an issue with your blower wheel. It could also mean there’s a loose part that is scaping against other parts of your furnace. Whether it be an issue with your blower wheel or a loose part that needs tightening, it can impact the overall efficiency of your furnace. Don’t wait to contact an HVAC professional if you notice scraping.

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4. Banging

If your furnace bangs when it shuts off, it could be due to a dirty air filter that needs changed. When your filter is dirty, it restricts airflow and causes warm air to back up into your furnace. This can cause the metal of your ducts and your furnace to expand. But once the heating cycle stops and the metal panels cool, it can produce this banging sound you’re hearing. All that being said, you shouldn’t ignore a banging noise. Have an HVAC professional come inspect your unit, determine the cause of the noise, and offer solutions to fix it right away.

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Water Heaters: Should You Go Tank or Tankless?


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If you’re in the market for a new water heater, you are probably wondering what your options are. You know that both tank water heaters and the newer tankless models exist. But which is better?

Ultimately, both tank and tankless water heaters offer significant benefits, though in quite different ways. So it’s not a matter of one being better than the other, it’s simply choosing the one that would best fit your home and your needs.

Tank Water Heaters

These are the systems that most people are more familiar with. They keep a full tank of water at a high temperature all the time. Although the energy costs of doing so seem like they must be very high, modern tank water heaters have improved over old models. They are better insulated, and some have timers and easy ways to lower the temperature when you won’t be needing hot water, such as when you’re away from your home. However, they are still not as energy-efficient as tankless models.

If your family is small, and your needs are low, you can use a smaller tank heater, which will decrease energy waste. The cost of purchasing a tank water heater and water heater installation in Orlando is definitely lower than transitioning to a tankless system, which in the short term is a big benefit.

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Tankless Water Heaters

The initial costs of purchasing and installing a tankless water heater are greater. However, they are so energy-efficient that you will recover that investment and save money. If environmental impact is a big concern for you, you may prefer this system because it uses as little fuel and water as possible. 

Tankless systems come in gas and electric versions and can supply 2-5 gallons of hot water per minute. Gas heaters usually provide more hot water per minute than electric. Keep in mind that when you’re running warm water in the sink or shower, not all of what you’re using comes straight from the water heater, so 5 gallons of very hot water can translate to a lot more comfortably-warm water per minute.

These systems also come in different sizes, so it’s important to consider how much hot water is used in your home. A smaller system would not keep up well with a large family that often does laundry and runs the dishwasher while someone is taking a shower, for example. 

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These Spooky Sounds Mean Your Heater Needs Repair

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Autumn inevitably brings about many things: Halloween, pumpkin spice lattes, and the transition from using your air conditioner to using your heater. Perhaps you’ve turned your heater on for the first time in months, only to hear some truly terrifying noises such as screeching, rattling, banging, and knocking.

Unfortunately, heating systems that haven’t been used during the summer can start to emit moans and groans when the cool weather arrives, just in time for spooky season. If your heater sounds like it is possessed, now is the perfect time to schedule expert service to avoid any heating horror stories this fall. These scary sounds could indicate your heater needs repairs.

Clanking and Knocking

The sound of chains rattling or mysterious knocking doesn’t mean the trick-or-treaters have arrived early. These sounds could indicate that a fan belt might be cracked or loose and is knocking against other metal parts. Or the blower fan could be misaligned and the blades are rattling against the walls or house casing. A well-functioning furnace won’t make these noises, so if they’re giving you a fright, it’s best to have them checked out.

Scratching and Scraping

No, that’s not the sound of a creature trying to claw its way loose from your heating system. If you’re hearing a scraping noise like nails on a chalkboard, this could mean your blower wheel is malfunctioning and scraping against its metal casing. Another potential culprit is the blower motor assembly which could be broken.

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Wailing and Whining

Does your furnace sound like a wailing banshee is trying to escape? These high-pitched noises indicate that a blower belt may have come loose or that the blower motor needs to be replaced. Wailing and whining could also mean that the system is in dire need of oiling and lubrication.

Rumbling and Grumbling

This noise doesn’t mean your heater is inhabited by a cranky, hungry ghost. Rumbling sounds can indicate different problems depending on when you’re hearing them. Are you hearing this loud sound after the furnace has completed a heating cycle and switched off? If so, there could be a problem with the burner. Oil or gas could be continuing to burn in the combustion chamber even after the burners are shut off. This extra fuel could result in the release of carbon monoxide gas into your home. Turn the furnace off immediately and call a professional right away.

Banging and Booming

These startling noises can give you the heebie-jeebies, and for good reason. These sounds could be caused by a small gas explosion due to a gas buildup. When the burner isn’t lit properly, gas accumulates in the combustion chamber and makes a booming noise when it finally ignites. Dirty burners that aren’t igniting efficiently could indicate a clog or pressure problem.

Don’t ignore these noises in the hope they’ll go away. Ignition problems could result in damage to the heat exchanger and in worst-case scenarios, can cause lethal carbon monoxide gas leaks. If your heater is experiencing ignition problems, schedule professional heater repair as soon as possible.

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In Ottawa, are Landlords or Tenants Responsible For Plumbing Repairs?

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In Ottawa,Ontario, the law is clear about who is responsible for plumbing repairs but it may not be obvious at times. The short answer to who is responsible for plumbing repairs is the landlord. The landlord of the rental property is always responsible, except for those that are the result of normal wear and tear. If a tenant experiences a plumbing problem they should first try to contact the landlord. If the landlord does not respond or cannot be reached, then the tenant can call a plumber themselves.

It’s important to remember that if a tenant damages something in their unit through negligence or misuse, they will be held responsible and may have to pay for repairs.

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) sets out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in Ontario.

Section 20 of the RTA states that the landlord is responsible for

The repair of the residential complex, except to the extent that the damage or deterioration is caused by the willful or negligent conduct of the tenant, another occupant of the complex or a person permitted in the complex by the tenant.

This means that, generally speaking, if something in your unit needs to be repaired and it’s not your fault, you should contact your landlord. Your landlord must then make the necessary repairs in a timely manner.

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1. What is the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) and what does this mean for who pays the plumbing?

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is a law that sets out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in Ontario. So if a tenant in Ottawa experiences a plumbing problem, they should call their landlord.

Who is responsible for plumbing repairs then?

In general, if something in your unit needs to be repaired and it’s not your fault, you should contact your landlord. Your landlord must then make the necessary repairs in a timely manner. 

2. What are a landlord’s responsibilities in Ottawa under the RTA?

The landlord is generally responsible for repairing damage to the rental unit, unless the damage was caused by the tenant’s negligence or misuse. As mentioned already, according to section 20 of the RTA, the landlord is responsible for

The repair of the residential complex, except to the extent that the damage or deterioration is caused by the willful or negligent conduct of the tenant, another occupant of the complex or a person permitted in the complex by the tenant.

3-What are the tenant responsibilities in Ottawa under the RTA?

Tenants are responsible for keeping their rental unit clean and in good repair. They must also not damage the unit or allow anyone else to damage it. If a tenant damages something in their unit through negligence or misuse, they will be held responsible and may have to pay for repairs.

4-What should I do if I have a plumbing problem with my rental unit that needs to be repaired?

If you are renting a unit in Ottawa and have a plumbing problem that needs to be repaired, you should contact your landlord. Your landlord must then make the necessary repairs in a timely manner.

5-Can I repair the damage myself and deduct the cost from my rent?

No. You cannot repair the damage yourself and deduct the cost from your rent. If you do so, you may be evicted. The landlord is also responsible for cleaning the hallways, stairwells, and any other common areas in the apartment building. If there are any messes or spillages in these areas, it is the responsibility of the landlord to clean them up. (Source)

6. Are there any exceptions to this rule?

There are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if you damage something in your unit through negligence or misuse, you will be held responsible and may have to pay for repairs. Another exception is if the repair needed is due to normal wear and tear. This is defined as

deterioration that results from the intended use of a residential complex or part of it.

For example, if a pipe bursts and causes water damage to your unit, this would not be considered normal wear and tear–the landlord would be responsible for repairing the pipe and fixing the water damage. However, if a doorknob becomes loose due to normal use over time, this would be considered normal wear and tear and the tenant would be responsible for repairing or replacing it.

In summary, Ottawa landlords are responsible for all repairs, except for those that are the result of normal wear and tear. If a tenant experiences a plumbing problem, they should first try to contact the landlord. If the landlord does not respond or cannot be reached, then the tenant can call a plumber themselves. The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) sets out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in Ontario, so if you have any questions about your specific situation, be sure to consult with an expert. This post only serves to answer general questions about plumbing.

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What’s DrainVision – Video Camera Inspection?

* What is DrainVision (Video Camera Inspection)?

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How often do you really think about cleaning your drain? Most people probably don’t consider it at all. They may not even realize that to keep your drains functioning properly, they should be cleaned and maintained regularly. Many things like hair bits of food, go down drains on a regular basis that over time can cause build up and then blockages. The next thing a homeowner knows is he is trying to take a shower and is standing in a puddle of water. A few quick tips can keep your drain flowing smoothly.

When Should I Clean My Drains?

There is a lot of advice suggesting how often drains should be cleaned. Cleaning the drain is a simple task and doesn’t take much time. The most important thing is that it is done regularly and becomes part of a homeowners routine. Once a month is a good time to clean the drain because it isn’t a huge addition to everyday life, but it’s also regular enough to keep drains running well. Taking the time once a month to clean the drains could end up saving money in the long run. Drains problems left alone could become costly plumbing problems.

How Should I Clean My Drains?

There are some easy ways to keep drains clean. One is after washing dishes or food preparation, turn on the hot water and run it in the sink to clear out the drain. Every few days, pour a half cup of baking soda then a half cup of vinegar down the drain.

If the drain seems to clog easily, or often, before going to bed, start by pouring a half cup of baking soda down the drain. Immediately follow that with a half cup of salt. Then pour a half cup of vinegar in and it will foam. A minute later pour several quarts of boiling water down the drain.

There are some things that can be done to prevent blockages. Purchase a mesh screen to cover the drain to catch hair and other things that can go down the drain. If there is an item that is questionable if it can go down the drain, or needs to be thrown in the trash, throw it out. Some items that should absolutely not go down the drain are grounds from coffee, grease, gum, baby wipes, cotton, and hair.

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Importance of Water Heater Maintenance

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Imagine your home full of holiday guests with everyone snug and happy, settling in for a joyous holiday season — when your household hot water heater decided to take a powder. Not only will this make showering and bathing impossible, but you won’t be able to wash clothes or run your dishwasher. If you’re like most people, you don’t give much thought to your home’s hot water heater until it malfunctions. However, you can circumvent these issues and ensure an ample supply of hot water for you and your guests simply by taking a few water heater maintenance measures.

Schedule a Water Heater Maintenance Checkup

Hot water systems are the second highest energy load in the average Florida home, so

water heater maintenance

they’re working hard even outside of the holiday season. Add an increased number of showers and baths due to household guests as well as more dishwasher and laundry loads, and your system may not be up to the challenge. Having it serviced prior to the increased activity brought on by the holiday season will minimize the chances that you’ll be inconvenienced due to a malfunction.

Our water heater technicians can give your hot water system an entire going-over to make sure that there are no issues that might cause it to stop working when you’ve got a houseful of guests during the holiday season. We’ve got skilled professionals on board who can work on all types of systems, including solar, tankless, traditional, and hybrids.

Common Signs That Your Hot Water System Needs Maintenance

A failure to operate is the most obvious sign that it’s time to call in a professional, but other indications that your system is due for maintenance are more subtle. For instance, you might not even notice that your hot water tank has a small leak, and if it’s located in an out-of-the-way area of your home, the rumblings and other noises that point to potential mineral buildup and other problems might not be heard.

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Fall Is In The Air: How To Improve Indoor Air Quality In 5 Ways

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Fall is officially in the air – and what better time to focus on improving the air quality inside your home? This time of year, air conditioning isn’t needed as much to keep cool which can lead to poor humidity levels inside your home. Here are 5 ways to improve your indoor air quality so you can stay comfortable and breathe easier this season.

1. Use Natural Air Fresheners

Air fresheners aren’t really all that “fresh” after all. They might smell good, but they’re not great for your indoor air quality – or your health – a lot of times. Many air fresheners contain VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which are gases that release into the air from processes or products. Exposure to VOCs can cause a host of problems, like headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and irritation in the eyes, throat and nose. Long-term exposure can cause even worse problems, like cancer, and damage to your kidneys, liver, and central nervous system. To help reduce indoor air pollution and improve your health, consider using natural air fresheners in place of commercial air fresheners this fall.

2. Clean Your House Regularly

Many of us clean our homes regularly, already, but we don’t just mean vacuum and wipe down counters. We mean really clean your house. This includes dusting off ceiling fans, vents, and registers, or anywhere that collects dust. Vacuum and steam clean your carpets often. Remove shoes at the door before entering your home. Use natural cleaning products instead of those that are loaded with chemicals. All of these cleaning efforts can really help improve your indoor air quality this fall.

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3. Maintain Your HVAC System

The purpose of an air filter is to help improve your home’s air quality, so you should plan to change it every 30-90 days. Your air filter collects dust, dander, dirt, and other particles.  When your filter is clogged with these particles, they can’t filter as easily and can end up circulating throughout your home. Changing your air filter every 1-3 months and scheduling HVAC maintenance annually are great ways to help improve your indoor air quality.

4. Invest In Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Indoor air quality solutions, like air cleaners, are designed to purify your indoor air and remove contaminants like dust, pollen, and dander. Many companies, like Cool Touch, offer products and services like air cleaners, humidifiers, and UV germicidal lights that can help boost your air quality. Take care of your indoor air, and invest in indoor air quality solutions.

5. Have Good Ventilation

When you’re cooking or bathing, make sure to turn on the exhaust fans to exhaust pollutants. This helps circulate indoor air and improve your ventilation. When you’re cooking, the fan will help vent out any fumes, smoke, heat, or steam that builds up and impacts the air you breathe. If you can, also consider opening some doors and windows to let fresh air in and stale air out.

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