10 Horizontal Directional Drilling Guidelines

10 Horizontal Directional Drilling Guidelines

According to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), “Horizontal Directionally Drilling (HDD) is a proven technique for the installation of pipelines and other utilities in sensitive or congested areas.”

Profitability is always in the mind of every contractor when drilling. To achieve this, a contractor has to come up with a better strategy for completing the project within the stipulated time frame.

They have to use the right machines, proper skills, and correct techniques to achieve his objectives. Leveraging the right techniques will prevent them from any unpleasant conditions resulting from hazards. 

That being said, the best approach is always directional drilling.


When drilling to find water, oil, or natural gas, you bore vertically down in a straight line. You might have to deviate to avoid any geographical formation. 

The constructor could also be avoiding a previous stuck pipe. As you progress, you can go back to your original path. You will have to use a “sidetracking technique” to achieve this.

Any method that doesn’t follow a straight line vertically is called directional drilling.

What is Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)?

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a construction technique whereby a tunnel is drilled under a waterway or other designated area, and a pipeline or other utility is pulled through the drilled underground tunnel.

Directional drilling technique has been in existence for long. With the advancement of technology, engineers continue to come up with fantastic methods of drilling. 

It has helped them to be able to achieve precise angles and turns. They are also able to cover the tremendous underground distance.

One of the most amazing techniques, perhaps the oldest is the horizontal directional drilling (HDD). This technique is also controversial. You can get a land tender that will give you the right to explore and find natural resources. 

You can then extract them in a square meterage of land. Some offer you the freedom to drill horizontally up to the territory of your neighbor. Some countries are known to use this technique to dig to the region of neighboring countries.

Directional Drilling Guidelines

  1. General Requirements
  • You must dispose of all excavated materials as per the relevant environmental conditions.
  • The HDD professional must always be present when operations are underway.
  • Temporally works need to be demolished after the completion of the project.
  1. Workforce requirements
  • Contractors must have a relevant license
  • The relevant authority must approve the incense before commencement.
  1. Utility location

You should do a survey to establish where critical underground utilities are, before any drilling. Examples include petroleum pipes, electricity, and sewer lines.

  1. Construction Procedure

Before commencing on any work, the constructor has to submit to the administration construction procedures he intends to follow. The job only begins if the authority approves.

  1. Risk Assessment and Control

Before drilling, a constructor should access any HDD risk and come up with a contingency plan. The plan should be well-designed to deal with any possible danger.

Such risks include drill fluid loss, hydrofracture event, in case a hole collapses, and fluid pit overflow. They also have to plan what they will do in case of a drill pipe failure. 

The constructor has to observe general workplace safety and environmental incidences.

  1. Project Preliminaries

Every horizontal drilling project requires approval before commencement. The relevant authority must sign all appropriate permits. They must follow the allowed design requirements. A drawing design requires three columns:

  • Drawing description
  • Drawing details
  • Comments. 

You have to include the borehole details, pit’s entry and exit, the general arrangement of the HDD and the site layout. You have to consider the minimum depth below the road and the bore alignment.


  1. Materials and Equipment

You must prepare suppliers certificates and present to the administration, of all the permanent materials you intend to use. You must describe any available HDD pipe materials.


  1. Quality System Requirement

There are general requirements that one should have a hold point, a witness point and also milestones.


  1. Tolerances

You have to follow the approved design alignment. You can’t afford to fail to conform to allowable tolerances.


  1. Constructed Records

Before ten days end after completing the work, you should submit some constructed records, such records include:


  1. Completed HDD bore survey records
  2. Installation steering documents
  3. Grouting records.
  4. Ground deformation monitoring records.
  5. Final dilapidation reports


Advantages Of Boring Horizontally


  1. When drilling in a straight line vertically, the pressure tends to increase around the wellbore. But when drilling horizontally, the pressure reduces.
  2. When using this technique, you will realize that around your well, there’s a lower fluid velocity.
  3. There is a reduction in soil production.
  4. You increase your overall reservoir recovery when using the technique. The reason is that the drainage pattern is more efficient and more extensive.
  5. It increases the production rate since you expose the length of the greater wellbore to the pay zone.
  6. Reduced conning of water and gas


Additional Benefits of Horizontal Drilling 


  1. Hit Target

There might be reservoirs under a city or even a park. Drilling vertically in a straight line might not be possible. The government might have forbidden extractions in those areas. 

When you use horizontal directional drilling, however, you will be able to achieve your objective.


  1. Drain a Broad Area


In a single drill pad, you can drain vast areas. One of the most surprising episodes was back in 2010. The University of Texas from a town called Arlington hit the headlines. 


From a single drill pad, they managed to drill 22 wells. They intended to drain 1,100 acres of natural gas that is beneath their campus. That means in the next 25 years; they might produce gas in 110 billion cubic feet.


  1. Increase Pay Length


When drilling in a vertical direction, the distance of penetration into the well of oil or gas is lower. When using horizontal drilling, the range of penetration is substantial, therefore increasing the pay zone.


Instances Where You Can Use Horizontal Directional Drilling


  1. Oil-Saturated Sad: When drilling oil-saturated sand, the best method to use is horizontal drilling
  1. Tough Rocks: When trying to extract resources in places with tough stones, it might be so tricky to drill vertically. You have to use horizontal directional to avoid the rocks.
  1. Inaccessible Areas: Imagine drilling resources under big building in town or maybe in a mountain or a natural reservoir. It can be very tricky boring using a vertical strain line. But it’s possible if you use horizontal directional drilling.
  2. Multiple Bed Dips: In some cases, you might find that the oil and gas settle in separate, distinct pockets. To access both points, you will have to drill horizontally. If they are in a single deposit, you can comfortably use vertical drilling alone.
  3. Lag Rig: Did you know that it’s possible to drill on the land then move horizontally under an ocean or lake? Of course, you can’t get into the sea and drill when you are inside; the risk could be high.


When drilling, you can use different techniques. One of the best methods is the use of the HDD. It has many advantages since you can use it in areas where vertical straight line drilling cannot work. 

You have to follow the right guidelines. Talk to the Administration and get all information concerning all requirements of drilling. For the sake of everyone, risk assessment is vital. If you’re not so conversant, you can engage the experts. You don’t want to find yourself on the wrong side of the law.


This post first appeared on https://blog.antaplumbing.com

Water Heater Maintenance and Tankless Water Heater Options

Water Heater Maintenance and Tankless Water Heater Options

Tankless water heaters, also referred to as on-demand or instantaneous water heaters are powered by gas or electricity to rapidly heat water only as it is needed. The heaters have high-powered burners which heat water as it runs through a heat exchanger and exits towards the shower or kitchen faucets for use – without the need for storage in a tank. These types of water heaters are pretty different from tank storage water heaters, and tests by Consumer Reports have found them to be 22% more energy efficient than the latter.

How are the tankless water heater options different from tank storage options?

Traditional storage tank water heaters are common in most homes. The heaters have an insulated tank with a capacity of around 30 to 50 gallons where water is heated and stored until it’s needed. The heaters also use gas or electricity, and most homeowners prefer them to tankless options because of their low initial purchase and installation costs. However, they have more drawbacks than tankless heaters and hence the latter is often a better option.

Benefits of tankless water heater options

Energy and money savings

With a tankless water heater that heats around 40 gallons or less of water per day, your home can enjoy energy savings of between 24% and 34% according to the Energy.gov compared to when using storage tank water heaters. This will save you huge on gas or electricity bills.

More durability

Tankless water heater options have a longer useful life than storage tank water heater options. They can typically last between 20 to 30 years – almost double the lifetime of a storage tank heater.

No storage space needed

On-demand water heaters can be fitted in tight spaces since no space is required to install a storage tank.

They provide instantaneous water heating

Tank storage water heaters take a longer time to heat water compared to tankless heater options. The latter offers rapid heating and delivers 2 to 3 gallons of hot water per minute.

Tankless water heater options are however costly to purchase and install, and they are at times challenged in supplying water for simultaneous, multiple uses in large households. However, the problem can be overcome by installing two or more tankless water heaters.

Water heater maintenance

Periodic maintenance is imperative for any water heater option. It can significantly extend the life of your tankless water heater, minimize efficiency loss, and help you identify problems early before they become costly repairs.

Read your owner’s manual for recommended maintenance instructions, or consult a water heater maintenance expert for guidance today!

Trending Topics Right Now

This post first appeared on http://www.atozstatewideplumbing.com

Six of the Most Common Kitchen Sink and Plumbing Issues

Kitchen sink and plumbing problems can range from minor issues to more expensive repairs if you wait until they become major issues. Understanding some of the most common plumbing issues you can encounter in the kitchen and what to do can help prevent costly repairs.


1. Dripping Faucets

A dripping kitchen sink faucet occurs when washers and other internal components on the faucet start wearing out. The slow dripping water may not seem like a big issue. However, you could be surprised by how much water you are wasting when you see a big increase in your water bill.

If left unfixed, the water will eventually start to leak faster. At some point, even though the faucet is turned off, water will continue to come out. There are two possible ways to fix this problem:

  • Replace the internal hardware components on the existing faucet.
  • Replace the faucet with a new one.


2. Slow-Draining and Clogged Kitchen Sinks

Plumber Fixing Kitchen Tap With Adjustable Wrench

Grease, food particles, soap scum, and other such things can cause water to drain slowly down the sink. Over time, a clog can develop, preventing water from draining out of the sink.

While you might think the easiest way to fix a slow-draining or clogged kitchen sink is by pouring a store-bought drain cleaner and clog remover down the sink, you would be wrong. These products contain harsh chemicals that could cause damage to your drainpipes.

The best solution is to use an old-fashioned plunger. If this does not get the water draining, then your next option is to call your plumber and schedule drain cleaning service. Your plumber will use specific tools to clean out the drain lines and remove the clog.


3. Dishwasher Leaks

Dishwasher leaks are another common kitchen plumbing problem you can encounter. Leaks could mean the water intake or drain lines are not connected correctly if the water is coming from underneath the dishwasher.

If water is coming out of the dishwasher during wash cycles, this means the seals around the door need to be replaced. For both types of repairs, it is best to rely on a qualified plumber if you are not sure how to check the water and drain lines or how to replace the seal.


4. Garbage Disposal Leaks

If you notice water leaking under the sink from the garbage disposal, you will want to get it fixed. Ignoring it can lead to problems with mold and mildew. The water can also damage your cabinetry.

The problem could occur if the drain line is not connected right. Leaks will also develop if the seal in the kitchen sink wears out. While you can check the drain lines yourself to see if this is the issue, you may want to rely on your plumber for other types of garbage disposal leaks.


5. Garbage Disposal Motor Jams

Sometimes if you overfill the garbage disposal or attempt to put food waste in it that it is not designed to handle, like potato peelings, the motor can jam. Most models have a motor reset switch on the bottom of the unit. You may need a special “key” that came with your disposal to insert in a slot to reset it.


6. Leaky Drainpipes

Woman fixing kitchen sink

If you notice water under your sink in the cabinet or water stains, it could indicate there are leaks in the drainpipes. Leaks can develop if the pipe connections come loose. Check to make sure the connections are tight. If not, tighten them but make sure not to over tighten. If leaks persist, there could be a crack in the drainpipe and the pipe will need to be replaced.

For help repairing and resolving kitchen sink and plumbing problems, please feel free to contact MET Plumbing & Air Conditioning at 281-994-6698 today! We also offer 24-hour emergency plumbing services when you need help immediately.

The post Six of the Most Common Kitchen Sink and Plumbing Issues appeared first on Met Plumbing.

Common Kitchen Plumbing Problems

Your kitchen cannot function without the kitchen sink. This
integral unit is needed for washing of utensils and dinnerware, filling cups
and pots with water, cleaning, and for some households, disposing of waste with
the garburator. However, how many homeowners actually think about the kitchen
sink and its plumbing on a regular basis?

Not many.

You need to have at least some knowledge about how kitchen plumbing works or have a reliable plumber you can trust to come when something goes awry. Here’s a short guide to help you identify common kitchen plumbing problems, so if something does happen, you know exactly what you need to have done.

Clogged or
Leaking Sinks and Faucets

Leaking faucets sometimes require professional replacement or repair, especially if your kitchen sink has been customized to any degree. You will, however, want to check over the unit before calling your plumber for assistance. Check whether the seals around the faucet and other areas have broken. For example, you can check the O-ring of the faucet if there is constant dripping. Perhaps the silicone seal where the sink meets the counter top is uneven.

When your sink is leaking underneath, you can check the
P-shaped trap. This area is designed to stop gases from the sewer to returning
into your home. Sometimes, grease and other materials can get built up in the
P-trap. This will obstruct the water flow and might cause the water to leak

Disposal Problems

Garbage disposals, also known as garburators to some, are
technological marvels and super convenient; but they can also be aggravating
when they dysfunction. Sometimes, though, garburators misbehave when they are
getting feed the wrong kind of garbage. If you are putting grease, bones, fruit
and vegetable peels down the drain, you could be doing more damage than good.
Only use the disposal with remnants and other waste that can be easily ground

In the event the garbage disposal freezes up, simply locate and push the reset
button. Wait a few minutes to see if that makes it run.

Be sure to clear out the line by running water down the pipe for about 15
seconds to wash the blades. Never attempt to fix a garburator on your own,
since it can be dangerous to remove and install.


Before you decide to move the dishwasher away from the wall
to find where the leak is coming from, you should search for common causes
first. Sometimes, the leak is the result of a broken float switch—a piece that
allows water to fill the tub to the point where it will overflow. Another cause
is damaged sprayer arms. You can replace both of these pieces from the inside
with just a screwdriver. If the leak was caused by a worn out door gasket, you
can buy replacements. Similarly, if the water is coming from a disconnected
drain hose, you might be able to fix the issue by tightening the hose clamp
screws between the sink drain/garburator and the dishwasher.

If none of these work for you, consider hiring a plumber.

Signs of a
Failing Water Heater

Your kitchen sink is connected to the same water heater as
the rest of your home. If the water heater fails, you lose two valuable
components in your comfort. Here are some signs of a failing water heater:

  • Noisy water heater when operating
  • Leaking tank
  • No hot water
  • Cloudy, smelly, or rust-colored water coming through the faucet

If you notice these symptoms, it is imperative that you call
a plumber immediately. You do not want your hot water heater to die.

While it may seem like a lot was covered, knowing the common
plumbing problems that happen in kitchens can help you diagnose an issue before
water damage or other issues occur. You will want to do routine maintenance of
the appliances and pipes that were mentioned in this article. Schedule
inspections with your trusted plumber, too. Preventative maintenance is one way
to keep your kitchen plumbing working well for many years to come.

The post Common Kitchen Plumbing Problems appeared first on The Irish Plumber.

8 Household Water Leaks That Are Affecting Your Water Bills

Water is a precious commodity. No one is comfortable losing it through leakages. Unfortunately, water leaks may go on for long without anyone noticing. Wait until you get the water bill. 

You will be shocked by the figure written. You need to keep on inspecting your house to ensure there are no water leaks. Don’t wait until it’s too late. You have to understand how water leakage occurs.   

Here are 8 household water leaks to check regularly:


  1. Leaks Caused by Pipes

If your plumbing pipe gets a hole(s) the water that flows through it will start pouring onto the floor. It might begin with continuous drops. 


Since the tube is weak, it may end up busting if pressure increases. If you don’t take appropriate remedy on time, you might incur a substantial cost.

Sometimes, noticing leaking pipes can be a challenge. The plumbers embed some in the wall. You can hardly notice the leak until you see some wet spots on the wall or your ceiling. 

Though it is not common, it can cause massive damage. Don’t ignore if the pipes begin to leak. Call your plumber right away.

The water may destroy some electronics. It may endanger your life if it touches a live wire. Getting a plumber to make already busted water pipe is a bit costly. Wiping away the flooded water is a task. 

Note: The water bill will hike as water continues to flow.

You can repair it either by relining, re-piping, replacing the damaged section, or adding a durable material.

  1. Leaks as a Result Of Faulty Showerheads

If a showerhead is defective, the water will start to leak. You can call a plumber to check if it is possible to repair the already damaged showerhead. 

If it’s too faulty, replace it with a new one. If you don’t take action right away, be ready to pay a higher water bill.


  1. Improper Installation of Your Washing Machine and Dishwasher

With a rapid change in technology, you can do your work easily. Washing clothes and utensils have never been so comfortable before. The invention of the washing machine and dishwashers is a great blessing to many.

Unfortunately, they can be disastrous if you install them poorly. Wait until your washing machine hoses burst. 

A lot of water will leak, causing high bill and destruction of other electronics. Regularly, take time to check them before and after use.

Apart from the washing machine and dishwasher, the water heater may also leak. It can also be disastrous. Keep on checking it regularly. It may hike your water bill since it can leak gallons of water.

4. Faulty Irrigation System

Do you have a kitchen garden?

Imagine waking up one day and finding your vegetables destroyed by flooded water? 

You can avoid all the trouble by regular inspection of your irrigation system. If you see some water forming somewhere, trace the source of the leak. You can either fix it or call a professional plumber to do the work.

5. Ceiling Leaks

If your building is ancient, you are likely to experience ceiling leaks. It happens due to the worn out of the waterproof membrane. 

The water manages to sweep through your house concrete floor slab. You need to handle the matter urgently before the water destroys your household.

If you stay in a rental house, talk to the landlord to repair the ceiling. You can make an arrangement to fix it and deduct from the rent. If it’s your house, take full responsibility and call the experts to repair.


  1. Toilet Leaks

The water from your toilet may leak from three areas. It’d either leak from the bowl, tank, or bottom.

a). Leak into the Bowl

  • If your toilet tank is faulty, the water is likely to leak into the bowl.  
  • If you fail to clean, align, or replace your toilet flapper.
  • If the water fills the valve.
  • If you fail to align your toilets, plastic -water fill tube well.
  • If water overflows from the toilet tank.

b). The Water May Leak From Your Toilet Tank

It’s essential to repair the tank immediately after realizing the leakage. Your tank has bolts and spud washer. You can decide to change the rubber gadget surrounding each. 

Hard water and minerals are the cause of deterioration.

c). Leak from the Bottom

It is easy to identify any bottom leakage. The water from the bottom can cause health complications. 

It may damage your subfloor and the ceiling below your toilet. You need to avoid using the bathroom and call the expert to repair immediately.

The leakage at the bottom may occur if…

  • Your toilet bowl has a crack(s).
  • Wax seal have a problem.
  • When building your toilet, the carpenter failed to set it firmly.

7.  Faucet Leaks

You can easily detect and repair your household faucet leaks. If you decide to ignore it, you are likely to get a rude shock after getting the water bill. 

A lot of water will have gone to waste. Generally, faucet leakages mainly occur due to corrosion, if the internal part gets mineral deposits, a defective gasket, a washer or the o-rings.

Reasons for Why Faucet May Be Dripping

  1. If the o-ring develops problems.
  2. If the valve seat gets corroded.
  3. If the washer gets worn out.
  4. Due to the improper installation of the appliances.



  1. If possible, shut off the faucet.
  2. Ensure there is no leakage from the faucet.


How to Repair a Leaky Tap

  1. Ensure that the packaging nut is tight.
  2. You can decide to replace your packaging washer.
  3. You can also replace the handles of your tap.

8. Leaking Garbage Disposal

Once the garbage disposal starts leaking, the foul smell will keep you very uncomfortable. You cannot afford to let it stay for another second. 

If you don’t take immediate action, it is likely to allow mold growth. You need to call the expert to repair right away.

Common Causes of Water Leakage in the Home 

  1. Broken seals
  2. Excessive water pressure
  3. Damaged pipe joints
  4. Corrosion
  5. The clogged lines
  6. Intruding roots of trees
  7. Loose water connectors
  8. A rapid change in temperature

Consequences of Water Leaks in the Home

Apart from paying more in water bills, the consequences of water leakage in the home is enormous. Let’s consider a few of them:

1). Reduces Property Values

This is a no-brainer. But a history of water leakage can lead to damage, which can become severe to the extent of driving down the value of your home. This is because the lingering effects of water damage would remain, even after you’ve successfully fixed the damage or seal your leaking pipes. 

This can jeopardize your bargaining position when you’re ready to sell your home in the future, and ultimately, it’ll utterly reduce the final selling price. 

It’s smart to always take care of water leaks in the pipes, toilet, or kitchen right away — this will prevent that damage from escalating and help to retain the value of your home.

2). Mold and Fungal Growth

A common consequence of water damage (which mostly happens as a result of water leaks) for your general health is the growth of fungi and molds within the home.

When these organisms are present, they cause spores that pollute the environment and air and can be a huge risk to your long-term health. Too many homes are suffering from mold spores of some sort — which can be found at the nooks and crannies of their home. 

This is sure for every home, even with new construction. Especially in dry areas, spores can be dormant for years (even decades), and may not cause any obvious problem to man or animals. 

However, when spores makes contact with water, there’s a reaction which causes growth.  

When water is now in the equation, it gives mold spores the chance to proliferate, dominating the affected area with unhealthy and molds and resulting in additional spores that begin to adulterate the environment and pollute the air.

For most people, the presence of mold spores in the air can give rise to irritation, with the common symptoms of molds such as difficulty breathing, coughing, nasal congestion, and sneezing fits.

3). Structural Damage

There are other consequences of water damage in the home which you need to be aware of. Bear in mind, though, that this particular damage is more structure, and can be quite expensive to fix, even more costly than the cost of medical expenses as a result of mold exposure.

The common effects of water leakage that affects the structure of the building are aesthetic – ranging from staining, discoloration, and streaks on the walls.

In fact, these clear symptoms of structural damage serve as the first signal for most homeowners that they have a leakage in the house. 


Water leakage can be very costly. You need to call your plumber to check the plumbing system regularly. In most cases, leaking water causes flooding. 

It destroys the floors and ceiling. If you notice any leak in your toilet, faucet, water heater and dishwasher, call for help. 

Don’t ignore if the leakage if from the tap, ceiling, showerhead, irrigation system, or pipe. You need to get information about various areas where leakage may occur.

This post first appeared on https://blog.antaplumbing.com

Preparing Your Plumbing For Hurricanes

If you’ve lived in Florida for any length of time, you’re probably well-versed on hurricane preparation. You’ve stocked up on batteries, cut down tree branches (or dead/dying trees) so they don’t crash through the roof and taken care of all the other major precautions. But have you protected your plumbing if the big one hits this hurricane season?

Most people don’t consider plumbing as being at risk from a hurricane. After all, it’s underground, right? The common assumption is that pipes and drainage systems should be safe and sound. Unfortunately, this isn’t always true. Taking the following steps before, during and after a hurricane can help reduce the risk of water damage to your property.

Inspect your property for tree roots – Even when it isn’t hurricane season, tree roots can break through sewer pipes. Inspect your property for any roots that might cause problems with your plumbing. If ignored, there’s a chance roots can obstruct your pipes and limit the quality of your water flow. This could occur independently of a storm, but a hurricane could cause more extensive damage. A plumbing professional is capable of detecting problem roots that should be removed before hurricane season begins in earnest – which in Florida is mid- to late summer.

Clear slow or backed-up drains – Make sure you do not have sewer drain backups or slow drains prior to the storm. The heavy, prolonged rain that a hurricane produces will cause an even greater backup in your home.

You can test to see if your drains are working by pouring water through them and seeing how long it will take to drain. If your drains take longer than a few seconds to drain, use a commercial drain cleaning product. In the case of a more stubborn problem, call a professional. Routine maintenance to keep your sewer main line clean by an experienced plumber is key to preventing problems any time of year.

Check your home and yard’s drainage systems – Heavy rains can affect your gutter drain system. Inspect your roof gutters and downspouts to make sure they are securely fastened. Make sure your drains are completely clear of all debris. Drains that are clogged or cluttered with debris will not be able to handle the overload of rain and other debris that comes along with a hurricane. You do not want to deal with a home that’s flooded because you didn’t clear out the drains in and around your home. Also check your roadside curbs and swales and clear those of debris to prevent backup.

Take care of your septic tank – Our February 2019 blog post – “How Weather Affects Septic Tanks in Florida” – covers the risk that the sustained heavy rains a hurricane brings can flood your drain field and cause backups. If your septic tank is almost due to be pumped out, schedule it before hurricane season. Also take extra care about the demands your household places upon it.

Prepare your swimming pool – Hurricanes can drop a lot of water onto your pool deck and subsequently into your yard. The Sun Sentinel provides the steps to take to prepare your pool area for a hurricane.

The first step is to make sure as much water as possible drains from the deck as quickly as possible. Test how well your deck drains by using a garden hose to spray water on the deck and watching how quickly the water disappears.

During any test, make sure that the water runs unobstructed out the ends of the drain to low spots in the yard, flowing quickly away from the house and pool deck. Remove any grass, mulch or dirt that may block the end of the drain.

If you don’t have a deck drain, make sure high grass, dirt, mulch or stones do not block the edge of the deck. These obstacles can prevent water from quickly moving off the edge and into the yard. An easy solution for edges that don’t drain quickly is to dig a small trench directing the water to a low spot away from the house and pool deck.

If you know a hurricane will strike your area

Consider shutting off the water – It may be preferable to shut off your water just before the storm to prevent contaminated water from entering your water supply.

We recommend you have plenty of bottled water on hand – both for drinking and for use in flushing toilets. Using bottled water takes stress off your plumbing during the storm and may be your only option for a time.

Shut off the water heater – You will not need hot water during a hurricane. Switch off your water heater. Having it operate during a hurricane puts unnecessary pressure on your household plumbing system. The water stored in your water heater is safe to drink, should you need an extra source of usable water. 

If you need to evacuate

If you’re ordered to evacuate, shut off the main water supply before leaving. Doing so will help prevent flood water from contaminating your water supply. You can turn on a faucet, which allows air to enter your plumbing system. This protects your plumbing system from changes in ground saturation and pressure.

After the storm

From the plumbing perspective, you also need to know what you should do after the hurricane. When it is safe to do so, inspect your property and clear debris around the gutters, drains, or other drains so that your system can pump properly. Keep a close watch for leaks, cracks or discolored water.

The state-certified Master Plumbers at Adams and Son Plumbing can perform preventive maintenance to keep your fixtures and lines in top condition – and provide the experienced, industry-leading repair service that we’ve built our reputation upon over the past 60 years. Contact us and learn more about our services today.


The post Preparing Your Plumbing For Hurricanes appeared first on Adams and Son Plumbing Services.

Restaurant Grease Traps: How Grease Traps Work

Restaurant Grease Traps

A well-maintained, properly functioning grease trap prevents restaurant grease waste from contaminating the municipal water system. If grease enters the city water system, it can cause serious problems. According to the EPA, blockages in sewer pipes cause the majority of the 400,000 sewer backups that occur annually in the United States. The EPA has also determined that the leading cause of sewer blockages is grease. Since restaurants produce a significant amount of grease waste, it is necessary that restaurant grease waste is disposed of properly. That is what a commercial grade grease trap and a reliable grease trap company in Hollywood, FL can do for you.

What is a Grease Trap?

Essentially, a grease trap (also known as a grease interceptor) is a large underground container designed to collect liquid waste and facilitate passive separation of fats, oils, and grease (FOGs) from other liquid waste. A standard passive grease trap is comprised of two separate compartments, called tanks. A crossover pipe, positioned at an angle connects the primary and secondary tanks. The secondary tank has an outgoing pipeline that connects to the city sewer lines.

How Does a Grease Trap Work?

All the waste collected from the restaurant drains are deposited into the first, or primary tank of the trap. In this tank, the FOGs in the waste separate from the water and float to the top. There may also be small food or other solid particulates that will gather at the bottom of the tank. The liquid waste from the primary tank transfers to the secondary tank via the crossover pipe. Though most of the FOGs remain behind in the primary tank, the secondary tank provides another opportunity for any remaining FOGs to separate out. From the secondary tank, the liquid waste then enters the city sewer system through the outgoing pipe.

Grease Trap Maintenance and Services

While the separation of FOGs from restaurant waste happens passively in the grease trap, the remaining grease waste must be emptied and disposed of safely. Even with regularly pumping out the grease trap, residual grease can adhere to the walls of the tank and pipes and build up over time. As a result, a restaurant grease trap needs to be cleaned and serviced regularly to ensure long-term reliability.

At A to Z Statewide Plumbing, we understand the importance of keeping restaurant grease waste collection out of our municipal water systems. When we service your grease trap, we don’t just skim off the grease. At each service, we will scrape residual grease off the trap walls and power-wash your entire grease trap including the sidewalls, bottom, inlet and outlet pipes, and trap baffles.

We provide much more than standard pumping services and will work with you to keep grease waste from causing sewer blockages and backups in our local sewer systems. If you are looking for a grease trap company that is committed to comprehensive grease waste management, contact A to Z Statewide Plumbing today.

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This post first appeared on http://www.atozstatewideplumbing.com

Do I Really Need to Flush My Water Heater?

Most property owners rarely flush their water heaters regularly while others neglect this vital task. Manufacturers of water heater systems recommend flushing out mineral scale buildup, silt, and sediments from tanks every once a month. Here are more reasons why you need to flush your water heater.

It Extends The Lifespan Of The Equipment

Allowing scale buildup in your water heater will cause it to fail. For the gas variety of water heaters, the accumulation becomes an insulation between the water and the heat source. As a result, the metal at the bottom gets hotter than usual, increasing stress inside the tank that can either cause leaks or failure. In an electric heater, these scales lead to premature failure of electrodes and hot water will be unavailable.
Flushing your water heater will prevent such occurrences and save you replacement cost.

It Reduces Noise

The presence of scales inside the tank will cause the water heater to produce banging, popping, or crackling sounds. Though they may fade at some point, you need to take action. When the noise ceases, it is an indication that these scales have solidified, making it hard for water to percolate through. Call in a plumber to descale the tank once you notice the noise.

It Reduces Operational Costs

Failure to flush your water heater implies that more energy will be required to heat the water, thereby increasing your utility bills. Besides, you may have to spend more on repairing parts destroyed by corrosive scale deposits or clogging sediments. By flushing the system, you are protecting yourself from these unplanned expenditures, which can strain your finances.

It Improves Heating Speed

The heat transfer process takes longer when there is build up of foreign material on the electrodes of an electric water heater, and at the bottom of the tank. As such, you will have to wait for lengthy periods before the water heats to desirable temperatures, and running out of hot water becomes a norm. Once you flush your water heater, heating speed will improve.
It costs more to repair faulty parts or replace your water heater system as a whole, than what you will pay to get it flushed. Since this is an expense you may not be prepared to incur, plumbing services become a sustainable option.

If you need to flush your water heater – please contact A to Z Statewide Plumbing at 954-981-2133. We are open 24/7.

Trending Topics Right Now

This post first appeared on http://www.atozstatewideplumbing.com

Why You Need a Professional Plumber for Your Bathroom Drain

Drains normally get clogged from time to time. You will note that if your drains are clogged waste materials might not flow away from your home more effectively.

This can actually make your home to have a bad odor. It might be very difficult to stay in your house. In this case, you should unclog your drains so as to avoid this problem.

One of those drains that get clogged regularly is the bathroom drain. A lot of things can cause this.

According to Direct Energy, “Most bathroom drain clogs result when dirt, skin flakes, and especially hair binds to soap scum on the walls of drain pipes. Over time, this gunk accumulates and reduces water flow.”

If your bathroom drain is clogged, you might not be able to utilize your bathroom. There are many things that can clog your bathroom drains.

These include; hair, soap and other foreign objects that might find their way to your bathroom.

If you notice that your bathroom drain is clogged, you should not hesitate to hire a professional plumber to help you out. You will note that this expert is well trained on how to unclog different bathroom drains out there.

The following are the advantages of hiring the services of this expert to

unclog the bathroom for you:

  1. Availability of tools

You will note that few homeowners usually have the right tools that can help to unclog their bathrooms. If their bathroom drains is clogged, you will realize that most of them usually hire tools out there.

This might seem to be a good idea but it can have its own repercussions. You will note that you need to know how to utilize these tools in order to mitigate this situation.

In this case, it is advisable that you hire the services of a professional plumber so that you can fix this issue. The good news is that this expert is always well-equipped with the right tools that can help to get the job done fast.

This has actually worked well for many homeowners. Hiring the services of this expert has proved to be very helpful.


  1. Expertise.

Have you ever dealt with a drainage clog in the past? You will note that this undertaking is normally very cumbersome. Sometimes, you might not be able to achieve the desired results.

You might even spend several days trying to unclog your bathroom drains. In this case, it is advisable that you get a plumber to help you out.

You will note that this expert is well-trained on how to unclog various drainage systems out there. He or she is more competent in this area.

This can actually assure you that you will get quality plumbing services after hiring him or her.


  1. Enable you to save more time.

Some homeowners usually work during the day. If you are keen, you will note that most of them usually leave their houses early in the morning and come back late in the evening.

In this case, they might not be able to unclog their bathroom drainage in good time. If you are a busy homeowner, you might opt to postpone and do it on a weekend. However, this is not a good idea.

The situation might get worse. You might not be able to enjoy a good shower in your bathroom. It is therefore advisable that you hire an expert to help you to fix your drainage issue.

This plumber can help you to save more time in the long run.

You can trust that you can attend to your customers in your business while this plumber works on your bathroom drain. This makes it more important to get a professional to unclog bathroom drain for you.


  1. Permanent solution.

You might choose to unclog your bathroom drain on your own in order to save money. Sometimes, you might be lucky to get this job done.

However, your bathroom drain might get clogged again. This can frustrate you. If you want to get a permanent solution, you should invest in the services of a professional plumber.

You can trust that this expert can help you to diagnose the problem and then fix it more professionally. This can assure you that you will not experience this problem in the near future.


  1. Can handle emergency cases.

Sometimes, your drains might get clogged when you want to take a shower. The situation can be worse if you have visitors in your home and they still want to take a shower.

In this case, you should hire this plumber to fix this issue for you. This expert can offer emergency plumbing issues in your home.

You just need to contact him and tell him the address to your home. You can trust this professional will be there within a short period of time.


  1. Help you to save more money.

If you try to unclog your bathroom clog on your own, you might end up causing more damages to your drainage pipe.

You will note that some homeowners have ever poured harsh chemicals in their drainage pipes in order to mitigate this problem in the past. This can be detrimental. Your drainage pipe might get affected.

You might cause other damages to your bathroom. This can make you spend more money repairing it.

If you want to avoid such issues, you should hire a plumber to help you unclog your bathroom for you. This can help you to save more money in the long run.


  1. Safety issues.

You might get injured when trying to unclog your bathroom drainage system. Involving your loved ones in this undertaking might be very risky too.

It’s important that you get a plumber to help you solve this issue. This can help

to prevent accidents in your home.

You will note that this expert is more conversant with these issues and can, therefore, mitigate this problem for you within a short period of time.


  1. Professional advice.

Besides offering professional services, this expert can offer professional advice to you regarding your bathroom drain.

This can help you know what could lead to this problem in the future.

You can also ask him several questions regarding how you can improve your bathroom and so on. This can help you know how to prevent drainage clogs in your home.


  1. More comfort.

If your bathroom drain is clogged, you might not be able to enjoy more comfort in your home. You might choose to take a shower from elsewhere. This can inconvenience you.

In this case, it is advisable that you invest in the services of this professional so that you can enjoy more comfort and convenience in your home.

You should not allow your bathroom drainage to remain clogged. You should hire a plumber to help you fix this issue. You will note that this expert is always available to serve you.

In addition, this expert is normally certified to offer these services.

This can assure you that you will get the value for your money. Invest in the services of this expert will not be disappointed. The services of this expert are truly the best.


  1. Run Plumbing Diagnosis

It doesn’t matter how skilled you’re at maintenance in the home, you need to humble yourself and allow only a professional plumber, from a certified plumbing company, to do the technical stuff.

With their wealth of expert knowledge on plumbing systems, they can effectively run plumbing diagnosis and carefully inspect your home and drain lines and decide on the right tools needed to fix the issue.

So don’t go messing around and troubleshooting with your plumbing systems and drains, allow a professional who knows exactly where to start looking and how to fix it.

These plumbers are usually licensed and insured service professionals, which means that any damages they caused will be effectively handled at no extra charge. You’ll get your system repaired, no matter what.



All in all, professional licensed Plumbers are in a better position to find where the leaks in your home originate, as well as the main cause of the bathroom drain.

If this leak results in full-blown flooding which, in turn, clogged the drain, they will know where to start fixing the problem.

When you hire a professional plumber, you’re saving yourself from imminent issue associated with clogged bathroom drains, it also means that the job is done efficiently, without wasted time and money.

Now that you know the reasons why you should hire a professional plumber from a professional plumbing company to handle your bathroom drain and entire plumbing issue, it’s time to relax knowing that your bathroom is in good hands.

This post first appeared on https://blog.antaplumbing.com

Plumbing Tips for Spring

springtime plumbing tipsPlumbing tips bring benefits any time of the year. But, after a long winter, they are especially helpful. Concerned about springtime plumbing problems? You are not alone. In many places, spring brings with it a welcome release from the cold and dangerous conditions of winter. In addition, it brings an opportunity for homeowners to take a good inventory of any damages caused by winter’s wrath. Here are some springtime plumbing tips to help you make sure your pipes are up to dealing with the rest of the seasons.


Outside plumbing tips

The best place to start with your spring plumbing check is outside. By ensuring the proper drainage of rainwater away from your home, you will protect your foundation. Make sure you look for signs of leaking pipes, as well.



Gutters take the brunt of winter’s storms. By spring, gutters are often choked with dead leaves, twigs, and other debris deposited by winter winds. Clogged gutters and downspouts allow rainwater to sheet down the walls of your home and seep into the foundation. Clean out the gutters and be sure to replace any damaged or broken sections. And remember to blast water through the downspout to clear it, as well.


springtime plumbing tipsOutside faucets & pipes

Even insulated pipes can freeze in some winter conditions. Leaving your hose on the hose bib and connected to the faucet can also cause your pipes to break if water freezes in them. Check your outside faucets and pipes and make repairs or replacements as needed.



Mainline & sewer line

Standing or puddling water in the yard may indicate a break in a buried pipe, such as the main line or sewer line. If you suspect this is the case, call a professional immediately.


Inside plumbing tips

Problems inside the house can also represent plumbing issues. A number of these problems can be dealt with using DIY techniques. Some, however, need the trained touch of a professional plumber.

springtime plumbing tipsSlow drains

Winter parties, hosting guests and being cooped up inside all lead to extra usage of your plumbing system. Drains take a particularly big hit during this season. If you find your drains working slowly, you can try non-chemical DIY fixes. Many chemical-based DIY fixes end up seriously damaging pipes and requiring much more time and money to repair. Some people clear clogged drains by simply using a smaller form of a plumber’s snake. If your drain resists your efforts to remove or dislodge the clog, call in a professional.


springtime plumbing tipsSump pump

The next item you need to inspect dwells in probable obscurity in your basement. Your sump pump provides your main line of defense against basement flooding. You will want to make sure it is in prime condition before you need it. Check this appliance by pouring a few buckets of water into the sump pit. The pump should start within a few minutes. Watch to be sure the water flows out and the pump cycles itself off. If any problems arise, you will need to contact a professional to conduct repairs or replacement.



Don’t let plumbing problems drag you down this spring. Follow our springtime plumbing tips to safeguard your pipes and your home. Remember to call Knoxville Plumbing for all your plumbing needs!

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