Month: February 2022

Why Chemical Drain Cleaners Are a Bad Idea

If you talk to a plumber, you’ll hear most of them give pretty consistent advice: flush your water heater, only flush waste and toilet paper (no wet wipes!), and never use store-bought chemical drain cleaners. Our team of technicians is no exception to this. We give a lot of the same advice because it’s true. Something that’s come to our attention recently, though, is that many homeowners don’t understand the “why” behind the advice to steer clear of chemical drain cleaners. We want to answer some common questions surrounding this today.

In the meantime, we want to reiterate that our professionals are always available to answer questions and provide you with great service. We’re the experts when it comes to plumbing in Glendale, AZ

What’s the Big Deal?

So what’s the big deal when it comes to using chemical darin cleaners to address the clogs in your home? It actually can cause quite the fuss. Here are a few of the key problems that chemical drain cleaners cause:

  • They’re Caustic: Chemical drain cleaners use a cocktail of chemicals to alleviate a clog in your home. Most chemical drain cleaners that you can run out to your local store and get are highly acidic. This is what eats away at a clog. This isn’t where the trouble is either, it’s when it starts to eat away at the pipe itself after it’s done with the clog. This is why it’s never a worthwhile gamble. 
  • They’re Toxic: If you head over to your local store and pick up a drain cleaner, you should take a look at the long list of warnings on the bottle. Chemical drain cleaners aren’t safe if they come in contact with your skin or eyes. They also create fumes that can linger in your home and cause harm.
  • They Don’t Get the Job Done: The funny thing about chemical drain cleaners is that although they’re caustic and corrosive, they typically can’t even get the job done. This is common if your clog is located near a bend in your pipe or if it’s had time to harden. The chemical drain cleaner typically only clears the clog enough to let a little water through. This means that there’s still the perfect breeding ground for the next clog. It’s not really a full solution, typically it’s only a temporary fix to a growing issue. 

Professional Service Is the Answer

So we’ve spent a lot of time telling you what you shouldn’t do above, but what should you do when it comes to your home? If you’re trying to figure out how to clean your drains, we’re here to let you know that the answer lies in professional service. Professional work is the only way to ensure that you solve an issue like a clog once and for all without hassle. When you go with work from our professionals, you’re going to get a repair that’s simple, effective, and to the point. Let our team members handle this. 

Contact The Trusted Plumber to schedule an appointment with our professionals. 

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Is Your Thermostat on the Fritz?


While our attention might be on our heating systems at the end of this cold season, we can’t forget the valuable task that our thermostats perform. They’re the link between the HVAC system and our own comfort preferences, and the better your thermostat works, the better your heating system will work overall. So, it’s only necessary that we spend a little bit of time here and there to talk to our customers about thermostats!

Look, you might just need simple furnace repair in Montclair, NJ and in that case our team can gladly help. But this blog is devoted to the situations where you’re not entirely sure as to whether your home will require thermostat work or furnace repairs. We can help you get to the bottom of it!

Each of these points will talk about the connection between you and your heating system, and how a broken or old thermostat might be hindering that connection.

What Does a Malfunctioning Thermostat Look Like?

How does it feel when you adjust the temperature at your house? Are you constantly fighting against some invisible ebb and flow that doesn’t let you set the temperature correctly? Do you set it 5 degrees higher every time because it’s the only way you’ll be able to feel the difference?

Well, this could be a problem with your furnace system or it could be an issue with your thermostat. Thermostat repairs are actually a lot more affordable and fast than furnace repairs, so why not get your thermostat checked on first to narrow down the area of problems.

Poor Temperature Control

A faulty thermostat is going to have trouble controlling the temperature in your home. Seeing how this is the main objective of this piece of equipment, this is a major problem. When you call our team, make sure to tell us about your thermostat being unable to control the temperature correctly. It could be a calibration problem or a symptom of a different problem!

Subpar Efficiency Levels

When you set your thermostat higher to feel results, it might sound like a workaround for your heating system, but you might actually be running your HVAC system incorrectly. Even a furnace that’s working slightly harder to meet temperature demands because of a faulty thermostat will burn more fuel and run less efficiently than one with a thermostat in shape.

Sticking Switches

Sometimes switches on a thermostat can get stuck and you might feel the results. For instance, the “auto” switch might actually get pushed to “heat” and your HVAC system will get stuck on. This could lead to some severe temperature fluctuations that you were no prepared for.

Do yourself a favor and get your switches checked on by a professional so you’re not in danger of an issue developing.

Get Your Analog Thermostat Replaced Today!

Do you still utilize an analog thermostat? If yes, then you should definitely get it replaced! Analog thermostats haven’t been manufactured for decades and they’re all leading to problems associated with the old age of equipment. Touch screen, smart, and Wi-Fi enabled thermostats are easy to install and more affordable than ever. It’s time to upgrade!

Call MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. to have your furnace or thermostat fixed by professionals.

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March Means It’s Time to Think About an AC Tune-Up

March Means It’s Time to Think About an AC Tune-Up

It’s that time of year when we start thinking about spring, the start of the baseball season and doing our spring cleaning. Now we can also add another task to that list: checking the air conditioning in our homes to make sure they’re ready to keep us cool when the temperatures begin to rise.

This is especially important if you live in an area like Arizona, where the weather is so hot and dry that your air conditioner runs almost all year long. If you’re looking for information about air conditioning maintenance, here’s what you need to know.

There Is Intense Heat in Arizona and It Comes Early

Temperatures in Arizona can range from as low as 40°F during December to as high as 104°F during July. Extreme heat can cause air conditioners and heat pumps to work harder than in other parts of the country.

This leads to shortened system life, higher energy bills, breakdowns that leave you without an efficient heating system, and invalid warranties. Prevent these issues by setting up maintenance today. You’ll save money down the road!

Benefits of AC Maintenance

An HVAC unit is one of those projects that require more care and attention than most because it provides so much value and impact on your comfort. A professional tune-up should give peace of mind rather than stress over late detection. Here are the benefits of regular AC tune-up:

1. Longer system life

Air conditioners are pretty heavy-duty; built to last a long time, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore yours. By regularly changing filters and cleaning out debris, you can ensure your air conditioner is running well for years down the road.

And if it does end up having problems, early detection is critical. In some cases, a tune-up can help alleviate issues before they become big problems.

2. Fewer Repairs

A regularly maintained AC system works effectively and you’ll rarely need to have it repaired. It may go a year or so without the need of repairing or replacing anything.

3. Higher energy efficiency

There’s always a tradeoff between saving money and convenience, but when it comes to your air conditioner, there’s no reason to have a choice. Regular tune-ups will help you take advantage of everything your system can do—including higher levels of energy efficiency that may not be possible without them.

3. Keep the warranty valid

When you buy a new air conditioner, there’s likely a manufacturer’s warranty that covers parts and labor in case something goes wrong down the road. While most warranties are relatively easy to keep on track, one of the best ways to stay in good standing is routine maintenance with an contractor.

5. Less chance of an abrupt system breakdown

Sometimes, even when we’re paying attention, things can still go wrong without us knowing it. That’s why routine maintenance is vital. It helps ensure your air conditioner stays in good shape and that you’ll be able to get out of a problem quickly when it happens—and for less money than you might expect.

Call a Professional

It’s always a good idea to have a professional check and maintain your AC unit. If you don’t have your AC system looked over every now and then, especially in March when the temperatures are extreme, you could risk significant problems down the road.

Call Cool Touch Air Conditioning and Heating—Your Expert HVAC Contractor Serving the Phoenix and Prescott Valley Metropolitan Areas.

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25 Funny Plumbing Memes & GIFs to Make You Laugh

Mario main

Memes are the third-most shared type of content on social media, bested only by personal news and funny videos. In fact, 55% of 13-35-year-olds send memes every week—and 30% send them every day. So, this week, we thought we’d lighten the mood and tickle your funny bone with some plumbing memes and a few plumbing GIFs. These humorous plumbing memes and GIFs tackle everything from the cost of plumbing to DIY plumbing hacks we wouldn’t recommend trying! 

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The Big Question: Tank or Tankless?

When you’re getting yourself a water heater, you need to consider many factors. One of the most important factors to consider is whether you should get a tank or tankless model.

We know that making this choice is a little intimidating. Once you make the choice, you’re going to invest in a system that you’ll likely have in your home for over a decade. Not only this, but you’re choosing a system that you’ll use daily to power different appliances in your home. It’s an important choice and it’s why our professionals provide the right information so that you can make the right one.

We’re experts in everything water heaters in Orlando, FL. We’re prepared to help you with the service you need. Let’s talk about everything you need below…

Tank or Tankless?

Let’s start with the big question: should you choose a tank or tankless model? We’ll go through the benefits of both. 

Tank models are a tried and true classic. They create hot water and then store it in a storage tank until you’re ready to use it. If the tank model you have is properly-suited to the needs of your home, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever run out of the water you need. 

Tankless models are great if you’re looking to take an eco-friendly and energy-efficient approach to providing hot water. Tankless water heaters create the hot water as you need it. They also never run out of hot water because of this. 

The bottom line comes down to the personal needs of your home. Here are a few factors to consider…


The size of your water heater plays a huge role in your comfort. The size of your home’s water heater depends on a few different factors. The main thing you need to consider is how much hot water each member of your household needs. This isn’t something we expect you to be able to figure out on your own. This is when you should come to our professionals to conduct a few calculations. Our professionals can figure out your FHR or “first-hour rating.” The number we come up with from this determines the amount of hot water (in gallons) that your home requires during its busiest hour. Once we determine this, we can figure out the capacity needs of your home. 


The size of your water heater really matters too. It’s what’s going to determine if you’re able to get adequate hot water throughout the day. If you’re unsure what size water heater you need for our home, then you should speak with our professionals. We take the EF rating into account. EF if your energy factor rating. The higher the energy factor, the more energy-efficient your water heater will be. When we factor in your EF rating, we’ll also take the specific needs of your home into account. 


It’s also important to factor in the amount of space that your water heater is going to take up. Most people have a spot in their home for their water heater. If you upgrade to a model that’s a different size, it’s important to make sure that you still have a spot for it. 

Contact Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. when it’s time to improve your water heater services. 

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How to Avoid Fruit Flies and Drain Flies

It’s safe to say that the majority of homeowners have experienced those tiny, annoying bugs most commonly known as “fruit flies” or “drain flies” at least once in their lifetime. Once you have them in your home, they begin to breed and multiply, and it seems as if they never fully go away.

What Are Drain Flies?

Fruit Flies on an Orange A common place many homeowners find these pesky flies is near their showers or sinks — sometimes in both your kitchen and bathrooms. If you’ve spotted drain flies in your home, this could be because your drain pipe is leaking. This leakage can come from under your sink, bath, or your kitchen.

Another way drain flies develop and breed is through moist places, especially through a slow or clogged drain. If this is the case, liquid drain cleaner WILL NOT solve the problem.

So what do you do? Give us a call! Once our certified and experienced technicians clear the blockage or fix the drain pipe, your issue of drain flies will typically go away.

What Are Fruit Flies?

Believe it or not, there is a difference between fruit flies and drain flies! Fruit flies love unrefrigerated produce, especially ripening fruit, vegetables, and other organic materials. Once you have two adult fruit flies in your home, they can lay up to 500 eggs near the food that is left outside of the refrigerator. However, if you don’t have any food left out on your kitchen counter, they can also lay their eggs in garbage disposal, empty alcohol bottles or cans, garbage bags, recycling bins, and even damp sponges.

How to Get Rid of Fruit and Drain Flies

In order to get rid of these pesky insects, get rid of what they love — ripened fruit or vegetables! Also be sure to frequently clean your recycling bins, garbage cans, and empty bottles and cans. Even though we’re not exterminators, here are a few at-home remedies you can try!

While drain and fruit flies are not harmful, their presence in your bathrooms and kitchen often make a homeowner uncomfortable.

If you suspect that you have a clogged drain or if your drain runs slow, give us a call today at (800) 950-4619 to take care of the situation before it attracts drain flies, or click here to schedule your appointment! We’re here to provide you Same Day Service, 7 Days A Week.

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15 Reasons for Low Water Pressure and How to Fix It


No one wants to take a shower with water pressure that feels like a hydro-jetting session, but it also shouldn’t be so weak that you wonder if water is even coming out. Perhaps even worse is trying to hand-wash dishes when just a trickle of water is coming from the tap!

So what causes poor water pressure? Poor water pressure can happen for a number of reasons, but locating the problem may be a frustrating task. If you are receiving low water pressure in one area of your home or commercial building, it’s easier to inspect where the issue might be. However, if you have low water pressure throughout your entire home or building, it could be an indicator of a bigger plumbing problem.

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How to Prepare Your Plumbing for Winter in Ottawa Ontario

Ottawa is known for its harsh winters. The temperatures can go below -30°C and the city has over 100 days of snowfall annually with most of it coming in January and February. This may make it seem like your pipes are doomed but there are some easy steps you can take to ensure that they’re prepared for winter this year.

Let’s start with the basics: thawing and draining.

When you’re winterizing your property, there’s a couple of easy jobs that just about anyone can do to help protect their plumbing from freezing or bursting. Thawing out frozen pipes is one such simple job and should be done if it ever gets below -8°C outside if the water isn’t already running through those pipes. Simply open up your nearest faucet completely until the ice starts to break away and run some warm water over the exterior faucets as well to avoid them locking up at an inopportune time.

If you have a case where it’s too cold for even that method to work, then try letting a kettle full of boiling water run through the pipes instead.

Another easy way to winterize your plumbing is by draining it. This process will protect your exterior and interior pipes from freezing or bursting as well as help prevent any sediment buildup that may occur. To drain your home’s pipes, simply open up all the faucets in every room of the house. Don’t worry about turning them off afterwards because you can always turn them back on before use if they have been drained properly.

Something else you should look at doing is packing down anything around your property that could damage those exterior faucets such as salt deposits, shovels, and snow blowers. These items can do a number on even metal construction so it would be best to relocate these items before winter.

The final step to ensuring your home’s plumbing is winterized is a little bit more of a hassle, but it will be worth it in the end. You need to check that all of your downspouts are clear and working properly so that they’re not going to freeze up during the winter months and cause any damage to your exterior piping.

Another thing you can do is check for any sump pump backups or other water backup issues around your property so you can fix them beforehand as well. This will greatly help reduce any chances of water damage from occurring once the warm summer days have passed come fall.

In conclusion, if you follow these steps before winter arrives this year then you should have no problem protecting those pipes from freezing or bursting during this harsh Ottawa winter.

Best of luck and happy winterizing!

Plumbing Trade

Plumbing Trade

While many people take having clean water and restroom facilities for granted, none of that would be possible without the plumbing trade. According to industry trends, exponential growth is expected within the next 5 years. In fact, in 2021, there were 127,343 plumbing businesses and 565,537 industry jobs with $124 billion in revenue. All throughout the pandemic, plumbers were deemed essential, and continue to be a large part of every industry.

Plumbers are responsible for the installation, testing, and repairing of pipes and accessories in both residential and commercial settings. Depending on the level of expertise, they are also able to troubleshoot systems, read blueprints and make recommendations, and determine what is needed for project completion.

Here are a few benefits of being a plumber:

-They make good money
-Opportunity for career growth
-Variation in work
-Job security

How Can One Get Into the Plumbing Industry?
There are multiple steps to becoming a plumber:

Obtain a high school diploma or GED: Join an education and apprenticeship program.
-This varies by state but usually takes about four years to complete the apprenticeship. These programs are offered through trade schools and some unions. Depending on where you are located, there could be a pre-selection process to go through.
Obtain a Journeyman’s license: Apprentices must sit for the certification exam in their final year and complete any state licensing requirements. Once the Journeyman’s license is acquired, plumbers can work independently but may need additional licensing for certain types of work.
Obtain a Master’s or Contractor’s license: These licenses allow plumbers to become experts in their field, with positions as service managers, general managers, or field supervisors. Once they have this experience, they can also consider starting their own business.

One of the great advantages of this field is that plumbers are trained for the job and get paid to do it. The salary increases the closer they are to completion of the apprenticeship program, and once the licenses are obtained, it becomes very lucrative.

Getting Hired As a Plumber
There are many programs that connect graduating students with plumbing companies to help them get started in the field, especially after obtaining their license. A to Z Statewide Plumbing understands the value of having access to the best and brightest. We’re always ready to bring new plumbers on board to support our record of excellence.

Are you ready to start your journey or already have your license? Contact our team to explore our open positions and get ready for a rewarding future!

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Your Rising Heating Bills May Be Due to Duct Leaks!

When it comes to heating your home, the air ducts are the parts that transfer the air throughout your rooms. During winter, if you feel like it takes a long time for your home to warm up, there’s a chance that there is a leak somewhere in the duct system. The good thing about this issue is that repairs can be quick and simple.

However, sometimes leaks are hard to find, so calling a professional should certainly be the first thing you do if you suspect one.

The negative impact of duct leaks

When it comes to duct leaks, there are a number of problems that they present. Here are five of them.

Added electricity bills

Remember, the entire heating system in your home is based on what the thermostat tells it to do. If it registers that the heat is too low, it will turn on. If it’s too warm, it’ll turn off. When air leaks out of the duct and into the attic or roof, your home won’t be as warm as it should be, which means the thermostat will keep the heat coming. This means a cold home and an expensive monthly electricity or gas bill. The warm air you have already paid for is doing nothing by keeping your attic heated or warming up the inside of your walls.

If this is the case, you need to get a professional in to fix the problem. Your wallet will thank you for it.

Poor air quality

When there are leaks in your heating system, the air quality in your home is compromised. This means that dust and allergens can invade your space, which is far from ideal for someone with allergies.

If you have a leak, the system will suck up dust and distribute it around your home in no time at all. That’s good for no one!

Uneven heating in your home

Leaky ducts pose a problem when it comes to distributing heat evenly in your home. When there is a leak, the air will escape to the room with the least resistance, which means that some rooms will get warm while others will get cold. This means that you’ll be constantly adjusting the temperature inside your home to make sure everyone feels comfortable.

It also means the system will have to work extra hard to get the heat into the colder areas, which means an overworked system and an increased bill.

Clogged air filters

When it comes to the heating system in your home, the air filters are important components in making sure that the heat is transferred correctly. They also prevent dust and debris from getting into the ducts where they can cause damage.

If you have a leaky duct, this will mean that the filters will get dirty quickly, which means a system that is not performing at its best. This can cause a component to break and lead to an expensive repair.

System failure

As we mentioned above, if parts of your system are compromised, such as the filters, you risk certain components breaking down and either needing a repair or a replacement. This is a costly exercise that can be avoided if you move quickly to test and seal leaks in your heating system.

If you need to test and repair duct leaks in your home, you’ve come to the right place—we’re experts when it comes to ductwork in Glendale, AZ.

Call Cool Touch Air Conditioning and Heating—Your Expert HVAC Contractor Serving the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.

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