What is the best way to clear a drain?

What is the best way to clear a drain?


There are many ways to clear a drain, but none is as effective or inexpensive as using hot water from the tap. All you need is an old rag and some elbow grease! Simply plunge the rag into the hot water and wrap it tightly around your hand before shoving it down the pipe. If that doesn’t work, break out chemicals, call a plumber or keep reading.


How to clear/clean a clog in your drain.

On most occasions, plunging and using chemical cleaners is enough to fix a clog and clear a drain. But if these tactics don’t work, there might be something more stuck in the pipe. If you find that the plunger does nothing to move water in the pipe or if it doesn’t make any noise when you plunge, then you need to use chemical cleaners.

Hot water with dish soap is another option for clearing a clog in your drain. It won’t cost anything and is often successful with hair and other oily buildup, making it an attractive alternative to chemical cleaners. You can use either an old rag or your handkerchief to scrub the cloth into the clogged area, and then twist and turn it around the drain. While the water is running, it should help the cloth move around more easily since it will be lubricated by the soap. But remember not to leave any chemicals in your drain for an extended period of time – either follow up with hot water or plunging to clear out any chemical residue.

If you find that all of these options are unsuccessful, you might have another problem on your hands.


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Some people think that if every other option doesn’t work then there’s no hope left for their clogged drain! However, if you want to try one last thing before spending money on professional fixing services, use boiling water and a rag to clear out the drain.

To begin with, fill your pot or saucepan with water and bring it to a rolling boil. Once the water is boiling hot, turn off the stove and gently dip one side of your rag in it. Afterwards, remove your hand from the water so that you don’t burn yourself! To protect your hands further, wrap the wet portion around another clean cloth before placing your hand down into the pipe for protection. While you shouldn’t put yourself at risk by touching any of metal parts in your pipes, this should prevent most injuries.

Before inserting it into the drain, twist and turn both sides around in order to get them completely soaked (it helps if you dunk each side separately). Then quickly put your rag-covered hand down into the drain and give it a twist, turn and pull to remove the clog. You might have to do this several times in order to clear out all debris, but it should work well!

If you find that none of these techniques are effective, then you likely have a more serious problem on your hands than just removing debris from the drain. Even so, this method is an easy way to save money for those who want to try one last thing before hiring larger fixing services. Do be careful when putting hot or boiling water down your pipes since they can corrode at certain points where chemicals gather (especially if you live in an older household)!



We hope that these methods will help you clear a clog in your drain. If none of them work, then it’s time to call a plumber or at the very least break out those chemicals! But if they do work and you manage to fix the issue yourself without having to spend money on professional services, we would be happy for you! In any case, remember not to put hot water down your pipes as this can corrode metal parts over time.


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