How to Detect a Silent Toilet Leak

How to Detect a Silent Toilet Leak


A leaking toilet – one of the most common plumbing problems to plague homeowners – is known to cause house-wide havoc. Not only is it a nuisance, a leak wastes water, increasing your monthly water bill. But, what if you don’t know that you have a leak? How can you detect a silent leak before it causes widespread damage and expensive toilet repairs

Luckily, there are many ways a homeowner can check to see if they have a toilet leak! Read on to find out the clues to look for that may mean you have a toilet leak, as well as a few easy tests you can do to detect a silent toilet leak.

Why Silent Toilet Leaks Are So Damaging

A toilet leak is both taxing for your wallet and the environment. In fact, a silent toilet leak can cost you hundreds of dollars for what could be a simple fix. A running toilet or leak wastes about 25 times more water than a shower leak and about 4 times as much water than a faucet leak, which contributes to the nearly one trillion gallons of water wasted annually by household leaks. 

If your toilet is severely leaking, it could be wasting an extremely large amount of water and costing you. Typically, a leaking toilet will waste thousands of gallons of water per month. This could translate to approximately $200 unnecessarily tacked onto your monthly water bill– which adds up to almost $2,500 a year wasted on a toilet leak.

Moderate leaks will not put such a dent into your wallet, though they will still be costly; even minor leaks can set you back more than $1,000 in waste a year. So, for a lower water bill and better environment, it’s important to spot a toilet leak early on.   

Ways To Detect Silent Toilet Leaks 

Not only are there a few ways to determine if a silent leak is present, but you can do it all yourself without the help of a plumber! 

Dye Test

Homeowners can perform a simple dye test that can be bought from a water or plumbing supply company. These toilet leak detection tablets are either blue or red and are extremely inexpensive, as one package contains two tablets. The test is simple; all you need to do is place a colored tablet into the toilet tank, wait for a period of 10 minutes, and then check to see if there is any color in the toilet bowl. If color shows up in the bowl, then a leak is present, and you need to contact a plumber

Pencil Test 

You only need a pencil with this other easy test to see if you have a leaking toilet. Take your pencil and draw a line on the back wall of the tank, and on the waterline on the interior of the tank. Shut off the water supply and wait for 30 minutes. The leak is taking place at the refill valve (located on the left side of the tank) if the water is still at the pencil mark. If the water level drops below the pencil mark, then the toilet leak is a result of the flush valve (located at the center of the tank).

Water Leak Sensor

Homeowners can easily detect a leaking toilet by purchasing a water leak sensor. These sensors will inform you as soon as the toilet begins to leak by flashing a red light and making a beeping sound. If the toilet is correctly working, the sensor will flash a green light. These devices are fairly inexpensive, and can be purchased for approximately $20.

How To Determine a Fill Valve Leak

Fill valve leaks are very difficult to detect. To discover these leaks, first begin with a full toilet tank. Then, remove the covering of the tank and determine if water is flowing in the overflow tube. If water is flowing, a leak is present, and you need to contact a professional plumber for toilet leak repair.

When to Call a Sacramento Plumber For Your Toilet Leak

Hopefully, these toilet leak tests will help you catch that annoying leak so you can save water and money! You’ll have to hire a professional plumber to take care of serious leaks, such as a fill valve leak.  Or, if these tests don’t work but you still suspect you have a leak, then you’ll need to hire a plumber to come check out your toilet.

Whatever problems you may have with your toilet, call the most cost-effective and affordable plumbers in Sacramento, Express Sewer & Drain! We offer a wide array of services, including leak detection, with flat rate pricing so we’ll never charge by the hour. So, don’t waste any more water! Call Express Sewer & Drain today.

50 Home Plumbing Tips

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